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Tensile Freewheel


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I have just bought the new Echo 6061 cranks (thanks to everyone for the advice by the way!), and I now am looking into buying a new freewheel as i don't much fancy running my welded ACS Claw (which is knackered). So I am wondering which is the best free wheel to get for under £40. The tensile one is looking quite inviting, but after all the help with my cranks I decided to check on here first.

If there are any better than this can you recommend where to get them from because I have only ever ordered from tartybikes.co.uk.


The only other option I have found is the new monty freewheel but I have heard that they aren't that good.

Monty: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2153

Tensile: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=398

Edited by KuelMuel
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There's a few freewheels out there now. Under £40 i think your best bet would be to go with the tensile. Not too sure about the monty ones yet, but they seem like a scaled down try-all freewheel.

I'd say tensile. (Y)

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I'd say anything you've heard about monty freewheel's may not be relating to their new one, they have had a few other one's re-branded but they were just Dicta's and acs really. The new one, as jt said seems to be a copy of the try-all wih less engagement's(stronger drive shell than try all due to larger teeth maybe???probobly negligable anyway)

I'd say in your budget if you wan't to be able to open it up and service it get the tensile, if you have maximum engagement's for your money then it's the monty for you...

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