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Royal Marine Commandos?

Lee Cable

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Do they take on people Under 18?? I would have thought you would have to be ATLEAST 20 to do it

I really hope you have got the right idea with this, because it will be a big disapointment if you dont get in.

If you can do it then brilliant, just have something else in the pipeline aswell. (Y)

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Not trying to put you down, but....

You say you spoke to a recruitment officer and he said you could hack it or whatever....yet he doesnt know anything about you...

About the riding thing...i know you probably love riding, but dont just not go for it if they dont let you ride, its your job.

Ye the training will be hard as f**k, so many horrible things to go through, but once/if you do make it, i bet you get in some wicked positions/places once on a mission :P

PS : show us you body ;):P

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Not trying to put you down, but....

You say you spoke to a recruitment officer and he said you could hack it or whatever....yet he doesnt know anything about you...

About the riding thing...i know you probably love riding, but dont just not go for it if they dont let you ride, its your job.

Ye the training will be hard as f**k, so many horrible things to go through, but once/if you do make it, i bet you get in some wicked positions/places once on a mission :P

PS : show us you body ;):P

;) i will show before i go in, and when i come out on my first leave :P

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Ermmm, I think I'm in a position to give you some advice here as I have a lot of friends and some family in the forces.

Without a doubt, the army f**k you over...all these talks of 'my mate went to Iraq and got £5,000 bonus'...in effect, its f**k all compared to what you'll see and the mates you lose.

The best thing for the army is that it sets you a career for life, free of charge(ish) and also prepares you for a right 'attitude' towards things. The benefits outweigh the negatives grossly on this, but what about when you leave the marines? Then what?

As said, a few mates in the army, some have come out of it now and they're in a mess. They're not used to doing anything for themselves because the army has done it for them, they can't keep a job because they're not used to working on their own OR in the same place all the time...which is why there are so many ex-army homeless people because they cannot handle it in the 'real world'.

Seriously think about this, its not a 'fun' job, you will hate it and the only benefits you'll see is the money. You'll be the first ones out into warzones which you probably won't come out of. Its a f**k up your head job, something that you don't want. At the end of the day, its a job, nothing is worth f**king up your mental attitude.

Personally I'd advise you work into a real trade. Builder, chef ect. The guy at the office would 99% more than likely be in the TA...so, make your judgement on that.

I'm afraid if your posting a topic on here asking opinions on it...you shouldn't really join. Its a f**king huge commitment, one that you should have no doubts about what so ever. The regular army is a good life, good pay, treated well ect and you will have plenty of time for sports and riding and shit, so I'd seriously consider it.

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People who go into the army should know that they might die.

If they dont, then they are nieve bastards who deserve to die.

I hope you get my point there lol

Im thinking about joining the army after my apprenticeship in 3 years, i dont really want to die but if its protecting mates and helping win a war then so be it

Mate is Ex army, hes seen some f**ked up shit. Hes an absolute loon now, goes off on one haha!

Uncle was one of the 1st people into ireland to fight the IRA, hes seen some things that most people wouldnt dream of, he cant even talk about them without going mad.

Edited by Si-man
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...which is why there are so many ex-army homeless people because they cannot handle it in the 'real world'.

No, more like they've seen "the real world"....killing, torture, etc, so they won't be the same again


They can't run a normal life after they come out of the army because they've seen what happens in the world/at war and it isnt pretty.

You say you have no enemies and are a friendly person, so what happens when you get into the postion where you gotta torture someone, or even kill them, looking into their eyes and slicing their throat....

could you do that being so friendly as you put it?

or would you just pull down you pants and say, 'call it quits, gimme some lovin?'

Not trying to be harsh, just see the picture.

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Haha, oh my god this thread is a joke, I'm in the Household Caverly and just got back from afgan. Don't no want some people are talking about but i've got £2,300 back from taxes, and around £6000 from my wages. So yes its true about the money when you come back, As for all the escape and evasions, where they catch you are interrogate you is all bollocks, only the SF (spacial forces(Pathfinders and SAS)) no-one else in any other services go through what they go through.

People who go into the army should know that they might die.

If they dont, then they are nieve bastards who deserve to die.

I hope you get my point there lol

You sign on the dotted line even before you go to training so why wouldn't you no that? No-one deserve to i had 3 mates die out there, so i wasn't impressed by that little comment.

Uncle was one of the 1st people into ireland to fight the IRA, hes seen some things that most people wouldnt dream of, he cant even talk about them without going mad.

Your dad might of been, what regiment was he? Northern Ireland is a lot calmer than Iraq or Afgan. Would rather go northen ireland anyday least theres some hope i'd come back


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He went there years ago, when it all started to kick off.

And when i said deserve to die, i mean the people who go in thinking its going to be a breeze and stuff, is hard trying to get across what i mean. I have a very close mate in iraq at the moment (lawnmowermans brother), not nice.

To the lad wanting to go, you dont realise what your letting yourself in for. From just listening to you on here, you sound like you wont go far, you need a more mature and better mental state to be honest.

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i know someone who snapped his akiles tendon (sp?) totally in training and got paid a lot of money lol. Now a policeman as they wouldn't let him back becasue his toes were busy touching his shin lol.

It's tough as f**k. I'm an RAF fan thouigh after years of the air cadets and i have a lot of friends in the RAF. don't write off the RAF regiment. It is VERY similar and is awesome....

The RAF regiment is a good choice. Its basically the advanced infantry of the RAF, nothing to do with planes to be honest.

Lol, im going to try and join, but I wanna know if I am allowed to ride thats all

Ive always been different

Yea, I understand thats its tough, thats what appeals to me. Im a navy fan..Sea cadets :). I have looked at the RAF, but planes dont really interest me.

You will have some time to ride but it will be limited.

Hope you can withstand being tortured aswell.

Pressure positions, white noise, screaming etc. Lasts for around 24 hours

Sorry Si, I like you and all but thats not correct, the only people that go through anything as close to that are the SAS and SBS.

And even then that is innterogation training.

*big post*

Yeah Anzo raises a good point. When you leave the commandos you only have limited transferable skills so when you've left if you try to get another job the only skill you will have is leadership and some other general skills.

Your dad might of been, what regiment was he? Northern Ireland is a lot calmer than Iraq or Afgan. Would rather go northen ireland anyday least theres some hope i'd come back


Your right northern ireland is a lot calmer the Iraq and Afgan, but at the start of the campain out in NI its was just as bad and Iraq ever has been.

Some of the stories I hear from my Dad are crazy.

My Dads been to all three of the above mentioned areas and he said he would rather go to Iraq and Afgan again then go back to NI in its day.

Anyway my 2 pence, I think if you want to, you should go for it.

Some of the stuff people have said in here is utter tripe.

I dont envy you though, just make sure you look at what you can do once your out aswell, you dont want to have done 15+ years of service and have nothing for it.

Also if you dont get in to the Commandos look at: Paras, RAF Reg, Infantry

All the above have good tracks into the SAS :)

Whatever you do, good luck with it.

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You can join the Royal Marines at 16 with parent's permission, but you have to be 18 to into combat/ get deployed somewhere dangerous. Iv'e been wanting to join now for a few years. Wen i was 16, a month from being 17, i went to Lympstone Commando (Rm training base) for a long weekend. It's called a Potential Officers Parachute insight course. Effectively, its an opprtunity for people seriously considering the RM as an officer to get a taster of the training and the life. By now some of you are probably thinking 'oh yea just a taster, you dont have any idea' but you do everything on that weekend that you would do on the proper Marine/officer selection weekend. This is gym tests (bleep test - min of level 11 max of 15, 60 press ups in 2 mins, 80 sit ups in 2 mins, and a min of 8 pull ups (i think :S )). Then you do the high obstacle course, which realy does test you head for heights walking along a 1 foot wide plank stupidly high above the ground and crawling along suspended ropes etc. Then theres the bottom field where you almost get killed just in the warm up! And last but by no means least the endurance course on woodbury common. 3 miles of cross country terrain crawling through tiny tunnels with rocky/stony bottoms, water, water tunnel (which is only 2 metres long and its not physicaly possible to get stuck in it) and the lake and the sheep dip (which you have to crawl through and shit gets literally all over you). The you have to run the four miles back to camp bearing in mind you have to do it wearing what you just did the course in i.e. boots and combats saturated so really heavy. The run back is done in a formation and 'left right left right' etc. Now i was only 16 at the time and the others there were in their 20's at university and i was still fitter than the lot of them on the running side. This no doubt sounds like no fun at all for most, but you have to push yourself to the limit mentaly and physically just in the weekend, it was damn hard work but i didnt want to go home because i enjoyed. So at the end of the day, the question to ask is would you like that? Can you do that?

My mate has passed out of training recently and enjoys it thoroughly, but as mentioned on here some people have left soon after joining.

I say if you get that buzz when you just think about physical hardship, and get excited by the fact you will be the best you can be, like i do, have it!

The End :P

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One word what happens when you come out ? What are you trained to do ? Kill , What else can you do ?

Get into a regiment that offers you a trade and gives you something you can transfer to civy street. I looked at the army for so long but after a mate of mine went in (believe me he was so army crazy it was unreal)he came out hating it.

It's good if they are providing what you want but it will be tough not just physically but mentally.

Look into the Royal Engineers I did my work experience with them and I have never learn so much and had so much fun in my entire life.

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