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Stolen: Koxx Monsterboy

F-Stop Junkie

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A quick post from me to say that Matt Scriven has had his Koxx Monsterboy stolen in the West Midlands. Spec is basically:

Yellow wheels and grips,

Red bars,

Hope Trial discs front and rear

Somewhat distinctive Monsterboy 20" frame.

If anyone sees it around, on eBay or whatever, PM Rugbyman with the details. Thanks!

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do these people have no shame or remorse? when you look at most of our bikes anyone will recognise time, money and pride has gone into building them but people disregard the owner and although saying it seems obvious, take something which is NOT theres.

very sorry to hear. Monsterboys are so distinctive you hopefully should get it back, goodluck.

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do these people have no shame or remorse? when you look at most of our bikes anyone will recognise time, money and pride has gone into building them but people disregard the owner and although saying it seems obvious, take something which is NOT theres.

very sorry to hear. Monsterboys are so distinctive you hopefully should get it back, goodluck.

obviously not? the same can apply to a house, a car...anything really

but there are little shites out there who get away with it all the time, and its heart breaking when it happens to you, but they dont care, cos its free money and not thier problem til/if they get caught

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from the horses mouth!

thanks Chris by the way

looks like we've had a set of house keys stolen. normally the dogs live in the garage, but today my misses left them in the house, so to loose a monsterboy from the garage instead of the entire contents of the house isn't so bad.

still pi55ed off though. i await with baited breadth the breaking of the offending legs!

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Hey mick, ill keep an eye out for it. Have you got a photo of it? Ill give a description to everyone at leisurelakes incase it comes in..


monsterboy 20"

double disc

1 black hope

1 silver hope

yellow rims

yellow grips

red bars

and the bikes only been ridden 6 times in the last 4 weeks

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From my experiance of having a bike stolen, I've been looking about on eBay for you..

Found a frame and rear wheel, but it's a white Echo '07 rim, and Try-All hub...

Have a look anyway - Link.

If you want the whole story on my bike... - Click and reeeaaddd.

Hope your story ends up happy like mine did. (Y)

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Some people are really unfair, I mean if it was some chavvy little sh*t, that had spent all his money on a burberry hat (thats all they can afford :P ) and one of us went and stole his hat he would be out with a group, and moaning and groaning. The thing that I never get is, if I personally came home with a new flash bike, like that my mum and dad would have grounded me and taken the bike to pig station before you could say christmas.

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damn was just about to post that! I was considering getting it and wanted to check first

why don't you ask the guy who is selling the frame for a recite or a warranty of some sort, if he has nothing then don't get it.

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Some people are really unfair, I mean if it was some chavvy little sh*t, that had spent all his money on a burberry hat (thats all they can afford :P ) and one of us went and stole his hat he would be out with a group, and moaning and groaning. The thing that I never get is, if I personally came home with a new flash bike, like that my mum and dad would have grounded me and taken the bike to pig station before you could say christmas.

I hope you weren't meaning for any of that to be funny, 'caus it wasn't.

Threads like this are for helpful people. Not unhelpful people cracking jokes and trying to be funny...

Don't get me wrong, i f**king hate chav's just as much as the next man but it's just as likely to have been stolen by a pissed up tramp with no job and no life that is counting the seconds until their next hit <_< .

And where the f**k d'you get the nerve to refer to coppers as 'pigs'? Twat...

Matt, i'm really sorry about your bike. I'll check eBay and places where it's likely to end up; ad-mag may be a good idea seeing as though it's free to advertise in there (Y) .



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