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My Bottom Bracket Keeps Wobbling And Coming Loose,

Ben Beckett

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i recently snapped a bottom brackett (a month or so back) and the new bottom bracket i bought made the threads go a tiny bit cross threaded so the bb wouldn't screw in properly. i then got it tapped (re-threaded/cleaned up) and the new bb went in fine........but it comes loose pretty much every few days :( , i have took it out and cleaned any shit inside and put some blue loctite (don't worry it is ment for it, it aint the wrong stuff) and it has still been coming loose-this is really starting to annoy me! (N) whilst riding from home 2 walls in town it creaks/tings, you can feel the cranks move a slight bit every now and then,

the crank arm on the driveside also got damaged due to the snappage, have a look at the pics to see if the cranks could be contributing to any of this,

there are a few pics of the bb and the damaged cranks;


i will put a bit more loctite in tonight (it's only half strength designed for dissasembly) because i didn't put too much in the other day,

if you have any other things which you may think is the problem etc, and how to mend it i will be most greatful (Y)


ben beckett.

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I read through the topic in your link, and you say you dented the taper on the middleburns when you snapped the crank, if there is any damage to the taper, it's more than likely that that is your problem. If it isn't the problem, it will be at some point.

I rounded my middleburn taper :$ and wrote a letter to middleburn. They replied saying send them off to them (For the attention of Matt if i remember rightly) and they would replace them for £47.50.

Hope this was some help - it helped me realise how good my memory is as it happened over a year ago :lol:

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The taper is f**ked by the looks of it. prehaps the bb thread's are now too clean, meaning the bb just unscrews itself fairly easily, look like the BB axle was cracked before it snapped as there looks to be a bit of rust/oxidisation on the axle....

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