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The Photo Editing Thread.


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I know many of you use programmes such as photoshop and can do many cool things such as change part of a colour picture to black and white ETC.

...so if you have tips for editing photos with certain programmes such as photoshop or Gimp etc add them here for us all to use/enjoy.

This thread may/may not work. but try not to get annoyed if you don't like it.

Cheers, Rorz!

RR Trials

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ill be honest, could explain to you how to use photoshop, but in reality, much better to look at the online tutorials dotted round the place, there more comprehensive, and will have pictures showing you each stage.

other than that play around, learning how to use layers is an essential.

as for changing parts of a photo to black an white. its basically a case of duplicating the background layer twice, on the top layer, delete everything you want in black and white, using either the erasor, or the lasoo tool(polygonal lassoo tool is easiest).

then on the next layer down, just press ctrl + A, then ctrl+shift+u. flatten the layers and save, obiviously theres more too it, when it comes to neatening up the edges etc.but youll learn that as you go along.

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Thankyou, but i have grasped the general idea of how to change certain aspects of my photos to black and white, i just thought i would open this thread for those who do not, and also for those that have found good ways to do different things.

P.s I am using GIMP so i don't need a photoshop tutorial, although when my RAM is installed i shall use photoshop, so cheers for the advice (Y)


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easiest way to make certain elements of a picture black and white is to duplicate your original image onto a layer, make that one b+w (I use channel mixer > monochrome for that but millions of ways) and then delete/brush/mask/wond the areas u dont want. depends how precise you want to be.

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