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Chacha is crap, I found that pic of cartoon cat + toast within 10 secs. Just searched 'cat toast'. Overpaid, overpaid :(

You have a point, i just serched for the picture JT got of the monkey sitting on the elephant by typing "elephant monkey" into google images. And there you have it fourth picture along here , don't want to piss on your chips though.

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You have a point, i just serched for the picture JT got of the monkey sitting on the elephant by typing "elephant monkey" into google images. And there you have it fourth picture along here , don't want to piss on your chips though.

Did google ask you if you had a good christmas? RebeccaD did, when i looked for a picture.

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haha this is really good!!!!

I showed it to a mate on msn and this is what he said:

Darren || happy new year says:


Darren || happy new year says:


Rob -says:


Rob -says:


Rob -says:

what did u type in

Darren || happy new year says:

i said... mate, lets have a race finding something

Darren || happy new year says:

a white man with chinese eyes

Darren || happy new year says:


Rob - says:



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The rules don't seem to be as strict when your pretending to be a girl, or maybe because i was making it seem less like a prank and more like a seriouse question.

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: JuneC

JuneC: Welcome to ChaCha!

JuneC: Hello.

You: hiya

JuneC: Looking for lingerie..what kind are you looking for?

You: something that will please my boyfriend who just got out of hospital

JuneC: Okay one minute when I find you some nice lingerie...

You: can you make it kinky please he is not easily excited

JuneC: Okay...let me see what I can find for you.

You: thankyou

You: are you a boy or a girl?

JuneC: I am a girl.

You: ok, well im guessing you know what you would like to waer could you find me a picture of somthing you would find comfortable?

JuneC: The first sites has lots of different one available..

You: this is kind of a 1st time for me i usualy just wear thongs, could you choose a picture of somthing that you would want to wear, then i would probably be able to pick somthing comforatable and sexy

JuneC: Okay let me see what else is there...just one second.

You: thankyou.

You: do you have a boyfriend of your own?

JuneC: The fourth site has an outfit I like...I am married...

JuneC: Take a look at those sites and let me know if that helps you out at all.

You: yes the 4th one is very sexy, would the person your married to get excited over that, or is that just a comfort factor?

JuneC: No they would like that..

JuneC: Anything else I can find for you?

JuneC: On lingerie that is?

You: thankyou very much, oh and just one more question you may have to search for it.. is it hard to realive any underware of seman stains, as i dont want to buy exspesive underware and have it ruined?

JuneC: Okay...with that you will need to do a different search...the application will only let me search for lingerie...sorry about that one.

JuneC: Good luck..and have a good night. Thanks for searching ChaCha!!

You: ok well thankyou i will ask sombody else thankyou for the advice and ill defonatly buy that stuff :D

JuneC: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

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hmm could have been better but i'll post it up anyway:

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: JacquelineR

JacquelineR: Welcome to ChaCha!

JacquelineR: Hello!

You: hello there jacqeline

JacquelineR: How are you tonight?

You: i am fine thank you

You: what about you?

JacquelineR: Doing well thank you! I hope you are!

You: hehe i am :)

You: i think my search description is sufficient?

JacquelineR: hahaaa good! Yes, this is fine, let me take a look and see what I can find, ok?

You: sure thing

You: hmm lets see

You: yea thats fine

You: thank you :)

JacquelineR: No just a minute

JacquelineR: I can get more for you!

You: aha ok

You: i have encountered a boogfoot like creature myself in the past, no one believes me though..

You: but i hope to find awnsers at these sites :)

JacquelineR: I believe you!

You: thank you :D

JacquelineR: Would you like me to find some forums for you?

JacquelineR: No I mean it, my father also had the same experience

You: wow, thats great :)

You: i knew i wasnt the only one

JacquelineR: The one I sent you is excellent and there a forum on it

JacquelineR: Oh geeze no, look in the site I just sent you

You: ok thanks alot

You: hmm lets see

JacquelineR: Anything else?

JacquelineR: yes?

You: uh no this is fine

JacquelineR: There are these encounters all over the place

You: yea i see

JacquelineR: Ok, you have a wonderful evening! Good luck!

You: you too

JacquelineR: Happy New Year!

JacquelineR: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

she was obviously trying to comfort me, how nice :)

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Saw this a while a go... still got a transcript...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: JohnM

JohnM: Welcome to ChaCha!

You: Hello

JohnM: Hi there. I will be helping with your search.

JohnM: How can I help?

You: I'm looking to buy weapons grade plutonium

You: for my DeLorean

JohnM: Ok.

JohnM: How is this?

You: thats cool, im actually looking to BUY weapons grade plutonium for my DeLorean

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Looking for guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: KristiW

KristiW: Welcome to ChaCha!

KristiW: Hi there. I will be helping with your search.

You: Hi

You: hows it going?

KristiW: I'm well, thanks!

You: cool

KristiW: Would you like general information about plutonium?

You: no, I'm looking to buy some

You: for my DeLorean

KristiW: I'm sorry, I'm not seeing anything on your topic. Would you like to be transferred?

You: no, forget it, I'm sure the korean down my road can sort me out...

You: Thanks, I'm done.

Status: Session ended.

I 'lol'd.

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^^ same because they get a promotion after 10 greats in a row!

If everyone gives their guide a top rating every time then the rating feature then becomes useless, probably meaning the number of "greats" required for promotion will increase, or everyone being promoted at the same time, meaning less competent guides on higher levels and a lower effectiveness of the Chacha service?

I've found that the none guided Chacha search engine is actually pretty good too, brings up more relavent results for some things than google.

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I think its pretty useless, I searched for me "brendan patterson"

Status: Connected to guide: WendyH

WendyH: Welcome to ChaCha!

WendyH: Hello

WendyH: How are you?

You: good thanks

WendyH: What are you searching for today?

You: someone called brendan patterson

You: a designer

WendyH: Software designer?

You: thats not it :(

You: websites and stuff

WendyH: He designs websites?

You: yes

WendyH: Hold on, okay?

You: fine :P

(got given a link to some software company)

Thing is.. Brendan Patterson in google - first result =

Personal Portfolio of Brendan br3n Patterson

Personal portfolio of Brendan Patterson - Graphics, 3d, Identity and web design.

www.br3n.co.uk/ - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

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SunnyH: Hi

You: hi

You: now this is going to sound bad

SunnyH: You are wanting info on downs sufferers?

SunnyH: Why is that?

You: but what im looking for is any evidence of a black downs syndrome sufferer

You: an image would be good aswell

SunnyH: Evidence that black people suffer from downs?

You: yes

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Nar google images, like page 23 or something.

janssson L6-S. says (22:11):

haha joe elding came through

the radio guy.... is well excited says (22:11):

oh my god

the radio guy.... is well excited says (22:11):

they are real?

janssson L6-S. says (22:12):

accuse him of photoshopping

the radio guy.... is well excited says (22:12):


the radio guy.... is well excited says (22:13):


janssson L6-S. says (22:13):


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