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Question About Keeping Warm


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ok its getting cold and i hate it when i get cold because i dont ride as well (N) but ive been thinking ok, would this work?

when you use deep heat it warms your muscles up and that and it kind of heats you up now if you can deal with the smell of that stuff than if you spraid this on you would this keep you warm

your thoughts :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't, personally. It never really did much for me, but my sister was watching her friend play in a rugby match. It was a cold day so he coated himself in DeepHeat. He got stretched off after 10mins 'cos he just got a cramp in almost every muscle and was in a hell of a lot of pain.

Friendly warning :P

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As an outdoor expert (blacks, its my job to be) there are a few ways to keep warm:

1) baselayers. Get a good set to trap heat all over your body. The more layers you have the better, because then you can take layers off if you get too hot

2) Hand warmers lol. £2.99 and they last a couple of hours. Stick em in your gloves and feel the warmth baby

3) As joe said, jog on the spot for a bit, probaby you're best option to be honest

4) get windstopper clothes. So you dont feel the wind chill. Work surprisingly well (Y)

Hope that helps in some way

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Yeah I dont think deep heat is a good idea. There's always the chance that you'll sweat and it'll find it's way down to that place where all the sweat collects (you know where I'm talking about) and that would be painful!

This is gonna sound stupid, but get a black plastic bin liner, cut some arm holes and a head hole in it and generally cut it down to size, and wear it under your t-shirt. They make a fantastic insulating layer, keeping all your body heat in. You'll sweat a lot but that's good for cleansing the pores anyway (Y) and if you cut it right no one will know either so you won't look like a pleb!


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you have some great suggestions there guys, loving the bin liner idea its a shame that im not going to try it though, and im deffienatitly not going to try the deep heat technic after what mark said. just going to buy a nice wind proof jacket and maybe one of those t-shirts

cheers guys made me laugh on a couple of them (Y)

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rick ive got one of those nike base layers for during the winter when im out on my road bike in minus tempretures and all you do is swet tis good cause he keeps you nice and warm but they stink lol. youve seen that i only wear my team jacket and a t-shirt and that is a thermal windstopper.

be-ware though windstopper clothing is dear, you can get cheap stuff but it doesnt do the job particuarly well.

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