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Anyone Here Do Weights To Increase Performance?

John planet x

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christ joe i thought you were weedyer than that, no wonder your sidehops are about 47"

thats mrs kennard there, shes sweet as (Y)

End the childish games, grow up, up North. :lol:

Press ups help a lot with trials, its all about being stronger than your weight.

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I always go gym, spend more time at gym than i do riding lol, cant stand riding in winter.

I build every aspect of my body, and increase stamina etc by running, run for 40 mins. speed 14.5 for 20 mins and speed 11 for 20 mins. Run in the morning to burn fat. Lost 3 stone since i had monty i weighed 15 stone when i had monty weigh 12.3 now. Do boxing at night at my mates house and the odd bit of parkour after the late hours of 10 O'Clock

Love the gym, especially when you got your own person trainer. Since as shit loads of people are more concerned about building the bicep muscle. Which is the smallest and hardest muscle to build in the body, thought id take a pic as if i took a pic of my back it would be a little hard to compare etc.

My arms are coming on nicely, although the tricep muscle once built definds most of your arm, pointless builing biceps there bag o shit.

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ignore the b*****d white spots lol

Muscle needs protein, people dont know that if your muscle doesnt tear and stretch then you wont build more muscle. You need to to reps then stretch the muscle in order for it to tear, the last rep is always important.

has it helped me on the bike? no.

LMFAO... dude.. you seriously know f**k all.. bicep being the hardest muscle to train LMAOOOOOOOOO get your head out the clouds

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Last time i saw you burton i was a good 14 stone. Sidehopping a good 6 blue and had a diet of sugar and saturated fat lol. Weigh in at 12 now. Burton = STUBB lol :-

yer burton god! now he's 12 stone but can still only sidehop 6 blue!!!

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I always go gym, spend more time at gym than i do riding lol, cant stand riding in winter.

I build every aspect of my body, and increase stamina etc by running, run for 40 mins. speed 14.5 for 20 mins and speed 11 for 20 mins. Run in the morning to burn fat. Lost 3 stone since i had monty i weighed 15 stone when i had monty weigh 12.3 now. Do boxing at night at my mates house and the odd bit of parkour after the late hours of 10 O'Clock

Love the gym, especially when you got your own person trainer. Since as shit loads of people are more concerned about building the bicep muscle. Which is the smallest and hardest muscle to build in the body, thought id take a pic as if i took a pic of my back it would be a little hard to compare etc.

My arms are coming on nicely, although the tricep muscle once built definds most of your arm, pointless builing biceps there bag o shit.

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ignore the b*****d white spots lol

Muscle needs protein, people dont know that if your muscle doesnt tear and stretch then you wont build more muscle. You need to to reps then stretch the muscle in order for it to tear, the last rep is always important.

has it helped me on the bike? no.

Bit small them arnt they lad.Show u burton and damon up anyday.

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It is after calves and its the smallest muscle.

No its not the smallest muscle, the stapedius is.. thats in your ear fyi. The biceps i would say are one of the easiest muscles to train due to so many variations of exercises that can stimulate it during workouts. Whether you want to be a complete noob and sit and do concentration curls or you have some sense and realise theres no need if you bang out enough compound exercises, the bicep is piss to train. The exact same goes for the triceps. Hypertrophy on such muscles is piss, calves are not hard to define nor get strong. However getting decent size from them could take a while but once again not that long.. you can hit them with a HFT program and see really good results since their recovery is so good.

If your personal trainer uses the words.. bro... dude... mate, looks like he hasnt picked up a weight in his life, has no form of certification, isnt in high demand by ATHLETES, tells you to use machines over free weights, makes you load your body before you can do body weight exercises, doesnt give you a diet program to follow with your training, is laughed at by powerlifters, wears a thong and does not beleive in deadlifts, front/back squats............ walk out the gym and find someone useful.

Ive had a thing against personal trainers for a while.. more so this year than anything after seeing a short fat skin head 25 year old guy giving a talk to 6 athletes (sprinters, hurdlers) at the university gym about how they should be performing their exercises. Why should anyone listen to someone who clearly has never performed an exercise correctly in their life, over eats, doesnt sleep enough and wears a shell suit? :unsure:

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When doing press ups you should do them slowly to really work your muscles out...I'm 5'6 , 8 and a half stone i'm trying to become 10 stone,considering taking steroids when i'm 18.I'll look so out of proportion :D I eat raw eggs in the morning and before i go to bed as often as possible(salmonella ***)...And with weights it is supposedly better to get the right technique,rather than just boshing a shed load of weight on,I only want to build my upper body though (muscley legs looks rank) And I don't want to do it to help performance (i barely ride anymore) I just want to do it to look good lol....Neeeeeeding to actually get some fat to turn into muscle though.

zoo baby!

edit: How illegal are steroids??? Like can you be done for having/taking/owning them etc...Thanks (Y)

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get the 50kg ones, made from cast iron, same place, same make but £50 i think.

Getting them for christmas

Yeah i could do with some more, as it's getting a pain in the arse having to swap weights around constantly. But meh, they will do till i can afford something like that.

I think for trials it's more of a happy medium you have to have, between out and out power, and stamina. Which is what i try to aim for when i'm training, as i don't want lots of muscle mass but nor to i want too little. But my diet is very poor, and i don't even take multivitamins anymore (which is what i used to do), so i think i need to sort it out.

Anyway to add to the gallery of big guns going down :-

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