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Bmx'ers Opinions Wanted


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hey, after having pretty much conquered my recently aquired bout of mind numbing boredom with some sick bmx videos, ive decided that hey im gonne buy me one.. adding together this fact and the fact that i cant think of what to get for christmas.. ive come up a cropper and am going to ask my dear old mum to purchase me a bmx push bicycle. ive found this, and to me it ticks all the boxes, looks good, nice colour, has everything i need in a first bmx and ultimately, pretty cheap.

so what does everyone think..? and im more than happy to recieve other suggestions of bikes around that price range.

thanks in advance chaps.


Edited by James
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come on guys im bored as hell, i want a discussion.

also, could someone asnwer the question, why do some people run 39/14 gear ratios and some 30/11 and some even.. 44/16!! are they for different styles of riding? becuase in all the vids i see they have smaller front rings. hmm.

heres a pic, to keep y'all interested.

IPB Image


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To be brutally honest/sound a dick, theres a reason why this bike is so cheap. Its crap...if you concider buying this you might as well go to halfords a pick out something there. Theres truth about the saying "you get what you pay for" when it comes to bikes, if you could get a slightly bigger budget you would get yourself so much more bike for your money, for a first bmx you should be looking around £180, that would get you a nice felt/dk etc. something with a half decent company behind it and warrenty for actual riding...

Or you could but it and not believe someone whos completele blind drunk on a sunday night/morning... :closedeyes:

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Regarding the gearing- those ratios all work out at virtually the same so the only difference between them is the physical size. Basically BMXers have taken to running as small gearing as possible to keep things out of the way and also reduce weight (BMXers are even more anal about weight than trials riders are these days!). 25/9 used to be the fashion but I've heard of hubs now available with 8 teeth and less so it's still coming down...


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Yeah, to be honest if you're seriously thinking about getting into bmc then you will hate that bike in less than a month.

If you're on a budget.. Who isn't? Then I'd go for a secondhand bike really.. Generally much better spec, and cheap due to bmxs having a super low resale value.

If not.. Wethepeople do quite nice entry levels set ups have a look a them.

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yup, the WTP range is good. hoffman do some nice cheap bikes too.

the most important things to look for are a full cromo frame&fork (seriously, settle for nothing less or you'll just have to buy new ones), 14mm dropouts on the frame and 48spoke wheels (you need 48 for proper hucking - we can't all be OBM smooth :P ).

the current fashion is for long (21") frames but to be honest unless you're well clear of 6 foot I'd advise something a little shorter (I'm 6'1 and find 20.75 to be about right)

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Definitely get what you pay for in bmx, Its no different to buying a trials bike.

I built my bmx its probaly the best thing to do as you can spread the cost of parts over a period of time and lets face it unless you drive to Y2SK8 or wherever theres nothing at the moment to ride

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i like that. does everyone think thats a good choice then?

not really - for a WTP go for the addict cos the nova doesn't have a full cromo frame&fork

it's an extra £100 but the replacement frame you'll need within a year is going to be at least £200, and replacement forks another £80.

consider these for around the £200 mark

DK 6 pack 07

DK cleveland 06

i've never ridden either but the frame&fork are full cromo and if you're anything like me you'll have replaced all the small components with pimpy new ones within 6months anyway

oh - and a consider this a vote for not buying from winstanleys

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Definitely get what you pay for in bmx, Its no different to buying a trials bike.

I built my bmx its probaly the best thing to do as you can spread the cost of parts over a period of time and lets face it unless you drive to Y2SK8 or wherever theres nothing at the moment to ride

When you say Y2SK8, do you mean the park in Peterborough? I have been there a few times, 'tis a really good park, plus living in Bourne means it isn't too far to travel, just a shame it's only bikers day on wednesday.

And yeah another vote for the WTP Addict, and another not to buy from winstanleys. These are a good online shop, great bunch of guys and really helpful Source bmx

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not really - for a WTP go for the addict cos the nova doesn't have a full cromo frame&fork

I had a ... oh what is it now 2004? WTP Nova!

it was a super bike it was superb! just pelt head on at anything you wanted handeled

8-10 foot high table tops fine.... only ever bothered changing tyres and stripping brakes

cutting bars..... but mechanically nothing... perfect learner bike

veiwed the nova and looks like they got it spot on for a bike to ride an crash....

if you seriously want to take up BMX and go through with it maybee look at the higher

range of the WTP range.......

OH an ive always have a fetish for fit bikes :P

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really cant afford £299, would love to, but thats pushing it a bit.

also, is it possible to easily and tidily remove the giro from a bmx, just leaving normal stem and back brake cable, wont be needing front i dont think.

thanks for all your help guys, been great.


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I had a ... oh what is it now 2004? WTP Nova!

it was a super bike it was superb! just pelt head on at anything you wanted handeled

8-10 foot high table tops fine.... only ever bothered changing tyres and stripping brakes

cutting bars..... but mechanically nothing... perfect learner bike

veiwed the nova and looks like they got it spot on for a bike to ride an crash....

if you seriously want to take up BMX and go through with it maybee look at the higher

range of the WTP range.......

OH an ive always have a fetish for fit bikes :P

I have a Fit Seris 1. :wub:

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I have to say to not go with Winstanleys.

Recently went to buy a hoody and long sleve tee, ended up with an email saying that neither were in stock and they didn't know when the hoody will be back in. And suggested a hoody they don't even have on the website.

But it's only my first time, so i can't really judge them.

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also, is it possible to easily and tidily remove the giro from a bmx, just leaving normal stem and back brake cable

Yea will take 2 seconds and then u just need a straight back cable costs bout a fiver but someone you know shuold have 1 lying arround somewhere!

What you getting dude?

TPOO last year standard spec :P hahahaha

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Hmm, Winstanleys are quite crap sometimes, always getting colours and sizes wrong when friends have bought from them. Best bmx shops I've dealt with; Cyclone, The Source and the best; Pijin.


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Hmm, Winstanleys are quite crap sometimes, always getting colours and sizes wrong when friends have bought from them. Best bmx shops I've dealt with; Cyclone, The Source and the best; Pijin.


they all look good but none of them sell the nova full bike in the colour i want apparently. thanks anyway

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When you say Y2SK8, do you mean the park in Peterborough? I have been there a few times, 'tis a really good park, plus living in Bourne means it isn't too far to travel, just a shame it's only bikers day on wednesday.

Bmx from sunday at 2 aswell well morning but youve got to mix with the wood pushers

and I did indeed mean the park in peterborough

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