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Breaking Her In..


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I've not been in this situation but I would suggest giving her a massage. I'm assuming that half the difficulty for a girl and her first time is that she's nervous and perhaps tense which could potentially lead to additional uncomfortable friction/pressure. My experience with massage is that its a very effective form relaxation for the mind, through the body.

It's something I've noticed though, that when my gf has been nervous or stressed, for whatever reason, she i more prone to discomfort regarding penetration.

I might be completely off here though.

rohypnol is a lot less effort

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just put it in her ass and tell her its standard practise..

i am not kiddin here, but due to the topic and the timing that is possibly THE funniest thing said on TF. even poopipe might have trouble topping that one. specially as the moment is now lost. im laughing still.


rohypnol is a lot less effort

you ALMOST topped the comment. NOT QUITE mr pipe

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Well, where to begin........

I believe the key to this is the use of common garden root vegtables, and a selection of water based lubricants - Please not Petroleum Based Lubricants can rot the Johhny - Provided she is taking the baby stopping pills of course.

Spode gave me this advice on the finer details of penetration, as believe me he has tried many things!

Leave the rest to your imagination!

By the way, are you going for easy pink or difficult brown?

As this may change the above.................

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