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hey im looking to get a 20" ashton but friends have warned me off saying that they are crap, well actually he said "they just stick a few bits of metal together and call it a bike!" but i really like them! are they a good bike to begin on? :huh:


ryan (Y)

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i ride a ashton justice 20 i think its not to bad but the parts arnt that good though. but if you get one you should get some better parts, and you hardly ever see enyone rideing them so there diferent

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hey dude!! what is your thing with ashtons? lol


dude just look at this bike........http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ONZA-T-PRO-trials-bike-echo-zoo-%20koxx_W0QQitemZ190056207392QQihZ009QQcategoryZ123471QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


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  MadManMike said:

Aren't all 20" bikes short? :P

I must admit i've never seen a Justice 20 in the flesh... I'm probably biased though as I don't like mods, I'm a 26" man :)

all 20 are not short mate have you never seen or riden the zoo python.

i bought my 26 because i was to big for a 20 but then i have got 2 of my mates in to trials who first said im getting the ashton thank god i got them to change ther minds they are both now riding t-pros i have been on them and they are so easy to chuck around but they are not short the only 2 short 20 inchers i have riden were the ashton justice that was $hit and the saracen mad 20.zero that was amazingly better then the ashton :o yes you heard me right the saracen was better then the ashton.

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Well i thinks ashton's arent easy to snap!

Dont know about the 20" but the 26" Frame is the best bike i haver ever seen

and ridden! (Y)(Y)

And isn't easy to snap! (yeah heard of 1 -2 that snapped...but every frame will snap

after hard riding (except of a syntace B) ) )

So go for an 26" Ashton or take a whatever 20" shit! :D


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ryan your speaking to new members, why dont you just listen to me, you would suck on a 20" full stop, and what is your obsetion with ashton 20"s???dont you think there is a reason why its selling for £80 and still nobady wants it, and dont you think theres a reason why nobody has them, considering the guy who made and designed them has only ever rode 26" so what would he know about mods?? and after about a month youd hate 20" bikes anyway, i bet you! look if i sort out my giant ill let you use that and stuff, then just start on that for now.... listen to some whos knows about this stuff, not these gimps in new members chat

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  aim@me said:

ryan your speaking to new members, why dont you just listen to me, you would suck on a 20" full stop, and what is your obsetion with ashton 20"s???dont you think there is a reason why its selling for £80 and still nobady wants it, and dont you think theres a reason why nobody has them, considering the guy who made and designed them has only ever rode 26" so what would he know about mods?? and after about a month youd hate 20" bikes anyway, i bet you! look if i sort out my giant ill let you use that and stuff, then just start on that for now.... listen to some whos knows about this stuff, not these gimps in new members chat

I'm sure some new members know what they're on about!

But anyway, yeah i'd avoid a cheap bike fullstop, whether it's 20 or 26 inch... Buy cheap, get rubbish. It's the same with everything in life.

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  aim@me said:

ryan your speaking to new members, why dont you just listen to me, you would suck on a 20" full stop, and what is your obsetion with ashton 20"s???dont you think there is a reason why its selling for £80 and still nobady wants it, and dont you think theres a reason why nobody has them, considering the guy who made and designed them has only ever rode 26" so what would he know about mods?? and after about a month youd hate 20" bikes anyway, i bet you! look if i sort out my giant ill let you use that and stuff, then just start on that for now.... listen to some whos knows about this stuff, not these gimps in new members chat

adrian, you ride a shitty GU, nuff said really :P

anway, mods are fun, but arent cool, 24 really is where its at, do yourself a favour and get 1 now, rather than later ;)

iv heard more t-pros snapping than ashtons and iv got an ashton i iv done quite big drops and there nice and its never cracked or snapped, there no proplem

thats cos theres more t pros than ashtons...so itll seem as though more have snapped, but if you worked it out as an average, im sure you would see it differently-t pros are mcfooking solid, and have been owned by some seriously harsh, fat bastards ;)

also, your idea of big drops may be different to others, also the way you land would affect the longetivity of the frame,not doubting your ability, just making a point

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  Ali C said:

get an ashton, the're cool

lol theres such a mixed opinion!! lol i might just get a 26" lol or maybe get the ashton 26" o but wait i found an echo team which is nice, good bike?

and before you say it adrian!!! I KNOW ITS A 20" lol


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  aim@me said:

ryan your speaking to new members, why dont you just listen to me, you would suck on a 20" full stop, and what is your obsetion with ashton 20"s???dont you think there is a reason why its selling for £80 and still nobady wants it, and dont you think theres a reason why nobody has them, considering the guy who made and designed them has only ever rode 26" so what would he know about mods?? and after about a month youd hate 20" bikes anyway, i bet you! look if i sort out my giant ill let you use that and stuff, then just start on that for now.... listen to some whos knows about this stuff, not these gimps in new members chat

what is that supose to mean "your speaking to new members" so your trying to say new members dont no what they are on about. new members is for people who are new to the forum it doesnt mean that everyone is new to the sport. if tartyadam/dave was a new memeber would that make them not no what they are on about. and you dont no if someone will suck on a mod why not give him actual advice instead of putting him down. and the comment saying theres a reason it hasnt sold and is at 80 quid and no body wants still, is stupid really there are top spec bikes that dont sell its just pot luck if somebody looking for what bike you have comes around when your selling it at the time. and alot of people wont have them as a bike because i do believe they where limited amount of them made not because they are shit. and im sure martin ashton noes what hes doing wheather its a mod or stock he will no how different bikes ride with different geo weather its stock or mod and its not just him who designs a frame/bike theres other people, for example porter was test riding other frames for ideas for the new ashton untill he left them. ashton has more experience with trials bikes than you have probly been alive, u need to stop downing mods just because you more than likely ride a stock and give the lad some advice.

right on topic i once rode a ashton mod full build and it wasnt to my taste i found the front end far to high for me but despite this i think they would make a good starter bike, but not as good a t-pro which are arguable the best value for money bike in the world and excellent bikes to start on. if your just starting then any of the onza range are good bikes to get t-vee t-bird or t-pro, im not sure on your budget but there are plenty of secound hands floating around. usually it doesn't matter to much if your first bike has the best geo to suit you as your learning the basic moves and they arnt anything big and aslong as you have a trials specfic bike then which ever bike you get wont hold you back at all. its only when you are doing the big more technical moves that the geo may start to restrict you if it doesnt suit you.

cheers hudson

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  andy h said:

right on topic i once rode a ashton mod full build and it wasnt to my taste i found the front end far to high for me but despite this i think they would make a good starter bike, but not as good a t-pro which are arguable the best value for money bike in the world and excellent bikes to start on. if your just starting then any of the onza range are good bikes to get t-vee t-bird or t-pro, im not sure on your budget but there are plenty of secound hands floating around. usually it doesn't matter to much if your first bike has the best geo to suit you as your learning the basic moves and they arnt anything big and aslong as you have a trials specfic bike then which ever bike you get wont hold you back at all. its only when you are doing the big more technical moves that the geo may start to restrict you if it doesnt suit you.

cheers hudson

cheers mate that helps alot!! i may have found an 06 t-pro for £250 (full build)

and dont mind aim@me he's a mate of mine,we live in the same town :lol: he's just in a bad mood :lol:

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