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Anyone Here Do Weights To Increase Performance?

John planet x

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edit: How illegal are steroids??? Like can you be done for having/taking/owning them etc...Thanks (Y)

There not that illegal. But they f**k you up big time, filling your muscles with water and it doesnt act as an enegy conservative, which natural muscle is used for.

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Jesus guys, im not sure wether to look in this thread again after this post, next you'll all have your cock's out beside rulers......

Trust John to start a thread like this....... :rolleyes:

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edit: How illegal are steroids??? Like can you be done for having/taking/owning them etc...Thanks (Y)

steroids are currently class C, but im sure you can legally possess them providing there for personal use,just dont be selling them to your mates.

got plenty of mates whove used em, things ive learnt/seemed to have found with them;

Roid rage doesnt really exist,but they do become stressed easier,but possibly due to other issues. see below

The Horn, a week in, youll be like a dog on heat

weight lifters droop, seriously dont be having a GF when your on roids,erection issues are a biggy,not to mention ur testicles shrinking(temporary)

your acne, will become worse, you will get strange long hairs appearing, but theyll grow out.

your blood pressure will go sky high.

your body will need the right diet, not just to bulk up, but know of a mate who was left curled up on the floor an afternoon after going out drinking the night before, with stabbing pains in his kidneys, ended up at the doctors, aparently organs like the kidneys and liver have enough going on when your on roids, without handling alcohol,sugar spikes etc.

at the end of the day, its all up to the person taking them as to whether its worth it.personally i say no, but seeing some of the differences its made to mates, yea 5 weeks of hell, but if ur training seriously,wont be drinking anyway, will be eating well. its just the acne, sexual health problems etc. but its 5 weeks of hell, for a few months plus of toned body. possibly worth it.

ideally though, protein shakes, good diet, and sensible work out plans are all that should be necessary.

and chris, i agree with you on pretty much everything you said, including the bit about machines. but.....heres one for you. your training alone, doing bench press, do you use machine, or freeweights?? on a machine you can safely train till failiure, yet youd have to stay in a relatively comfortable position using freeweights, due to not wanting to drop the bar on your chest.

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^^ You wouldn't be the guy whose killing those prostitutes would you? Those arms look like they could do a fair amount of strangeling. :huh:

Haha no, can't say i am.

But back to the steroid stuff. Personally i wouldn't go near them. All you need is the right diet, aim yourself targets for what you want your training to do (set the sets and reps based on this), set yourself times to do it so you get yourself motivated.

And after a good workout eat something that is high in protein, and will replenish the energy you lost, such as quaker oats and the likes. And when you are doing the programme, always try to go that little rep further, and try push yourself even more then you usually would, in order to get the best from your training (obviously don't go silly with it).

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Jesus guys, im not sure wether to look in this thread again after this post, next you'll all have your cock's out beside rulers......

Sounds like a plan

biff stop creaming over ur bicep its wank, cant even tell where it starts seen more tone in jelly. put another one up in 2 week (Y)

dear, huck_it bicep does not piss about. very legitimate that, have a thumbs up (Y)

Edited by Gaz M
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high in protein- like quaker oats? :S

someone else mentioned creatine.. i thought that aided the breakdown of lactic acid.

i would imagine that the psp recovery drinks feature a similar objective, but not as much.

I wasn't on about packing yourself full of protein. But having things like that in the morning instead of cereals full of sugars, or after a bit of exercise plus other more high protein content foods, is what i meant hence i said quaker oats and the likes.

Edit: instead of posting again i will put it in here. Future orange 660, i can see where you are coming from as the way i worded that sentence sounded like i meant using them as a pure form of protein, but what i was trying to get at but didn't explain, was having them in order to replace bad carbs for good carbs (which you were right when you said they are carbs), then plus all the high protein foods that are needed.

Edited by huck_it
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LMFAO! i just dont right click>delete????

i would put the others up but i will get banned LMAO!

actually i will put my 5 cent in....

when i lived in swindon i started going to the gym... i went 2-3 times a week and did a good 1.5-2 hour FULL body work out inc running...

when i moved i started riding natty everyday for like 3-4 hours, this was back in september when it was possible, i found this so much better than the gym, prob just cause i was doing it more... not only cause my arms got bigger but my fitness was rad too.

ben rowlands has just got me into "yoga" just a series of stretches which i do every night, i find this is just as good as working out and getting bigger imo.

if your going to go to the gym i would say its only worth it if your going to go at least 3 times a week...stretching is deffo worth doing though.

Edited by James_Porter
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Sounds like a plan

biff stop creaming over ur bicep its wank, cant even tell where it starts seen more tone in jelly. put another one up in 2 week (Y)

dear, huck_it bicep does not piss about. very legitimate that, have a thumbs up (Y)

lol as you always say "White male no point"

Edited by Mr_Pitbull
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i only really use weights to increase my muscular endurance when i'm at the gym i prefer to use the more cardio vascular type machines like the bike, treadmill and rowing machine rather than going to become a tank because i'll be to heavy. also protein helps with muscle growth and healing it does'nt make you fat carbohydrates do though if you don't excercise to burn them off

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i would love too argue loads about steroids, but i cba.

Steroids cause depression in different grades depending on the person.

A lad round here was injecting it, caused bad depression, hung himself.

On the other hand my dad suffers from a bowl problem which causes aulcers (sp) in the bowl,

a course of steroids gets rid of them for a while.

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I'm trying to do longer sections when out riding, as (like many i guess) i'll usually do a run of a gap/sidehop or 2 then have a sit down/stop and think about what i should do next.

Will set myself a challenge when I'm next out riding natural, to ride for as long as possible.

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