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Motorbike Or Car?


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haha waits for the arguments to begin!

My 2p: Well I had a motorbike (50cc but not a twist and crawl) at 16 and still have one now. I love going out on the motorbike so so much, it's a really great feeling, one that you certinatley can't get in a car at 17 since insurance is so high.

I did my proper bike test first, got a bike then when I was 18 did my driving test and also have a car. The car is nice for picking people up and stuff, just jump in it and off you go, but it's slow compared. Using the car to go to work is much more handy, especially in rubbish weather. With the bike you've obviously gotta lug a jacket, helmet and gloves around with you etc.

I could rant on for hours but to sum up, car for practicality, bike for fun and style. Mind you it's only fun if you have a quick bike, you aint getting no thrills on a 50.


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Mo'bike for me, i'd like to get one when i'm 16, probably a hair drier but i'm not gonna go flat out down roads docking the throttle 'cos i think it makes it go faster.

Got a mini dirt bike which is ok, goes about 30, when i'm 16 there's a possibility i'll make it road legal if i have the time and money, should be good.

Cheapest option really, dirt cheap on petrol etc...

Edited by Fat Pants
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Mo'bike for me, i'd like to get one when i'm 16, probably a hair drier but i'm not gonna go flat out down roads docking the throttle 'cos i think it makes it go faster.

Got a mini dirt bike which is ok, goes about 30, when i'm 16 there's a possibility i'll make it road legal if i have the time and money, should be good.

Cheapest option really, dirt cheap on petrol etc...

When you say mini dirt bike do you mean a mini moto style one, or one like a thumpstar. Getting a thumpstar on the road would be killer haha, they do about 65-70mph, and with supermoto tyres on they corner like a beaut as well, they are great fun to race round go-kart tracks.

I think for me when i get to the age of being able to drive, i will probably end up with a car due to it being more practical, even though i would like to have a bike first.

But as i ride motorbikes now, i hopefully still will when i'm old enough to drive, that way i can still get my kicks from riding bikes offroad.

And i have been on the back of my dads bikes on the roads being a Ducati M900, Suzuki gsxr 600, Suzuki gsxr 1000, Suzuki dr 350, and a ktm LC4, and at times it makes you realise how prone you are to being involved in accidents like people not noticing you and pulling out.

Edited by huck_it
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Wish i had a Thumpstar :( they're beast. Mines a minimoto one, just a cheap chinese one, got a slightly better engine and a bigger pinion to give it some extra speed. Thinking of getting a 70 cc bore kit (the ones you get for slowpeds) because they've both basically got the same engine, size at least.

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When you say mini dirt bike do you mean a mini moto style one, or one like a thumpstar. Getting a thumpstar on the road would be killer haha, they do about 65-70mph, and with supermoto tyres on they corner like a beaut as well, they are great fun to race round go-kart tracks.

plenty of road legal thumps about, and i agree they are beasty. if somewhat impractical. as for the decision, depends where you live, what you need it for.

bear in mind you get a motorbike, if you still have an interest in trials, ull have to use public transport/use lifts/ride to wherever you wanna ride. but with a car, theres space for it. if you need to take your mates places, its useful to have a car, and a lot better in the wet to have a car.

however that said, bikes are hellish good fun.cheaper to run,tax,insure etc. better performance.ur mum wont nick it when shes runnin low on fuel. you wont be expected to be designated driver, you wont have to take your gf shopping, cos her spree so wont fit into your panniers. and youll never be expected to pick up your pissed parents from the pub,(unless you got a seriously hip mum)

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..... your a total cock......

BACK on topic....

- depends what your using it for

- im poor

- traveling short distances

- been brought up on bikes

so ive had a 50cc when 16 and now a 100cc at 17...

insurance for me is about 1500 and i can drive my mums car without any insurance (company car

typa thing) so gettin my 100cc was just the easyiesy thing - doing driving lessons but no real hurry

to past my test like ... NOW

if you want to just be on the road NOW for short distances cheap... then a bike is your friend

if you have time to wait and a LOT of money to spend when youve gone thought all the stages

and afford it then drive!!!

its really to do totally with your circumstances personally...

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You're gonna try and make a mini-moto road legal? Why not just do what all the other scallies do and just ride around the roads anyway?

I am NO chav. I used to ride it on my cul de sac (very quiet) of a road, and i wasn't an arsehole on it, used it at convenient times, no late nighters and what not, but after the crack down i didn't want to risk it getting crushed, i usually go to a track when i can. Haven't used it for ages.

..... your a total cock......

What'd i do now?

Edited by Fat Pants
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I don't think you can make a minimoto road legal.

70 kit in a minimoto i don't think that will be possible, engine bracket size and engine is to big and I know its a 70cc engine but, Some mopeds do like 80-90 mph when de-restricted and exaust etc...

Minimotos weigh nothing so if you can bodge it that will fly. It is like trying to put like a 2 litre turbo in a go kart not going to happen . lol

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It can be done i believe, lights, suitible tyres, horn, and it all taxed and insured up and i think you've got it.

Minimotos and mopeds have basically the same engine in my view, it could be bodged i'm sure - anything can be bodged.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7021983351990344345 Wanna bet? Not 2 litre - 1 litre but 150 HP! :lol::lol:

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With a car, it's:



Get to listen to music properly, no headphones

Can still have fun in it

Can take more people in it

Can go through a drive through(if your into that sort of stuff)

Can wear whatever you want.

As you can see, i am in no way biased.

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I've had both.

I've decided car. More practicle.

Simply on the basis that you can't make out with a girl / your gf on a motorbike. You can in a car.

Also stuff to take in to account:

Motorbikes are more dangerous. Fact. I know that.

It rains loads in the UK and rain on a bike is f**king shit.

You've gotta have your helmet and jacket etc somewhere every time you go eg College

You'll get TPFT insurance so if you bin your bike you're f**ked.

Just wait until you can drive and get on the rents insurance or something.


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It can be done i believe, lights, suitible tyres, horn, and it all taxed and insured up and i think you've got it.

Yea but its not really that simple - you have to get it approved by a board

and no team in there right minds will make a mini moto road legal for the

simple fact that you will kill yourself.... people not seeing you in mirrors

the handling of the bike being too small.... and even if you did bore it to 70

would be a waste of your time getting it road legal because insurance wont cover

you if your engine size is bigger than your legal allowed

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Yea but its not really that simple - you have to get it approved by a board

Very true. I've put a French TDR on the road in the UK which meant I had to get it MSVA'd and believe me they're seriously thorough!! As an example, just for the mirrors they must have a minimum size of the radius on the edge of the mirrors, the mirror itself must be a specified size and even the mirror spacing from the bike centreline is prescribed... and they have about 3 pages of little things they must check. I'm not saying it couldn't be done but it'd be a hell of a lot of work and you'd be much better off buying a road legal DT125 or something...

RE the car vs bike... I also have both and have to agree that if you're only going to have one it really has to be the car, especially as a trials rider for lugging your bike about in. Motorbikes are stupid amounts of fun but very impractal.


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Plus i seriously doubt there's anybody out there that makes a road legal tyre small enough for a mini moto.

I've gone for 5 years on the road without the need for a car. I'd get too pissed off if i had to queue up in traffic everyday.

Riding in the rain would be pants on a road bike but get a supermoto & rain riding is quality. Sooo much fun. As for the danger factor of bikes, It can be dangerous but... Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing, become nothing. Quoted from the headstone of one of my favourite motorbike riders ever, David Jefferies.

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Mo'bike for me, i'd like to get one when i'm 16, probably a hair drier but i'm not gonna go flat out down roads docking the throttle 'cos i think it makes it go faster.

Got a mini dirt bike which is ok, goes about 30, when i'm 16 there's a possibility i'll make it road legal if i have the time and money, should be good.

Cheapest option really, dirt cheap on petrol etc...

i remember when you said i ride a hairdryer and u bet I docked the throttle when you were wrong and out of order, when it's you who has a haridryer yourself mini crosser or whatever its still 49cc high rev peice of 2 stroke unreliable poop. You have got no chance of getting it road legel as they are more into crushing them as they are alowing them on the roads. To me you are just a 15 year old who thinks you know it all, get into the real world!

I will most likely be getting a car to cart my tools/friends around as its a lot more practical, if i was you i would pass both tests car and motorbike and then you can get a bike when you are older for fun aswell as your car for practicallity.

You can get a 125 cc bike at the age of 17 and then if you pass early you can have any bike u like at 19 after 2 years of having a full license.

Jason (Y)

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