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Riding Fear And Excusses


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1)= Hi people was just wondering what, you say to yorself befor trying something big, so you dont chicken out?

i mostly just say whats the worst theat can happen? and got for it.

just curious what you people do?? :unsure:

2)= also whats the worst excuse you have heared from people? as to why they cant try it today??????

i thik quite a common one is that it is to slippy, (even though i have done it with a basicaly bald tyre) :lol:

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I just think...nah, I can't do that (which is the truth with most things) - if I think it's within my capability I set myself up, still with doubt in mind...then usually I just think, 'fu*k it' and jump...

I make excuses to myself all the time, most of the time when something just doesn't feel right, having an off balance day/I'd rather practice something else - but sometimes I suprise myself as I have no doubt/fear atall..

It usually just depends upon how I'm feeling in myself that day, before I even ride trials, that determines my ability/attitude towards riding.

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Thats how i get everything done the phrase "f*ck it" is brilliant. Also not thinking about it works. If you sit ontop of a drop thinking about what could go wrong some thing probaby will.

Excuse wise i always hear :my rims are dirty; brake is shit and the classic "Its to wet."

Joey B

Edited by fugigas
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nine times out of ten i think well im going to hurt myself so why not do it doing something big.

bigger the trick, worse the stack, funnier it will look on video

just go for it

ride with a mate

a little competition makes you ride so so much better. (Y)

or just think of all those lovely wrinkly nurses who will kiss and rub you better.

or your girlfriend thats Probably better to think about (Y)

Edited by python_man
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good topic!

This is one thing that bugs me the most, I am really bad for thinking the worst in most situations not just in trials. I often find it hard to go for things because its so much easyer to just stop and say aww ill try it another time. At the moment im just getting out of a stage of just doing the same things over and over... same gaps and sidehops / rock sections. This week i have done 1 or 2 things i have not done before which gives me a bit more confidence. At the moment my bike is pritty much just a raft.... I need a new front break (tryed boiling pads and disk ect...) also my adamant hub skips the whole time, this always puts doubt in my mind when doing stuff but not for long should have my king back soon. That doesnt help when it comes to pushing and going for things. But my main problem is i just fear the worst and over exagerate it!

But hey trials would be boring for me if i wasnt scared to try things.

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In all honesty i dont tend to think of it going wrong, i basically watch myself doing it in my head, then just aim to copy that. Tend to forget what might happen if it goes wrong.

But the best excuse ive ever heard is probably "ohh theres to many people in the way." When there clearly isnt anyone in the way at all!

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1) I can't really do much 'big' stuff but when I try I just go for it in the safest way. I try and breathe slowly and calmly before I go for it.

2) Not being a very good rider is a good excuse :D

Do you think adrenaline(sp?) is good or bad? - I find it makes me shake a bit so I suppose it could make you less accurate but maybe it speeds up your reactions.

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Do you think adrenaline(sp?) is good or bad? - I find it makes me shake a bit so I suppose it could make you less accurate but maybe it speeds up your reactions.

adrenaline is a proper b*****d for me, my heart just goes so fast its all i can feel so its all i think about and i have to stop riding or i just end up in serious pain.

to be honest, the more you think about something the less likely you are to do it, just be a man and don't think of the reprecussions and go for whatever it is.

my general excuse is that i hate the take off, usually not too bothered about the landing so some reason, i guess i think, ill just find out when i get there

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What I find when I am doing something new is that if I see it ride up to it and do it straight away without hesitating knowing that I can do it I normally can and feel good. But as soon as I chicken out of something once I loose my confidence :(

Mates being there always boosts my confidence.

And also I think what people say has a massive effect on ability. For example I said to my mate 'your too tired, been riding all day, its getting to you' as a joke but it actually meant he couldn't concentrate as much.

On to excuses. Well with my mate that I always ride with we don't really use excuses because we know what each others abilities are and don't feel like we have to make excuses if that makes any sense.

But I quite often make excuses to myself :P


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When I used to dirt jump - BIG, I remember saying to myself "You chicken piece of shit, just do it", that kinda worked but I doubt the same applies to trials, as I think it's more skill than having big balls.

I guess your friends encouraging you would help, but I ride alone. :( And I'm crap! :;)

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