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Anyone Here Do Weights To Increase Performance?

John planet x

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Creatine? (creatine monohydrate and creatine ethyl ester)

Apparently they both increase your ATP (adenosine triphosphate) so you should get an increase in strength and performance. I think they also do something to the cells of your muscle that your training, like open them up to absorb more water and make them look more toned or bigger. Anyway maybe its worth a try seeing as there's no reported side effects from it? Because it's naturally occuring in your body.

yawwwwwn :sleeping:

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Plyometrics are best to help riding.

I could never bother doing weights, and again I think that'd be counterproductive.

Fast exercice, like some quick push ups look more to the point to wake up your muscles, and maybe plyometrics... on a bike (that's trials riding actually :) )

I think plyometrics must be good, maybe when warming up on the zone before you take the bike, but I am not too bothered.

So my best option is just trials, in long sessions, until exhaustion. And definitely plenty of stretching before and after :sleeping:

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I have to say the totoal lack of knowledge in to weight training in this thread is verging on to being a disability.

Quaker oats being high in protein... oh dear.. go read a packet

Protein making you put on fat.... funniest thing ive heard in a while. Infact ill clear that up protein does not put fat on to your body. If you eat a lot of carbs and i mean a lot and you do not burn them off then those carbs will turn to fat. Hence why a lot of the chav women are fat .. high carb diets with little exercise.

Adding external loads to your body causes micro-tears within your muscles, overloading of the nervous system and increased blood flow. Streatching does not cause this to happens as your muscles are somewhat elastic and even before a muscle will get a good streatch you will be hitting your ligaments and tendons a lot earlier.

You grow outside of the gym, where these tears are repaired by a high protein diet that promoted growth. Taking day off or two days off between training should be adequate enough to allow your body to recover, however after 2 weeks your body will be adapting to the program you are doing and recovery times are much quicker (hence why HFT programs are becoming all the rage for your average bodybuilder http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=1324625)

Protein shakes are not a method of "bulking up". They are a supplement and as that suggests they should not replace whole protein taken from fish, poultry, meats etc. Some people may opt for 1 a day .. 2 a day.. or however many, but they arent going to get you "big". So dont expect to pick up some protein and see dramatic results, your diet is 90% of the challenge in bodybuilding.

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I have to say the totoal lack of knowledge in to weight training in this thread is verging on to being a disability.

AMEN! :unsure:

Feeling weak and puny?

IPB Image

Inject some deca, 300mg per week into your glutes

and BAM!

YOu'll be sidehopping 80" walls (to back wheel) and looking like this :lol:

IPB Image

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looks like this has turned in to a knowledge boasting page, now :o, anyway as far as the original question, goes.

the best way to train for trials other than actually going out and riding is, not to bulk up as such as you will just weigh more and have more of you to move around on your bike hence making it harder, i would say the best way to train for trials is to get in the gym and do some explosive/power type exercise's these can be anything really, you don't have to use the typical boring body building exercises i.e bench press, bicep curl bla bla yawn yawn..... just think of a movement in trials and adapt that into an exercise with weight's but obviously making sure you have a good posture and you are always thinking safety for you and the others in the gym :) also some cv will help but not just endlessly running on a treadmill, as this is not what we do in the trials world everything is explosive.... so fartlek (i think that is the name please don't quote me though) training is good, the best way to explain is this go out for a run (outside) use lamposts as markers and simply do this, jog along and jog past 2 lampposts, when you get to the 3rd one sprint to the next and continue this, for as long as you can last, then simply keep trying to go a further distance/beat your time you set the previous run.

both of these together will soon help you out on you trials quest (Y)

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Theres a fine line between boasting and helping the disabled. Im doing the latter in this thread hopefully.

don't doubt you are matey (Y) just need to give an opinion and we all know people have no idea about weight training/exercise especially if they are just reading from mens fitness or some other crappy magazine

(3 quid for all the fitness knowledge in the world, urm i don't think so :lol::lol: )

anyway mate, lets get on with helping the knowledge-less disabled B)

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IPB Image

Haha this actually genuinely me, my mate's apple computer has this built in shrink effect on the stomach though to exaggerate extreme toneage though lol. Hence why my abs appear to have a small gravitational field surrounding them.

p.s. no, i havent noticed my gyming effecting my trials riding

Edited by SQuiT-man
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Roid rage doesnt really exist,but they do become stressed easier,but possibly due to other issues. see below

The Horn, a week in, youll be like a dog on heat

weight lifters droop, seriously dont be having a GF when your on roids,erection issues are a biggy,not to mention ur testicles shrinking(temporary)

your acne, will become worse, you will get strange long hairs appearing, but theyll grow out.

your blood pressure will go sky high.

your body will need the right diet, not just to bulk up, but know of a mate who was left curled up on the floor an afternoon after going out drinking the night before, with stabbing pains in his kidneys, ended up at the doctors, aparently organs like the kidneys and liver have enough going on when your on roids, without handling alcohol,sugar spikes etc.

Sounds like steroids mess you up pretty badly. No thanks.

I saw someone's post saying that as part of their training they go to the gym and use an exercise bike. Does that not seem just a little ironic to anyone? A bike rider, going to ride a pretend bike to make them more able to ride bikes?

This is all so alien to me. I don't do fitness training to make me ride better, I ride to make me ride better. And because I enjoy riding! Far more than I would enjoy training my body to supposedly perform better, with the added bonus of yucky bodybuilder veins. :sick:

Or is that just me?

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Found This:

To maximize your muscles with fast-twitch fibers, you'll need to train with low to moderate reps (e.g., four to eight reps), rest periods of around one to two minutes, and a moderate training regime (too much training will compromise recovery).

So... that means beasting a 15-20kg weight, resting two mins and then beasting it again to get powerful fast twitch fibers.

One more question...

Does anyone know which muscles are used the most in trials?

mat x

Dunno if anyone has replied to this...

But doing really fast reps with a heavy weight is really dangerous, not only can you tear and rip your muscles, but in the long run, your joint will f**k to high heaven... very time you do a fast rep, you strain your joints, and they get little hair line fractures in the tissue (so small you cant even see them...) but so it you do like 9000 reps, then you will have 9000 hair line fractures... or summit like that... and they NEVER mend themselves...

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Seriousy no body should take steroids,

I once watched a programme about a man who took them,

he was absolutely massive, infact he had to inject him self

and bring blood out of his arms because they were that big!

It was absolutly disgusting! When he stuck it in his arm

the needle bent! Im sure nobody would be wanting to do this

to themselfs...

Just putting my point of view in :blink:

Lewis... :shifty:

EDIT: here is myself...


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Seriousy no body should take steroids,

I once watched a programme about a man who took them,

he was absolutely massive, infact he had to inject him self

and bring blood out of his arms because they were that big!

It was absolutly disgusting! When he stuck it in his arm

the needle bent! Im sure nobody would be wanting to do this

to themselfs...

Just putting my point of view in :blink:

Lewis... :shifty:

Yeah i watched that..His arms did look sick when they filled up with all that sh*t. :sick:

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Dunno if anyone has replied to this...

But doing really fast reps with a heavy weight is really dangerous, not only can you tear and rip your muscles, but in the long run, your joint will f**k to high heaven... very time you do a fast rep, you strain your joints, and they get little hair line fractures in the tissue (so small you cant even see them...) but so it you do like 9000 reps, then you will have 9000 hair line fractures... or summit like that... and they NEVER mend themselves...

Thats why people do weights, to tear muscles. if the muscle doesnt tear then you dont gain muscle. It needs to tear for muscle to feed on more food and gain. Everything i do weights/training i push myself to tear muscle, my arms,legs,shoulders and back should burn up and go red.

The fast twitch muscle training is bollox. I wouldnt go to the gym to do low weights, its pointless.

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Thats why people do weights, to tear muscles. if the muscle doesnt tear then you dont gain muscle. It needs to tear for muscle to feed on more food and gain. Everything i do weights/training i push myself to tear muscle, my arms,legs,shoulders and back should burn up and go red.

The fast twitch muscle training is bollox. I wouldnt go to the gym to do low weights, its pointless.

This is worth a ban:

You are the biggest f**king retarded dick head i have ever not met. Its unbelievable how stupid one person can be at the same time as fist f**king their own arse in some strange ego clense... but you really do manage it. I hope you f**kin handicap yourself in the gym.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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This is worth a ban:

You are the biggest f**king retarded dick head i have ever not met. Its unbelievable how stupid one person can be at the same time as fist f**king their own arse in some strange ego clense... but you really do manage it. I hope you f**kin handicap yourself in the gym.

So you could just prove him wrong by using some intellect, he should be banned? He gave his opinion. You just came out with aloud of shite in my eyes so it'd seem fairer to ban you. Fair enough if you don't agree with him but you really dont have to go wishing him an injury, where's the etiquette Mr.Know Everything.

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So you could just prove him wrong by using some intellect, he should be banned? He gave his opinion. You just came out with aloud of shite in my eyes so it'd seem fairer to ban you. Fair enough if you don't agree with him but you really dont have to go wishing him an injury, where's the etiquette Mr.Know Everything.

I think its best if i totally ignore your comment .. the fact you somehow drummed up your own idea of me being a mr know it all that wants someone else to get banned clearly shows how you are uncapable of reading.

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