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Captain Scarlet

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Heres a quick question for everyone here.

When you ride, do you wear a helmet?, and also do you wear it everytime you go out on your bike? or just when you go out for a long ride?

I wear mine everytime I'm on my bike, never ride a bike without one. But also I really dislike seeing good riders without one.

Over the years, silly comments like "Take out the helmet you pussy!", have just become a second nature to me.

I wear mine all the time, because I have had a biking related head injury, that almost cost me my life.

What is everyone elses opinion on this?

Edited by thutley
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Heres a quick question for everyone here.

When you ride, do you wear a helmet?, and also do you wear it everytime you go out on your bike? or just when you go out for a long ride?

I wear mine everytime I'm on my bike, never ride a bike without one. But also I really dislike seeing good riders without one.

Over the years, silly comments like "Take out the helmet you pussy!", have just become a second nature to me.

I wear mine all the time, because I have had a biking related head injury, that almost cost me my life.

What is everyone elses opinion on this?

I always were one and think that if you dont were one you shouldn't ride as your head is the most important limb on your body.


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i always wear a helmet as you can buy a new helmet but you cannot buy a new head lol trials will get bigger in my opinion if more people start wearing helmets and going bigger when people are watching. if you get a load of chavs shouting at you for wearing a helmet just tell them something like well when i wear it i go bigger, they are chavs, they believe every word you say (Y)

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i have to say, i don't own one.

i have never found one that fits. they all seem to get in the way and make me feel uncomfortable. saying that i've never dropped more than 6ft and ican't gap at all. i guess if i could find a good quality, well fitted and comfortable helmet then i'd get better quicker.

does it give you a confidence boost? and can you recomend a good make or web site?

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i have to say, i don't own one.

i have never found one that fits. they all seem to get in the way and make me feel uncomfortable. saying that i've never dropped more than 6ft and ican't gap at all. i guess if i could find a good quality, well fitted and comfortable helmet then i'd get better quicker.

does it give you a confidence boost? and can you recomend a good make or web site?

you either wear one or die riding one day - simple as that really

if you're botherd about comfort then get a pisspot - they dont fit anyone (Y) . TSG are always good, they protect your head, you can crash more than once without replacing it and they only cost £30. They have the added advantage of not making you look like an XC riding nancy boy

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i wear mine almost every time i ride its not worth the risk really

i suppose you take some stick of chavs but hey "people who don't wear helmets have nothing in there head to protect"


exactly, if you don't wear a helmet you're a f#4king idiot i fell of a 7ft wall backward two weeks ago and landed on my head. if i didn't have a helmet i wouldn't be writing this message, ITS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!!!

Edited by echo v onza
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i wear mine 24/7!

you really need to wear it even when ur out on ur street or back garden etc (ITS FOR YOUR OWN SAFTEY), Because a while back a 17 year old dyed buy brecking his neck and it was the first time he didnt were his helmet!! and theres been other lads and lasses droping off walls and landing on there heads with no helmet on >_< so were your lid!.



Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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i put mine on soon as i step out the dorr to ride my bike ...no helmet no ride .....like someone said in the topic you can get a new helmet but not a new head ...i no some one who went under a car and if she had a helmet on she would of still been here ...but she chose not to ....so yes wear a helmet .....NO HELMET NO RIDE :angry:(Y) bennyb w.b

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yo i wear mine all the time and if i break my lid and dont have one too wear i dont go out and bushby207 even if u dont drop more than 6ft u still need a lid because what if ur chain snaps or hub skips wen dropin off 6ft ur fuked so get one get safe

tru tru..

so what should i get and how much should i expect to spend?

you either wear one or die riding one day - simple as that really

if you're botherd about comfort then get a pisspot - they dont fit anyone (Y) . TSG are always good, they protect your head, you can crash more than once without replacing it and they only cost £30. They have the added advantage of not making you look like an XC riding nancy boy

sweet, thanx

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i put mine on soon as i step out the dorr to ride my bike ...no helmet no ride .....like someone said in the topic you can get a new helmet but not a new head ...i no some one who went under a car and if she had a helmet on she would of still been here ...but she chose not to ....so yes wear a helmet .....NO HELMET NO RIDE :angry:(Y) bennyb w.b

No offence to the person, but a car could crush a helmet...

I wear mine most of the time its cracked, that why i dont tend

to wear it. But a friend said its better wearing a cracked helmet than

no helmet... So, i ordered a new one!

Lewis... :shifty:

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