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What Incuridged You To Ride At The Very Start?

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:rolleyes: the first time i ever saw a trials bike was wen i was about 7 year old and i thought it was amazing, it wasent till 2-3 years ago i actualy got a trials, magamo rookie :lol: then i started watching vids of people, i pict up lots of move and stuff

as it only took me 10mins to leurn how to futuer twice im well pleased, i took many slaps though, here one of them on my megamo lol

could i pleas have coment on this please? And wat got you into trialsing?

chears Ant (Y)

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it was when i was about 12 i saw some guys riding through stoke, and i saw someone do a 6ft drop and i was amazed, in my amazment i rushed home and asked my mum and dad if i could have one but they said no, then two years later me and my friend saw an MAD trials show in a park near me, again i asked my mum and dad if i could have one, and again they said no. So me and dave rode this little 6 year old mountain bike pretending to do trials, till my mate got a da bomb school, we both learnt on that, untill one day when i was 14 my mum and dad brought me a onza t-mag, i was so chuffed.

my trials story </cry>

EDIT: oh and the slap, you want try dropping 4ft, but a newbie one where you go really far out of the drop and forget to press your brake :( i sounded like a cow when i did that, that was when i first started trials properly

Edited by Barber
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Well when I was more interested in BMX and Jump bikes, sometimes when I was up the park there was a group of trials riders who would come over and do pedal hops and things.

I also quite liked the look of their bikes, always wanted one. I also remember seeing trials bike when I was younger but I didn't see what they were doing, just the actual bikes themselves.

I always wanted one, but didn't know where I could get one, until recently I noticed more and more peopels interest in them, my mate's got 26" trials' and I became friends with the group who came over the skatepark. I learnt all the basics on their bikes, and then I got my bike at the end of 2006.

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the reason i started trials is because i met two lads who i had seen before in my home town riding trials and thought it was cool and i thought to myself 'i an going to get one of those bikes and go for it'. i then heard about a 'onza t-raptor' for sale for £100, so i went and bought that but i could not do a single thing on it because it was a 26inch trials bike so i then sold it to a mate for £90 and moved to a 20inch, whitch was my onza t-pro whitch i bought off of tartybikes. i found a 20inch bike much,much easier to learn things on. i got this bike at the beggining of august so i have now been riding 5months and i am loving it i think it is amazing, thanks to the two lads who i met in my home town.

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