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Help With Onza T-co


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If the new onza cranks are as shite as the muscleman's then it just shows how crap onza bits are. Their frames are mint. Cranks = shite. Grips = Shite. Pedals = shite.

Mind you my mate has muscleman's, he was so pissed off with the ones on my bike, he jumped on the allen key with the back brake locked until they wouldn't turn any more. Not loose yet, funnily enough. :D

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The tensile pads may not be too great from what i've heard, but they're going to be better than what used to some as stadard, the magura kool stops.

Better descriptions of the bike will come out when they bikes are in stock.


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To put the record straight.... i built one up yesterday.

They come with an ACS freewheel.

I use a hope pro 2 and thought that it was fine.

Bike was light and flicky, pretty nice and longish (but not like a zoo). Looked just like last years t-pro, but this year the t-pro comes with vees so this is basically the upgrade.

Comes with normal maggie pads (not kool stops or tensile ones)

Drilled hog rims, onza bars, stem, bashguard and all the usual shizzle.

Does come with Tensile 4-bolt mounts though and KMC kool chain.

I thought it was a good bike, especially at £399.99

When i tried a 180 gap, found that i could over spin it and nearly did a 360 gap like Mr Ashton

(tempted to get one just for doing that).


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I beg to differ with the previous poster but the T-Comp comes with a Tensile freewheel. The only way it can get an ACS is if the shop switches them to make some extra profits. The ACS is made in India and can only be shipped to Taiwan through the USA, which is the reason we decided to upgrade both T-Pro and T-Comp to Tensile. The alternative was to pay all the extra transport shipping and duty costs to fit ACS which would have bumped up the costs and been a logistical nightmare or downgrade to a DICTA, not an option.

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