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Im Innocent


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Him being offline is actually more of a point to you being the same person... because you can't be logged on on both accounts at the same time on the same pc. You log off, he logs on and your displayed as offline, you log off again and log in on the other account and again, only one of you will be online.

You've been rumbled stop trying.

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  Krisboats said:

Him being offline is actually more of a point to you being the same person... because you can't be logged on on both accounts at the same time on the same pc. You log off, he logs on and your displayed as offline, you log off again and log in on the other account and again, only one of you will be online.

You've been rumbled stop trying.

what about if i e-mail you or a mod and he e-mails you or a mod as far as i know you can not have 2 e-mail address on the same computer can you, then check the thing ip or what ever it is called they will be diffrent i promise.

would someone swear on ther familys life just for a trials forum :( they would have to be sick to i will tell you that.

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Maybe got a friend to log on as well, he could easily give username / password to someone over msn so they can log in for him.

Either way, checking the ip's of posts that have already been made at the beginning of the thread before everybody informed him of how the internet works is the easiest solution.

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  Krisboats said:

Maybe got a friend to log on as well, he could easily give username / password to someone over msn so they can log in for him.

Either way, checking the ip's of posts that have already been made at the beginning of the thread before everybody informed him of how the internet works is the easiest solution.

i was just going to say that!!! lol you stole my post darn you ha ha

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sorry i dont have msn i thought all you guys were realy cool i am upset that you would call me a liar i am not a liar :( i am just going to leave this now and hopefully one day you will relise that we are both logged on and talking on diffrent topics i have not given any one my pasword and i dont know any one elses mr? has been here six months some one said so why would he start a new name i havent been on here no were near six months i started on the essex trials forum but it was quite then i came over to hear because it was freindly and welcombing and now it has turned right round every one thinks i am a liar and im am quite sad actually.

people do win the lottery so the chance of this happing is possible and i just dont no what else more i can do to show my innesence if every one wants me to leave i will but i dont want to this forum is great and i found trials riders near me on hear i might meat up with one of these people one day and then you will relise i am daniel shorter and not tom such and such i hope some day you will find i was telling the truth all along.

getting a freind to log in aswell would just be sad i hope someone on hear will beleave me.

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I have to agree with the guy.

At first it was a bit of banter and members digging their claws in. But now it's just everyone speculating. Should only be between Danny and tomturd and whoever else is involved, trying to work it out with each other.

Closing time?

Unless everyone else is still having fun. :P

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  dan the trials man said:

sorry i dont have msn i thought all you guys were realy cool i am upset that you would call me a liar i am not a liar :( i am just going to leave this now and hopefully one day you will relise that we are both logged on and talking on diffrent topics i have not given any one my pasword and i dont know any one elses mr? has been here six months some one said so why would he start a new name i havent been on here no were near six months i started on the essex trials forum but it was quite then i came over to hear because it was freindly and welcombing and now it has turned right round every one thinks i am a liar and im am quite sad actually.

people do win the lottery so the chance of this happing is possible and i just dont no what else more i can do to show my innesence if every one wants me to leave i will but i dont want to this forum is great and i found trials riders near me on hear i might meat up with one of these people one day and then you will relise i am daniel shorter and not tom such and such i hope some day you will find i was telling the truth all along.

getting a freind to log in aswell would just be sad i hope someone on hear will beleave me.

Dude, sort out your grammar. I didn't understand a word of that.

Every 2 words there's a mistake, it makes it so hard to read!

You got rumbled on the first page, why carry on?

3 Places and 3 users have the same IP address yeah? NO.

I know I said ignore him but i'm sick of threads that I can't read because someone doesn't have the sense to correct blatent errors!

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To be COMPLETELY non subjective (non biased for all of you that don't have a wide range of vocabulary).

If he planned this over 6 months, he'd be pretty gay to even waste that much time on it.

I think unless NO hard evidence is produced, give the kid another chance, and if he blows it again with hard evidence against him, ban him.

Sorry it's concise but i'm no good at putting thoughts into words.

POSSIBLY, he could be doing it (as i've said before) because he hasn't been validated.

Edited by Fat Pants
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  yoyoyo said:

I have to agree with the guy.

At first it was a bit of banter and members digging their claws in. But now it's just everyone speculating. Should only be between Danny and tomturd and whoever else is involved, trying to work it out with each other.

Closing time?

Unless everyone else is still having fun. :P

it sounds like every one is having fun exsept me :( because im still scratching my head wondering what is going on.

i thought every one was joking at first and was winding me up then i relised they were being serious and i was like wtf is going on :blink:

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  dan the trials man said:
sorry i dont have msn i thought all you guys were realy cool i am upset that you would call me a liar i am not a liar :( i am just going to leave this now and hopefully one day you will relise that we are both logged on and talking on diffrent topics i have not given any one my pasword and i dont know any one elses mr? has been here six months some one said so why would he start a new name i havent been on here no were near six months i started on the essex trials forum but it was quite then i came over to hear because it was freindly and welcombing and now it has turned right round every one thinks i am a liar and im am quite sad actually.

people do win the lottery so the chance of this happing is possible and i just dont no what else more i can do to show my innesence if every one wants me to leave i will but i dont want to this forum is great and i found trials riders near me on hear i might meat up with one of these people one day and then you will relise i am daniel shorter and not tom such and such i hope some day you will find i was telling the truth all along.

getting a freind to log in aswell would just be sad i hope someone on hear will beleave me.

lol... its soo obvious you are lying because.. 1. if you wernt tom on two differant accounts then you defonatly wouldnt be worrying about it soo much.. i mean for christs sake GET OVER IT YOU FOOKIN DICK HEAD!...

2. i can also say it is more than possable to share i.p addresses with people... i share i.p address with 3 differant companys in new york.. i think one of the is "america on line" and i share an i.p with some 16 year old girl down lancashire..

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  Krisboats said:

You can tell by the way the dan the trials man account user has posted so many times saying he's worried that he's lieing. He's trying to sound convincing and serious so he's overdoing it. I'm pretty sure it is possible for peopl to share the same I.P address but as far as i was aware it doesn't happen very often, and the chances of both IP addresses being used by lads of the same age on the same forum who both illiterately make their posts in a confused and unclear manner is so absolutely miniscule its beyond belief.

Think an atom, being split, then having one of those particles split.... its probably smaller than that ;)

Or he is really telling the truth, as they say, innocent till proven guilty.

Edited by bhups
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  trial-biker-ryan said:

lol... its soo obvious you are lying because.. 1. if you wernt tom on two differant accounts then you defonatly wouldnt be worrying about it soo much.. i mean for christs sake GET OVER IT YOU FOOKIN DICK HEAD!...

2. i can also say it is more than possable to share i.p addresses with people... i share i.p address with 3 differant companys in new york.. i think one of the is "america on line" and i share an i.p with some 16 year old girl down lancashire..

i think that is a bit out of order because you are even saying how possible it is to share a ip you should be helping me mate please dont call me a dick head or a liar because i am neither i am just a fliping 15 year old sticking up for another boy my age and i get acused of being the same blody person i thin kit is a blody joke just because i share the same blody ip as some one i must be them get real i am going to just leave this because i am not mr? i hope i am not banned because of this silly little mistake that some one has made.

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The boy who wrote this topic is a good friend of mine and yes he is telling the truth he did not start that topic they also go to my school and they are the one's who deserve to get blocked not tom so tom if you read this then when you finaly get your account unblocked change your password and keep it safe like the rest of us.

Good luck mate hope you get back on here

Joel (Y):D

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:D:D please does this mean that it was a big mistake or a cowinsdence.

that would mean yes yes yes im am guilty like i said all along and i am daniel shorter not mr?/tom you have got to bleave me now surley. :):):D:):D

i am so glad that some people belive us 2 it feels like the whole site is against us i never had any of this trouble on the bmx forums i thought this sight was way better please tom the mod not tom/mr? that has caused me all this trouble do you beleave me now.

Edited by dan the trials man
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  dan the trials man said:

:D:D please does this mean that it was a big mistake or a cowinsdence.

that would mean yes yes yes im am guilty like i said all along and i am daniel shorter not mr?/tom you have got to bleave me now surley. :):):D:):D

Your supposed to keep that a secret. ;):P

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  MadManMike said:

I'm starting to lose all hope for this countries language, it's gone well down the pan in the post before yours!

In fakt most ov dis fred as been lyk a for yeer owlds ome werk.

sorry i am a rubish speler that i am but not a liar :D i am a lazy typer i will improve my typing and spelling.

sorry again for all of you that have to put up with my shocking spelling :)

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what r u tryina say m8? i fort that post by me was ok innit? or did u kwote da rong post?

Roughly translated into; Are you sure you quoted the right post, because i'm not really one to use text language, especially on TF.

EDIT: Oh, i think i get you now, the post before me right? And you were agreeing with the Chit-Chat vote possibility, by quoting it.

Edited by Fat Pants
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