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Cambridge, 17th


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wicked, shame you cant make it Si. Hope you can Joe, would be nice to actually meet you haha.

anyone know if Olly usually works on sundays? that would be sweet if he came. let me know if u read this Olly.


I'm off every sunday still, still litterally havent opened my shed to even have a look at my bike in 9 months let alone ride it :unsure: I have all of friday off so maybe I'll open the shed see if I can still ride about and try and get my ass in gear for a ride if I did I wouldn't mind how few people turned up just hope the weathers ok.

MSN me if you need to chat about stuff though..


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I'm off every sunday still, still litterally havent opened my shed to even have a look at my bike in 9 months let alone ride it :unsure: I have all of friday off so maybe I'll open the shed see if I can still ride about and try and get my ass in gear for a ride if I did I wouldn't mind how few people turned up just hope the weathers ok.

MSN me if you need to chat about stuff though..


wud be a wicked ride even if we are both now totally incompetant riders, if only to catch up man! im worried the weathers gonne be off though, is everyone totally against turning up if its partially wet?

edit that.. weather looks alright! bbc weather


Edited by James
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wud be a wicked ride even if we are both now totally incompetant riders, if only to catch up man! im worried the weathers gonne be off though, is everyone totally against turning up if its partially wet?

edit that.. weather looks alright! bbc weather


Hey cool, if the sun is there, I'll defo be there... (Y)

It's been some time I haven't had a proper session... though, it's dark so quick!

That'd be neat to see you all in town again! :turned:

Olly!! blast that shed open, and come over for the laugh :D

11ish at the yellow skate park :sleeping: , where I usually do my 720 backflip :lol::D:P

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Its looking more and more like i'm not gonna be coming...bloody stuff it still on order from ID at my local bike shop and i'm unsure if it will be here for the weekend :(

I hope it comes tomorrow :unsure:

im still without a car :(

Btw...dont you think you start the ride at like 10?? I know its proper early..but by half 3 its friggin dark and you wont get much riding in.

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Will, on your map, where the green arrow is, it points to cambridge. If you look to thh left of that, it says parkside on the road, that's where parkside skatepark is.

I'd love to go to this, but i'm not back in cambridge until atleast Monday.

Edit: Beaten by Joe!

Edited by Wing
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I beat you wing...mwhahahah

Yer...so from the bus station...just go straight down that road. On the right hand side will be ahugeeeeeeeee green/park area..then ull come to cross juntion...and its just across the road on the right hand side. :)

Edit - im quite impressed with my map readin skills for cambs...considering i live 60 miles away haha.

I know cambs pretty well i think :lol:B)

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I'd like to get out for a bit, just to see everyone if nothing else - how long depends a lot on how deep I am in baby shit but if i can get a few hours out I'll bring the pogo stick - otherwise there'll be 20 minutes of half-arsed bmxing and I'll bugger off home again.

Joe or Julien can you gimme a ring when you're on the way to the skatepark, please?

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Nice one benny boy.

Did congreve check out if there is bus serices running between stations. because that train line is f**king shit in the evenings

Dont think he has...

But ill have a look now,


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