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Pissed Off My Bike Shop Took My Money!


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Bit pissed off at the moment:

My dad gave me a lift to work this morning and dropped my bike off in the bike shop on the way home, saying it needed a new hose (because the old one popped). I have this problem constantly, so the bike shop KNOW i never want my brake bled by them and that i bleed it with water.

Anyway, my parents thought they were being nice by picking up my completed bike on the way to pick me back up from work later, but they were charged 30 quid (of which only 2.00 plus VAT was the hose), turns out they bled my brake anyway (but my rents didnt know this so paid). BAHHHHHHHH. So in effect i worked the entire of today (a f**king heavy days work) for NOTHING, and im gunna have to unbleed out that horrible maggie blood to re-bleed it with my own water anyway!!!


U had this problem before?

Yours sincerely,

Anger man

Edited by SQuiT-man
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Ooooh, that horrible Maggie blood, isn't it horrible stuff, I hate how it doesn't corrode my breaks and the way it works perfectly and isn't affected by changes in temperature and the way it lasts for god-damn-ever drives me nuts!!!

Yes that is sarcasm you detect!

Your bike shop are not legally allowed to send a bike out with a brake that isn't bled because if someone tried to ride the bike they could potentially harm themselves or even die and the shop would be liable for damages.

My suggestion.... replace the hose yourself next time, seriously tis not hard at all!!!


Edited by Small_Gear_Big_Style
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Ooooh, that horrible Maggie blood, isn't it horrible stuff, I hate how it doesn't corrode my breaks and the way it works perfectly and isn't affected by changes in temperature and the way it lasts for god-damn-ever drives me nuts!!!

Yes that is sarcasm you detect!


I hope that bit was double sarcasm. Magura blood (even royal) is HORRIBLE when the temperatures are around or below freezing. Super sluggish, and shite.

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Yeah, I've always found that if you want something doing differently to the normal way, just buy the parts and do it yourself, or get a mate to do it. I mean, fitting a hose is 30 seconds with a sharp knife and an 8mm allen key.

Still gutting though. Pretty shitty of the shop. My LBS agreed with me that my break felt nicer with water, haha.

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I hope that bit was double sarcasm. Magura blood (even royal) is HORRIBLE when the temperatures are around or below freezing. Super sluggish, and shite.

Haha, well I wasn't but then I've never ridden in sub zero temperatures before, I'm not that hardcore, haha!!!

I'll take your word for it, but I've never had a problem with mine come cold rainy day or summer heatwave!


PS: I agree water feels lovely, but I had magura blood for 4 years with no trouble, then decided to try water and was initally pleased with the feel... until both breaks totally f**ked up about a week later, then went back to magura and low and behold have been fine ever since... co-incidence? I think not!!

Edited by Small_Gear_Big_Style
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rain means warm. :)

it feels like the brake is bled with jam or something. my brake is factory bled with what i presume is the royal shite, even though it feels kind of sluggish in the warmth too. had a little night ride last night, was around 1 or 2 degrees and it felt shite after a while. like it had a lot of air in it, and it went sluggish and spongy.

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Best thing to do is make sure you get a receipt of the work they are going to carry out when you leave the bike. If they then do anything extra without asking you or telling you needs doing you can refuse to pay it.

as for bleeding i find diesel is much better, thanks to Bucky's idea


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Ooooh, that horrible Maggie blood, isn't it horrible stuff, I hate how it doesn't corrode my breaks and the way it works perfectly and isn't affected by changes in temperature and the way it lasts for god-damn-ever drives me nuts!!!

Yes that is sarcasm you detect!

Your bike shop are not legally allowed to send a bike out with a brake that isn't bled because if someone tried to ride the bike they could potentially harm themselves or even die and the shop would be liable for damages.

My suggestion.... replace the hose yourself next time, seriously tis not hard at all!!!


Actually, as long as you make sure the customer's aware of any problems you can send it back out again. It's only if you say "We've bled the brakes" or whatever that they're accountable.

Oh, and about the water - 3 years and no problems with water. Froze over a couple of times so I topped it up with a bit of antifreeze. AAAAAAAAAll good, and feels a hell of a lot better than Magura blood. There was a poll in trials chat that JT (I think...) did, and of all the people (well over 60 who voted), only 1 or 2 had any issues with water, which was less than the amount of people who had issues with Magura blood...

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i dont use anti-freeze...??am i cool or what...plain old tap water *** , and its NEVER frozeeee

Mine froze up riding home from work, and out riding a couple of times too. My bike lives in an unheated garage though so it gets mad cold overnight too. No good.

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joe lives in the middle of nowhere. they're so far behind there that even the last ice age hasn't come yet.

silly farmers.

LMAO, sounds about right.

But no i remember on a ride round my way..me and wally were riding and his brake did it...and mine was fine...??

My back brake is THEE sexiest brake ever those...FACT.

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must be the tougue piercing i guess.

my magura never froze either but that's because i never rode in sub zero with just water.

should get some windscreen wiper fluid again, it's mint. smells great, looks great, taste is debatable, but it's supposed to be kind to rubber...

what is a good way of not having the brake seizing up?

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