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All frames crack at one point, my levelboss didn't crack when I had it which was for about 1 year and 10 months but the guy that bought it off me cracked it a couple of months later. Aslong as your not really rough it will be fine for quite a while, also, they ride very nice so just buy one (Y)

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Yep they do, Ride really nicely though.

I used to have a re-welded one, and one of my mates has just cracked his. Both were mods, both quite old though, so had done quite well.

Wouldn't like to say about the 26" ones though. They could be nails.

Don't get put off buying one though, you'll probably still get a good 2 years out of it, which isn't really anything to complain about, and the way they ride is worth it.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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I ride a stock koxx level boss and it is over 2 years old and there is still not a crack in site, but as everyone said nothing is indestructible its just your riding that limits its life depending on how good or smooth you are. To be honest I'm not the smoothest of riders at times but its well worth the money. But if you don't want to pay the full price for the levelboss I think there is a make called Yaa Baa they do copies of them. http://www.koxx-norway.net/FramesetMAIN.htm its called TOTSKOYE. (Y)

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I really hope your joking :mellow:

Hahaha :D Mercy.

Just because one is for sale on ebay or your mates mates mate cracked one don't mean to say there shit, well, ALL frames are shit if you asked me, regardless of make or model.

Trials riding is, if you haven't noticed, a fecking abusive sport. Bikes for this reason need to be strong AND light...The strength to weight ratio is a difficult one, sometimes its right, sometimes its wrong as we see with models that come and go, and the ones that stay on for a long time...the levelboss has stayed on.

The geometery is almost that of the T-Pro, which was my previous bike, £150? ish a frame, you can't go wrong...although if you want the flash expensive frame, go for the koxx :P

Although, as said the Koxx frame warrenty is something which is to be frowned upon...Which to say they're the most expensive frames of the market I'd have thought the warrenty process would be a little better...but, meh, they have your money so who gives a f**k.

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