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Apparantly New Echo Brakes - Seen On Otn


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It looks cool, will you be getting to test them Ben. They look crap but you can tell they'll be cnc'ed to the max so they'll look better also looks like you could use a hope lever blade with them which is cool.

If the prices are competitive with magura then i'll be getting one.

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Personally im not liking the look of these. Until there is any real information brought out on them, what type of metal how its made weight ect, i cant see any advantage over maguras. My guess is tonnes of problems before they come to a half decent standard, and that'll take a good two years to rectify.

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Looking good, is this the last part to the complete deng-cycle? Smaller companies will probly not bother in the future maybe? Or will stuff like this make them work harder to produce stuff a little different to what he has to offer?

Meh...I'll probly buy some :P

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Seen these a good month ago but from a different angle. They look very nasty and cheap.

They're very similar to the Maguras (needless to say it's hard to make a hydro rim brake that won't be), hope Deng doesn't have any problems with Magura as he had with Mr. Coustellier after releasing the Pitbull in 2004.

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