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I Need Some Tips For Driving...


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Right, well i am learning to drive. I drive with my dad and i am also taking lessons. (have done 3, 2 hour lessons) I have booked my theory and have it soon. If anyone has any tips on driving in general, theory, hazard perception, the actual test or any links to any helpful sites etc. i would appreciate it. I had some CD's but they don't work :(.


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I used the CD's for a few weeks before my theory and I got 100% on the first part and 63 out of 75 on the hazard perception, there really useful! 3 days before my fiance was going to take her theory she hadn't even looked at a test before. 2 days of a crash course (pardon the pun) on the CD's and she passed it no trouble.

One thing I question about learning with a parent, are you learning in the sense your dad is actually TEACHING you or is he just going out in the car with you and letting you get on with it? I mention this because the majority of parents learnt to drive a long time ago and the technicques you need to learn to pass now are completely different. E.G your dad might tell you to signal when over taking a bike which in reality you shouldn't do or when you approach a roundabout your dad might tell you to work down the gears while your instructor might tell you to blockshift. I'm not saying which methods are good and which ones are bad it's just a fact you HAVE to do the right ones in the eyes of the examiner.

As far as general driving goes, driving a car is actually pretty easy (just think how many peoplel do it!) it just gets more complicated when other people drive like idiots so all I can say is just stay alert of whats going on around you and you should be fine.

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THINK is the only advise I'd give. When you've had the amount of lessons you feel you can drive confidently, go for your test and THINK and be POSITIVE and CONFIDENT. Don't go driving or on your test expecting to f**k up or fail. CONFIDENCE is the key!

(I passeed with four minors first time :- )

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I used the CD's for a few weeks before my theory and I got 100% on the first part and 63 out of 75 on the hazard perception, there really useful! 3 days before my fiance was going to take her theory she hadn't even looked at a test before. 2 days of a crash course (pardon the pun) on the CD's and she passed it no trouble.

One thing I question about learning with a parent, are you learning in the sense your dad is actually TEACHING you or is he just going out in the car with you and letting you get on with it? I mention this because the majority of parents learnt to drive a long time ago and the technicques you need to learn to pass now are completely different. E.G your dad might tell you to signal when over taking a bike which in reality you shouldn't do or when you approach a roundabout your dad might tell you to work down the gears while your instructor might tell you to blockshift. I'm not saying which methods are good and which ones are bad it's just a fact you HAVE to do the right ones in the eyes of the examiner.

As far as general driving goes, driving a car is actually pretty easy (just think how many peoplel do it!) it just gets more complicated when other people drive like idiots so all I can say is just stay alert of whats going on around you and you should be fine.

Thanks for all the help so far. Yer i need to get more CD's but two sets now haven't worked. Yes my Dad is teaching me as my instructor does. Blockshift etc. etc. is all good. I apparently need about 6 more lessons and hope to book my test for January time when i pass my theory. I may just try the CD's at my Nans house on her pc or something. Just got back from a lessons actually, did reverse parking, bay parking and reverse around a corner etc. All good fun. Yer i will try and be as confident as i can.

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Right, i recently passed. Like 3 weeks ago on friday. Theory, dont worry about it. I didnt revise at all, got full marks on the first bit and 61 out of 75 on second bit. Its all common sense.


Driving is actually easy. Dont talk, just concentrate. I found i drove better when my instructor wasnt constantly pestering me. Manouveres(sp?) are easy aswell, reversing round long corner. Remember to look around, as much as you can. If you see a car STOP! wait till its clear again and go. If there is a car coming from the road you are reversing into. Then STOP, if it wont go past you will have to drive round the corner again and start again. This is how i failed both my mock tests.

Reverse park

On your test you have the chance to go forward and sort your reverse out, only if you have ballsed it up. You get this luxery once. You can only do it once. I done my manouvers first as soon as i drove out of the test centre. This made it loads easier, as i knew i could drive. So i had this massive grin on my face all the way round, as i knew i had past.

Best piece of advice i can give is to CONCENTRATE!

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One thing I question about learning with a parent, are you learning in the sense your dad is actually TEACHING you or is he just going out in the car with you and letting you get on with it? I mention this because the majority of parents learnt to drive a long time ago and the technicques you need to learn to pass now are completely different

that's really really true

things have changed a lot since I took my first few lessons about 4 years ago - let alone when my parents learnt.

I've gotta wait til after the baby before I can take the test now so I'll have a good few weeks to revise for theory - I'm curious as to what the hazard perception bit entails cos i haven't got myself a CD yet, what do you actually do in it ?

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I've gotta wait til after the baby before I can take the test now so I'll have a good few weeks to revise for theory - I'm curious as to what the hazard perception bit entails cos i haven't got myself a CD yet, what do you actually do in it ?

You just watch a video of a car driving along from the perspective of the driver. You just have to click the mouse when you see something that would cause you to take action (change speed or direction, check mirrors etc.). You are rated according to how fast you respond to the hazard.


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You just watch a video of a car driving along from the perspective of the driver. You just have to click the mouse when you see something that would cause you to take action (change speed or direction, check mirrors etc.). You are rated according to how fast you respond to the hazard.


carmageddon in reverse then

i can do that (Y)

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