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James Hart

James Hart

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  Ben Cox said:

no helmet!

shit editing!

riding was average!

the only thing that actually got me going was the sidehop in the carpark but you cut it off, was that to make people think you did it when you didnt?

im tempted to speak to trialsman and see what there sponsoring you for! you dont deserve to be a sponsored, thats not the kind of image i want to be sending out for my company.


sorry if am not as perfect as you maybe youll see if i do make it in my next video but with people like you sayin shit not encouraging or helping insted of say shit shit shit, acctually i wear helmet all the time now some of them clips are old...sorry if am not up to cls standard or damon watson...maybe next time you comment put somthing possitive or are just wanting everyone to quit cozs you say there shit (N)

bet you dont even ride much and just come on here to insult people

  GyTrials said:

James's riding is probably better than the majoroty of people on here!

Most of the time he wares his lid,

Video didnt show off none of his riding really. Footage was probably only taken over a day or two so he made a video out of what footage he had. :unsure:

cheers steve

other fact is i havent even got a pissing camera so its really hard to get footage...

Edited by InteractClothing
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  Ben Cox said:

no helmet!

shit editing!

riding was average!

the only thing that actually got me going was the sidehop in the carpark but you cut it off, was that to make people think you did it when you didnt?

im tempted to speak to trialsman and see what there sponsoring you for! you dont deserve to be a sponsored, thats not the kind of image i want to be sending out for my company.


^^^wanker (Y) ^^^

your mint rider james and you dont diserve people saying bollocks like that to you, although you should wear helmet more and put less trackstanding in a vid,

vid was gonna be loads better than that but im a selfish lil tit who recorded over most of his footage by mistake,

better luck next time james,

ben cox.. STFU,

love from bill

*i await ownage :lol:

Edited by billocks
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The stuff you put in the vid james wasnt to your best potential, you just film anything you can with lack of cameras etc, If i was with you 24/7 you'd have some mint stuff in that vid. But the riding wasnt exactly shit :S i dont see why people say its shit lol. Every rider is good in there own way.

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hmm actual i didn't want to say anything about this vid.....but:

I think, his riding IS NOT bad...BUT editing wasn't good...too much trackstand ;)

and i can't believe that he's sponsored i guess it's a lie! :P and to make a sidehop

look like you did it...is also not fair!

Next vid will be better i guess! so keep them comin! ;)

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