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The Evolution Of Trials


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as some of you have noticed trials has changed alot on recent years and i have been watching it grow and change,

thanks to ryan leech who still rides a mountain bike proving that trials can be done what ever you ride, (Y)

single speed on stock bikes and stock bike becoming oversized mods :blink:

it seems trials has been slowly moving away from what it really is :(

fair enough trials like other sports will move on as tecnology grows moving from the woods onto street and the new range of 24 inch bikes

it may just be me getting old but what do you think will be the next big thing in the trials world :-

Edited by maxxis26
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Guess that when 24" bikes become very popular, 22" bikes will come out, as a good balance between 20" and 24". Then when 22" bikes become popular, a 21" bike will be made so that people can ride a bike which has the advantages of a 22" and 20" bike.

I thought Jake would mention titanium holes but it looks like Wright Pads have taken over his world already.

Still, I guess nobody is stopping us from having fun on a good old fashioned trials bike? The only thing is that they don't ride too well. The 231 X-Lite had 400mm chainstays and a 1040 wheelbase if I remember correctly. Now that's a bit wrong.

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I think trials is goi- TO THE BATMOBILE. OMFG IM SO FUNNIEZ. Sorry.

Well i think it's gonna get a lot bigger, not sure when, not sure how but it will, like all small sports do.

Some crazy mofo' is gonna come up with some crazy mofo' idea and it's gonna revolutionise trials for ever.

That was my 2 pence with Glen Robinson.

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can see it either going to braided hoses, short travel sus, and getting a lot bigger and narlier, with people throwing barspins into big moves.etc, as were currently havin a big bmx influence.

think well be seeing redbull rampage events being slightly more trialsed focused.

well thats my hopes, make the sport that lil bit cooler and publicised.

either that or go back to the old days, where everyone knew everyone.

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just wait and see.

i personally think the natural/street split will stop and everyone wil ride alot of natural, because we will be banned from towns and cities, unless parks are made for us, which i highly doubt will happen. it will benifit the british comp scene and hopefully we will be ale to breed an army of kinds who can whip benito and kenny

hope so (Y)

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people will go brakeless


i'm hoping brakes will be improved (alot of us are having to grind rims for a good brake etc *I'm not bashing grinds, i just think there should be brakes that we don't need to improve by grinding rims/coating them in tar*)

trials could turn more bmx orientated (spins etc)

Low bb rise becoming popular (looks like deng wants it that way)

More companies-more riders (= larger range of cheaper products (Y)(Y) )

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trials may change but everyone will adapt to how the sport changes that always happens.

look at old school trials. people have adapted to the evolution of bike capabilities and have gotten so much better people are sidehopping 55 plus.

i'm not saying thats just the bikes.

every sport will evolve but people evolve with it.

there will be boundaries but not just yet

trials is a fantastic sport. it just needs to have more recognition then the boundaries will be pushed

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Well i think a new mod bike should be designed with a disc brake either side of each wheel, so you have 4 disc brakes in total.

Just need a new designed hub, extra mount on the other side of the forks & frame a brake for each side of the rim and use a two monty splitter's to split the one hose to each caliper.SORTED

(if it hasn't already been done) :unsure:

Then the bikes would have serious stopping power for those huge rail gaps for example

Edited by powerz
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