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Cambridge, 17th


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try and make it an early one, as mentioned its getting dark at 4! Ill try and be at the park for 9-10.

dont think il be out that early, will have driven a long way home from uni the night before. im think like 11-11.30 something like that. Lookin forward to having breakfast with family on sunday!!! haha.

joe can u pm me your mob number so i can find out where u lot are?


Edited by James
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dont think il be out that early, will have driven a long way home from uni the night before. im think like 11-11.30 something like that. Lookin forward to having breakfast with family on sunday!!! haha.

joe can u pm me your mob number so i can find out where u lot are?


How you getting to cambs? I havent managed to get my bike out today so I'm thinking quick session for me saturday night if its dry enough. If your driving in, dont fancy scooting my way and giving me a lift in do you? that'd save me trekking to the station. Let us know..


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How you getting to cambs? I havent managed to get my bike out today so I'm thinking quick session for me saturday night if its dry enough. If your driving in, dont fancy scooting my way and giving me a lift in do you? that'd save me trekking to the station. Let us know..


indeed i am driving in. bout 10 past 11 alright?

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Olly's coming..wooooooooooooooo :)

Julien what time you planning on getting there??

so whos going.












oOOOO and dan from norwich way..how could i forgot :)

any idea if si or pinky will show face??

Anyone else??

If everyones not getting there till lateish..make it like half 10-11 at park..

If there no-one at skatepark when you arrive give me a call. Someone will have my number mwhah

Edited by JoeMaher
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you must be f**king kiding me.

Wally has just pulled out.

im no longer coming

so , people who have asked for my number...dont bother ringing me.

so f**king pissed

C'mon! Joe!

Well, I'll be there 11ish or just before at the yellow skate park, though... a bit of a sore throat... :mellow::shifty:

But if even Olly is there, I'll have to show up :P .

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Si and pinky out before midday ?

this i have to see

lil ted appears to have started his screaming pretty early tonight so i might actually get some sleep.

11ish at the cheeseypark then :D

somebody bring beer

No...me and you buy beer at the spar ..like last time ;) ( before my chain snapped :P )

OOOooo, and si'sagers coming aswell , he text me earlier

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Si and pinky out before midday ?

this i have to see

lil ted appears to have started his screaming pretty early tonight so i might actually get some sleep.

11ish at the cheeseypark then :D

somebody bring beer

Simons driving in (Y) So we wont have to trek miles an miles

and its sunny here in cottenham :D

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yeh good ride boys, real streety little sesh there. we shud do it again sometime. (how else am i gonne loose weight?)


Yep, really nice turn out, stupidly slippery everything... but always good to see some new faces coming along

Was not in a great shape but Joe made up for it with that near-headbutt gap. :lol::P

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Hey guys..jst got in about half hour ago.

After i went and saw my mate outside the uni for like an hour...then got to the train station..and JUST missed my f**king train , arghhhhhhh, had to wait an hour for the next one :(

Was nice to meet will and dude24( didnt even catch your name..sorry dude ) was a pleasure.

Good to see the locals out, and jon( evading baby duties for a few hours, nice one dude )

And liam...stick to stock dude...youll get used to it :)

And yer..if someone could get the vid of me doing that gap online...??would be mintoo :)

love you'll x

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Definately had fun today, well glad I made the effort to get my bike cleaned up and come along it'd been waay to long :( litterally 8 months no riding BUT I've still got the skillz :P So I was pleased with a good few things I got done today (Y)

Nice to meet all the people today, great bunch as always and was really good to see the new people on Leesons and the Zona(?) amoung others, every seemed to gell really well and have a laugh while riding which is the main point!

Hopefully we'll all get together for another ride just like that sometime soon :)


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