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Base Ta26


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Im after gettin a differnt frame, prefably a shorter frame e.g a base.

they seem perfect to me.

One thing, are they any good for propper trials?

Also, the evo mounts?can i trust them?

do they affect the brake performance?


Also are these frame considerd to be heavy?

heres the weight, but im not sure weather ill be able to tell from ym koxx to this


Edited by alext
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someone i know riders one, known as endohopper on here

Yay ! The only 2 riders in all Holland reply !

Uh ... yeah , I ride a Base TA26 ( shown in sig ) and am pretty happy with it . Sure , they are somewhat heavy and the 2nd generation had a weakness at the seattube , but the newer ones are fine .

Remove the supplied bashplate and deny ever having seen it , and you're left with a decent frame that is stable and obedient on the back wheel ad ideally suited to streety / spinny riding .

As for the Evo mounts , I'm afraid I can't comment , as I run V-brakes . ( How terribly unfashionable - I even run a saddle ! =] ) Tartybikes is offering them for dirt cheap , also I'm hoping Pauloliver might reply - he's owned 2-3 I think and is knowledgable and a jolly decent chap too .

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As for the Evo mounts , I'm afraid I can't comment , as I run V-brakes . ( How terribly unfashionable - I even run a saddle ! =] ) Tartybikes is offering them for dirt cheap , also I'm hoping Pauloliver might reply - he's owned 2-3 I think and is knowledgable and a jolly decent chap too .

why spank you :P

yeah ive had 3 of them, only gotten rid due to fancying a change, but then always gone back to a base cos they feel just right! although im now on 24, but the zoot feels just same as the base did, but just a teeeeeny bit flickier

they are superb frames, the geo is sweet (same/ultra similar to the old pure i belive?) and they ride awesomely for both natural and street (elliot firth prooves that pretty damn well! find some of his videos where he rides the ta26)

i ran both maguras and v brakes on my first base (vs on the rest) and found maguras are a bit of a problem-the evo booster collides with the seatube, so i had to make a booster with a dip in it, also as with maguras in general, they were a bitch to set up, so i really would recomend running a v brake, not just for the fact they are better, but also cos they work better with the frame and arent as fiddly-however running a v does limit you to running a 32mm rim tops with crv pads (deep backings you see), whereas with a magura, i have heard of people getting away with 47mm rims...but then, why would you want anything more than a d521?! but thats your choice...

if you get a 04/05 frame, i would recomend running a seatpost, this gives the seatsay junction more beef, and seems to prevent cracking in that area, i never had any troubles, and i ran seatposts in all my frames

weight wise, arent they 4.5lb? my last build was 26lbs, which isnt bad considering i didnt try to build a light bike...

bit of extra info, tyres, i ran d521s and atomlab aircorps and could fit a 2.5 maxxis high roller in easily, i wouldnt bother considering anything over that, 2.35 felt best on a narrow rim

ermmm, stem wise, 90x15 felt best, and 2inch rise bars, but i guess thats personal preference

hope that helps a little

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im not being an arse or anything...yes they do ride nice but they dont last if you like to give it pasty. and yes i had an ashton and i loved it (not just being bias) but as soon as i got it after my bases, it fealt so much nicer and still has a very streety and short feel...always keep your options open. just thought id mention it dude (Y)

Edited by mtbjosh
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I ride a TA26, and I love it. I couldn't compare it to any other frames/geos though, as I've only really ridden my mates T-rex, and I much prefer my Base. I would definitely recommen a long-ish stem on it, I was running a really tiny one (can't remember the measurements,) and I recently got a 120mm x 17 Pazzaz and some Zoo risers, and it feels a lot better now.

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