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English People Can't Spell


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I'm guessing from the States. But yeah, you're totally right, it's quite embarrassing really...

It's just txt talk making it's way onto forums. Kids don't write essays in the same way in school, but still, it does take just a few seconds longer to write a coherant responce. There really isn't much of an excuse :S

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Realized that as well. I can only relate to Polish spelling which is far more difficult than English, yet people somehow get it right. Obviously one does come across stupid mistakes but I guess that's normal in every language. I was really shocked when I re-joined this forum last year seeing all the text talk or stuff like this for example:

rite... bin gerrin quotes for various cars for a while now

Does this show that people just couldn't care less about what they write or are they simply intellectually challenged? Thank god the majority of members have no problems with their English. (N)

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Haha, yeah it's a pain in the arse but to be fair we ALL do it from time to time on some level. Even while voicing his embarrasment at so called "text talk" note how Raub says "txt talk" rather than "text talk". It's kinda (there's another one) found it's way into every day use, just some people take it a bit far I think!

At the end of the day though, it's our language so we'll do what we like with it, that is how language came about after all, through the diversity of it's users. Most of the words we use derrived from slang or shortened versions of old english/latin words, but I sometimes think that visitors from outside the UK must have no idea what is being said, as with the example above "gerrin" is quite simply not a word, nor would it be obvious to someone who wasn't british that it meant "getting".

But in 20 years time I wouldn't be surprised to find "Gerrin" had found it's way into the Oxford dictionary, along with kinda, cozz (had to spell it with two z's to stop it automodding), gonna, wanna and even aks, that's right aks!


Edited by Small_Gear_Big_Style
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yawn :sleeping:

Or was that just an attempt to show the brains capacity to decipher meaning where an obvious meaning lacks, regarding "official" words and their structure?

No but thanks for the pointless sarcasm nevertheless. Just so happens it's a quiet morning and I have an opinion, which I'll voice as and when I see fit! Needless to say my post was more relevant than yours!

Cheers :P


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I'd say my post was on par with yours!

You expressed yourself, I viewed your expression and expressed myself in return :)

Why is my expression any less valid than yours when you understood my point?

And thus my main opinion on the matter, that as long as you understand what somebody is saying, do you have to make much of an issue if their spelling is bad? Or that they use an alternative form of communication/dialect? I don't use textisms but I have no issue with them; they are usually very similar to english and so usually very easy to understand. Perhaps though, maybe some people do struggle with them?

Even so, it makes sense in my mind to let people express themselves in the form that they wish, be it bad spelling or textism. That only make it right for me though. You're also right in your expression, relative to you. Isn't it great that we're both right? :P

edit: Just noticed, i thought you, small gear big style, were the one who created the topic. My initial comment was aimed at seaman. Don't really have much to say about your post apart from I liked it :)

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I'd say my post was on par with yours!

You expressed yourself, I viewed your expression and expressed myself in return :)

Why is my expression any less valid than yours when you understood my point?

And thus my main opinion on the matter, that as long as you understand what somebody is saying, do you have to make much of an issue if their spelling is bad? Or that they use an alternative form of communication/dialect? I don't use textisms but I have no issue with them; they are usually very similar to english and so usually very easy to understand. Perhaps though, maybe some people do struggle with them?

Even so, it makes sense in my mind to let people express themselves in the form that they wish, be it bad spelling or textism. That only make it right for me though. You're also right in your expression, relative to you. Isn't it great that we're both right? :P

Yeah it is marvellous.

I still don't appreciate your comment though, it was well short of the mark, or to use the modern colloquialism it was "a bit shite"! I never said it was less valid, I said it was less relevant, which it was.


Edited by Small_Gear_Big_Style
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I noticed that when the new members get upgraded to a real member then their spelling, gramma and everything else drops below standard as they don't have to try to be a member any more.

Which isn't a very good thing really.

I think the rules are there to stop spam and pointless posts so when you open a thread it's actually worth reading. I find that when seeing some of the poor sentences which are put together, it just makes the posts harder to read.

Also some of the 'txt talk' isn't actually 'txt' talk. Just an abbreviation which is in the English dictionary. So it is allowed i guess. But it's not very common here.

I think seeing more 'mod or stock' topics is more annoying than reading misspelled words.

But is OT and IMO condidered 'txt talk' or an abbreviation?

Slightly off topic here. But ah well.

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Yeah it is marvellous.

I still don't appreciate your comment though, it was well short of the mark, or to use the modern colloquialism it was "a bit shite"! I never said it was less valid, I said it was less relevant, which it was.


Your statements "a bit shite" and "less relevent", regarding my statements or expressions are true to your mind, relative to your value system. So I accept that you are "right" in that sense. In contrast though, I don't place the same values as you do upon my previous expressions. With my value system I see my expressions as relevent, in the subjective relationship between myself and the context with which they reside in. I do not have to follow the exact request of a post. I see it how I see it and act accordingly based on what matters to me. I can't really make reference to your value system and act on that. I wouldn't want to either. I would hope the same from you. When communication is expressed, there appears no objectively right or wrong way to send it or return it. We can only say right or wrong relative to ourselves. It is not right or wrong seperate to ourselves, as individuals.

Maybe I'm still wrong in the objective sense? I guess that's upto you to decide :P

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Are you from the states Seaman?

I seem to remember my friend saying when she went to the states, no one used text messages on their phones - everyone uses push to talk or something? That was years ago though so things might have changed.

*This also may be complete bollocks* - I think somewhere I heard that Britain sends the most texts per person than any other country. Wouldn't surprise me. This is where all the abbreviations stemmed from, 'cos they're trying to cram an essay into 144 characters of space.

If both those are true, then it might explain why the Americans seem to be able to spell better than us, and Brits are just plain lazy at typing.

The weird thing is, what you call spelling mistakes, aren't actually spelling mistakes to the person typing them - they do it on purpose.

Anyway, I have a personal hatred for 'txt talk', I avoid it while texting if I can and detest getting text messages which require deciphering before I can understand them. Whats the point? Its just lazy. Its not like theres a word limit on this forum (well there is..), and its not like its quicker to type in txt in the long run.

PS. recently validated members are getting moved back to New Members Chat if they overuse txt talk.

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LMAO what a complete pile of bullshit this is. English can't spell properly? and the Americans spell better? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Considering over 60% of americans cant even draw their own damn country even vaguely right and have no clue about anything other than america i think that is a bloody bold statement to make. Americans have the shittest form of education system i have ever heard of consisting of the following:

Multiple choice exams

home schooling online (lmao)

Not being able to study a science until you can pass algebra (no form of "core" subjects up to gcse level)


Atleast we arent lazy enough to omit letters from dictionary words such as colour --> color.

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LMAO what a complete pile of bullshit this is. English can't spell properly? and the Americans spell better? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Considering over 60% of americans cant even draw their own damn country even vaguely right and have no clue about anything other than america i think that is a bloody bold statement to make. Americans have the shittest form of education system i have ever heard of consisting of the following:

Multiple choice exams

home schooling online (lmao)

Not being able to study a science until you can pass algebra (no form of "core" subjects up to gcse level)


Atleast we arent lazy enough to omit letters from dictionary words such as colour --> color.


very true.

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Realized that as well. I can only relate to Polish spelling which is far more difficult than English, yet people somehow get it right. Obviously one does come across stupid mistakes but I guess that's normal in every language. I was really shocked when I re-joined this forum last year seeing all the text talk or stuff like this for example:

Does this show that people just couldn't care less about what they write or are they simply intellectually challenged? Thank god the majority of members have no problems with their English. (N)

Using Alex as an example here (hope you don't mind, :) ). Alex is a prime example of how lazy English speaking people can be.

The guy speaks two languages (more than that if I remember correctly) and yet his grammar and spelling is better than most people on this forum, and most people in the UK can't be arsed to even attempt to spell correctly!

I remember a while go someone came onto the forum and used text talk and claimed to be 'dyslexic', ok, it wasn't proven that he wasn't...but how many dyslexic people do you know that use text talk as everyday language?

Anyway, I'm going a little off topic here. So I'll stop; and encourage people to ask Santa for a spell checker for christmas.

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it is only the people who have something to prove that make an effort.

i am foregin, english is not my first language. i put an effort in, because i don't want to be treated any differently just because my first language is something nobody understands. :P those who are "born" with the language tend to not care as much i guess?

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