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You have to be 18+, able to work in america and other things, i asked.


Status: Connected to guide: SueW

SueW: Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hey

SueW: Hello!

You: i dont want to search

You: i just want to chat

You: =)

SueW: Okay..?

You: lol

You: dont be scared

SueW: I can;t do that...I get paid to do searches:)

SueW: Let me search something for you...:)

You: haha

You: so you dont get paid if you dont search?

SueW: I get paid but I don't get credit for a search...

You: could you search

SueW: Also, the quicker the searches are, the faster we promote.

SueW: So it is in our best interests to search and move on...

You: craig lee scott on trials bike

SueW: Sure thing:)

You: so what happens when you get promoted?

SueW: We make more money and get more opportunities to search...

You: ahh

SueW: And more money is always good! ;-)

You: haha money is good indeed

You: so the higher promoted people have priority to guide

SueW: Yes.

You: oh ok

You: thats cool

SueW: Are these results sufficient?

You: yes thanks

SueW: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?

You: if I give you a good rating does it increase your chance of promotion?

SueW: If we get 10 "great" ratings in a row, we also promote...

You: awesome

You: :)

You: ok im done

You: thanks

SueW: You have a great day and a Happy New Year!

SueW: Anytime:)

SueW: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended

Edited by Has anyone seen my shoe?
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Status: Connected to guide: JacquelineR

JacquelineR: Welcome to ChaCha!

JacquelineR: Hello

You: yo!

JacquelineR: please be as specific as you can with your search please :)

You: ok, i shall do that...here goes

You: i want a picture of a moose with a expresso machine strapped to its back please

You: specific enough?

JacquelineR: hahhaaa! Great search!

JacquelineR: I'd honored hahaha

JacquelineR: Let me see what I can find for you

You: thanks ^_^

JacquelineR: I'd BE honored even

You: yeah lol

JacquelineR: I'm still searching SURELY there's a picture of that which I will promptly print and distribute to my entire family hahaha

JacquelineR: you have a wild imagination haha i love it

god i love this site.

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searching for FAT PANTS ON HIS BIKE

edit once she finds him.

1st search result


2nd search result


3rd search result


here we go

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: MalissaS

MalissaS: Welcome to ChaCha!

MalissaS: Hello!

You: hi there

MalissaS: What can I help you find on fat pants bike today?

You: im looking for a picture of fat pants riding his bike

You: if possible

MalissaS: OK, let me see if I can find something for you on that.. Just one moment please :-)

MalissaS: Thanks for being patient! Rest assured I'm finding the most relevant results for your search.

MalissaS: Do you mean fat pants the simfreak?

You: no he is a real person apparently

MalissaS: Ok, let me see what I can find on that...

You: you oculd try fat pants on his bike.

You: could*

MalissaS: I tried that search... I am still looking for you though :-)

You: cheers

MalissaS: :-)

You: any lick?

You: luck*

MalissaS: So far, not yet...

MalissaS: Is fat pants a usician?

MalissaS: *musician*

You: he is a cyclist,

You: a trials bike rider to be exact,

MalissaS: OK, that may help me... Thanks for your patience!

You: surely you wont be defeated.

MalissaS: Oh no! I dont give up easily :-)

You: thats ia a result then

MalissaS: what country is fat pants from, do you know?

You: england, london i believe

MalissaS: OK, thanks!

You: not a problem

MalissaS: :-)

You: any think yet?

MalissaS: No, I am still searching :-)

MalissaS: The 2nd link is the London cyclist clubs... I will look there for fat pants

You: ok thank you

MalissaS: Eurika! I found something here!

MalissaS: Under the trials forum in UK, there is fat pants!

You: have you found a picture?

MalissaS: Yes, it is there

You: good effort,

MalissaS: Do you see the picture of him jumping?

You: you, do you know what sport that is?

MalissaS: ON the left side of the page

MalissaS: bmx

MalissaS: Are these results sufficient?

You: i oculd do with a clearer picture is possible as that one isnt to clear.

MalissaS: OK, let me see if I can find another for you...

You: thank you

You: actually them pictures will be ok.

MalissaS: OK...

You: thanks for helping me out. was great to have your help

MalissaS: On this last link, there are other photos hosted

MalissaS: Your welcome!

You: bye bye, hope you have nice evening and happy new year.

MalissaS: Thank you for using cha cha & have a very happy new year!

MalissaS: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

find it funny she thought he was a woman from sims then i road bike rider then she found him. tohught i had her stuck for a while.

Edited by ian
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this bloke didnt wanna chat boring i love this site love winding the people up about random stuff most gets blocked though.

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: GlennS

GlennS: Welcome to ChaCha!

GlennS: Hi!

You: hi there

GlennS: What can I find for you today?

You: after some information for a sex education project

You: how is the female body best stimulated

GlennS: Well, that's somewhat of a touchy subject for me to look for. I'll see what I can find for you, as long as you don't get too vulgar.

You: is for college you see

GlennS: Are these results helpful ?

You: need a bit more detail if possible

GlennS: Hmmm. I'll try my best!

GlennS: If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'm here to help.

You: how would you recommend

GlennS: Well, what part are you going for?

You: the vagina

GlennS: Well, touchy subject once again! I'll get you some pages.

You: cheers

GlennS: That seems to be the best of the pages I'm allowed to send you.

You: ok cheers

You: Thanks, I'm done.

Status: Session ended

wonder if they are getting anoid with people like us.

Edited by ian
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Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: JohnM

JohnM: Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hello !

JohnM: Welcome to ChaCha! Please wait a moment while I search for your results.

You: do you speak french ?

You: ok thanks

JohnM: no

JohnM: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended

Thanks a lot :rolleyes:

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This is the best site ever hahaha

You: I am in a slight predicament. I have stuck my hand to my mouse with superglue by accident.

Melinda M: Well that's not good.

You: No, its very annoying and i need to sleep. So im looking for some home-made substances to remove the glue.

Melinda M: Have you tried fingernail polish remover?

You: No, i cant move out of the room as my hand is stuck to my mouse

Melinda M: You can unhook the mouse, right?

You: How do i do that? With his tail?

Melinda M: Oh, darn. So it's a real mouse?

You: Well its not a fake mouse...

Melinda M: I have to close the session now. Sorry. If I KNOW it's a prank I have to close.

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I managed to stump them by asking for pictures of the green Skyline GTR-R34 Nur Spec. Still trying other things.

Edit: JohnM is my favourite.

Status: Connected to guide: JohnM

JohnM: Welcome to ChaCha!

JohnM: Welcome to ChaCha!

JohnM: Welcome to ChaCha! Please wait a moment while I search for your results.

You: How goes it John?

JohnM: Cheers and happy new year

You: Back at you

You: Do you happen to know what a Moose sounds like?

You: I have no idea.

JohnM: check that sound out

You: the third one?

JohnM: yeah and check out how to make one

JohnM: I lived in the rockies

JohnM: and they have a wierd call

You: awesome

You: my country blows, I'm lucky to see a Goat


JohnM: oh well

You: dude I'm not even kidding, the UK is ass

You: plus we're hanging people now

JohnM: well

JohnM: a lot of good there though

You: it'd be better if there were Mooses

You: if that's the plural

You: damned if I know

JohnM: I hear you

You: 'Your one-stop center for Moose info' - haha

You: I love the internet

JohnM: crazy eh

JohnM: I do too

JohnM: wish i would have invented it!

You: Hey you found it, good job bud - result 7

You: damn right, you'd be rich beyond imagination

JohnM: here is a great one

You: then you could literally buy Mooses and charge people whenever they say 'Moose'

JohnM: check this one comeing to you

JohnM: see it

You: Haha, it sounds like a bear being kicked in the balls

You: checking it out now, ta

JohnM: sounds like me waking up in the morning

JohnM: lol

You: lol

You: now you mention it, yeah haha

JohnM: check the elk

JohnM: I will never forget

JohnM: I was a little kid up in the rockies

JohnM: turned around and saw two male elks fighting

You: sounds so weird

You: when I was a kid in London I was lucky to get hit by a car

JohnM: still in my brain after all these years

JohnM: scary

JohnM: LOL

You: I got a Mercedes emblem indented onto my ass from one such encounter


You: chicks love it, they say it makes me 'executive'

JohnM: You made my day

You: Must say you're my favourite guide so far, all the others never talk

JohnM: well sorry to say I am on a darn time limut so have to say...Happyn new yearr to you and take care. K?

You: Cheers buddy

JohnM: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended

Needless to say, dude got a 'Great' rating.

Edited by Smo
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Just had 3 of them.

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: JacquelineR

JacquelineR: Welcome to ChaCha!

You: thanks

JacquelineR: Hello :)

You: hiya

You: have you found anything yet?

JacquelineR: You know, we seem to be having some difficulties today

You: :(

JacquelineR: I'm unable to send your results to you I'm so sorry for the trouble

JacquelineR: let me transfer you to the next guid to see if they are having the same issues

You: ah its alright, any of krisboats on his bike in general?

JacquelineR: Oh wait!

JacquelineR: Look like I may be able to help!

You: :)

JacquelineR: LOL ok what is a Krisboat?

You: krisboats... its a person

JacquelineR: Are you looking for pictures?

You: yeah please

JacquelineR: ok let me see what I can find thanks for your patience!

You: so you had a good new year?

JacquelineR: Yes I did!

JacquelineR: You?

You: awesome, i got so drunk i couldnt walk properly

JacquelineR: hahahahaaaa!!!

JacquelineR: I was a bit tipsey, but not drunk, just happy LOL

You: took me an hour and a half to walk 3/4 of a mile back to my house

You: ha ha, i wish i was just tipsy.... i threw up everywhere

JacquelineR: HAHAHAAA! Silly

You: and managed to fall up the stairs, then straight back down them

JacquelineR: There is one picture, I'm still looking, but let me know if this is the person you're looking for LOL

You: no thats TRA

JacquelineR: HAHAHAAA!! Falling UP the stairs is my specialty LOL

JacquelineR: Oh darn it, let me look more

You: nice, i feel a bit happier knowing i'm not the only one

JacquelineR: hahaaaa!

JacquelineR: You are NOT alone hahahaaa

JacquelineR: I'm seeing lots of forums and plenty of people looking for pictures LOL

JacquelineR: You know, let me transfer you to another guide that may be able to better assist you, ok?

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Looking for guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: SusanB

SusanB: Welcome to ChaCha!

SusanB: hello

You: hiya

You: had that link already love, sorry

SusanB: ok

SusanB: one moment

SusanB: Is krisboats one name

You: yeah it is

SusanB: ok

SusanB: one moment

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Looking for guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: MalissaS

MalissaS: Welcome to ChaCha!

MalissaS: Hello!

MalissaS: You are looking for photos of krisboats on a bike?

You: yeah please

You: you have a good new year?

MalissaS: Is krisboats the correct spelling of the name?

You: yep

MalissaS: The first day of 2007 is fabulous so far!

MalissaS: What country is this biker from?

You: ha ha, wish i could say the same... i threw up for most of it

You: hes from engkland

You: england

MalissaS: OK, let me see what I can find for you...

You: do these chat screens get logged by the people who own the site?

MalissaS: Yes, they are monitored

MalissaS: Can you tell me if the name is Kris Boats or krisboats?

You: so the guides can't talk dirty to their searchers?

You: krisboats

MalissaS: No, we will not

MalissaS: This is a serious search engine and we do not tolerate rudeness or pranks

You: what happens if the last guide started comlaining about her "tits being big"

MalissaS: Please end the session and report if that happens again

You: ah right, she seemed quite nice... just got a bit rude and dirty

MalissaS: That is unfortunate. I am sorry youhad to experience that

MalissaS: I am not having any luck finding photos or anything on Krisboats.

You: ah its fine, i'm not complaining

MalissaS: Can I transfer you to another guide who may be able to help you?

You: might as well i guess

MalissaS: The only site I found is a trial based in the UK...

MalissaS: I will transfer you now.

MalissaS: Thank you for using cha cha and have a great day!

MalissaS: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended

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You: do these chat screens get logged by the people who own the site?

MalissaS: Yes, they are monitored

MalissaS: Can you tell me if the name is Kris Boats or krisboats?

You: so the guides can't talk dirty to their searchers?

You: krisboats

MalissaS: No, we will not

MalissaS: This is a serious search engine and we do not tolerate rudeness or pranks

You: what happens if the last guide started comlaining about her "tits being big"

MalissaS: Please end the session and report if that happens again

You: ah right, she seemed quite nice... just got a bit rude and dirty

MalissaS: That is unfortunate. I am sorry youhad to experience that

hahaha legend, that really made me laugh when i read that :lol:

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He said he needed it for a science project and the image he received looks more suitable :shifty:

Creation of anti-gravity, that's one hell of a science project if you ask me.

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