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Olly C

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Screw new games, I think I'm going to buy a steering wheel to enhance some of the games I've already got.

Okay steering wheel choice obviously being the Wireless Offical Xbox 360 one, but the main issue I will have with mine is mounting the thing somewhere.

In my mum's room I have no room in front of me for a table, so I'm looking to get this bracket that basically has a flat bit to sit on, and then the pole that holds the surface that you wheel mounts onto, comes between your legs.

My brother's room I have a bit more space, I've seen all the elaborate chairs, wheel mounts, monitor mounts and pedal mounts, but all I want is a basic one that will do pedals, wheel, and maybe comes with a chair. But either occupies little space, or can be packed away to a small size.

What set-ups does everyone else go for.

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You don't want to buy my wheel do you? It's a proper Microsoft wireless one.

Bought it for Forza 2, completed that, now I jsut use the controller when I play online.

It's in as new condition and comes with with all the warranty and and stuff as usual.

Going rate on ebay is £40 plus about £15 P+P, which seems fair.

Let me know if you are interested.

Most racing seats are expensive, and not all of them come with wheel attachements.

I modified my desk and made a clip on bracket so I could just slot in the wheel and race in my desk.

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Mini review of Far Cry 2 Single Player

Brilliant looking game, allthough doesnt feel special, aiming flaws and controls not the best, couple of 'OH SNAP' moments, couple of brilliant game play ideas, but equally some annoying ones such as checkpoints re-spawning 5 minutes after you cleared them out, decent length story.


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Mini review: Midnight club L.A

Pretty good, alot like the NFS underground series, graphically good, and onlines pretty fun, some cool ideas in it arcade based and easy enough to play. If your after a driving simulator get forza. However if you like arcade like fun then look no further, a good xbox alternative to the now fairly shocking NFS series.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Left 4 Dead demo is out on live and steam.

Would be ace if we could get 4 of us playing.

I was playing that not long ago top game and like you said shame four people cant play

Never set that car alarm off though f***k me i wish i didnt there were no zombies atall then the car alarm sets of and out of no where a crowd of zombies came


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I'm very tempted to go for a racing chair in my room.

Main reasons for it is that I can chuck out my defunt desk and all the clutter with it (I guess the chair itself gives me the motivation to), it would give me a bit more space in my room (especially once folded), and it would be good to have a nice comfortable chair.

Oooh sounds like a plan.

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GEARS OF WAR 2 IS f**kING AMAZING. BEST GAME EVER BY FAR! (even better than cod, and thats quite a big thing for me to say for anyone that knows me)

i baught far cry 2, fable 2 and gears 2, since i baught gears i havnt been on the other 2 and have no intention too. i cancelled my pre-order for cod but i might buy it just for zombie mode lol.

anyway gearsis the reason im never on the forum anymore....

why the f**k am i on here now im going to play gears!

(will be back in a few weeks :P)

which should i be getting - gears of war 2 or gears of war 2?

i like those options better

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COD5 is £27 in ASDA, my nearest ASDA being about 12 miles away, I did fancy a nice midnight cruise on my moped to buy the game as ASDA is 24hours and released tomorrow morning, so I can then play it all morning.

But then again my moped and night really don't mix, anyone who was riden a moped at night knows why.

So I think I'm just going to get up at 5, go for a nice cruise whilst its still dark, and the sun will gradually come up, and then play the game for the rest of the day.

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anyone else really disapointed with it?

i cancelled my pre-order as i wanted gears of war 2 instead.

i completed cod5 round my mate dans on wednesday and i thought it was alrite but not that great (best bit is getting stabbed with a bayonet by a jap)

online is still a fail as far as maps go, all the maps are pretty shit.

zombie mode is the f**king tits though, will take ages before i get bored of that, and i own more on cod5 than what i did on cod4, got my mates kill death up to 4.31 and thats with about a thousand kills lol!

anyway, i got my copy coming on monday simply so i can play zombie and own online and weve started a new clan ladder for the season( which will probably result in us gettin lots of losses because of the rules like last year)

what do you guys think of it? doesnt really live up to cod4....


and 4 player co-op campaign is good...

zombies is officially the best game type ever

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But then again my moped and night really don't mix, anyone who was riden a moped at night knows why.

So I think I'm just going to get up at 5, go for a nice cruise whilst its still dark, and the sun will gradually come up, and then play the game for the rest of the day.

sorry what, mopeds and night are fine, its dark by the time i leave college and i only go out after, its fine

but yet you say they dont mix yet your going out at 5 in the morning, whilst its dark by your own admission and thats fine?

ohh and its a shame but i havnt liked any of the cod games so looks like i'll be keeping that 40 quid in my pocket thanks

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sorry what, mopeds and night are fine, its dark by the time i leave college and i only go out after, its fine

but yet you say they dont mix yet your going out at 5 in the morning, whilst its dark by your own admission and thats fine?

What kind of lights has your bike got, riding down a road with no street lighting is near death on a moped, I have to rely on the car in front or the car behind for my light to see.

And if you read further I said I could get up at 5, and then the sun would eventually come up.

Well my dad got in at 11:30, so he took me to ASDA last night, wasn't really expecting the huge queue there, lined up and waited, got the the kiosk and the woman was like; "Oh sorry, we sold out of Xbox copies ages ago, we only had 13 in stock, we've got plenty of PS3 copies though".

I was fuming at how they let all the Xbox owners wait in line, when they knew there was none left, but yet didn't tell us.

Feel like complaining, because for a store that has to serve a 20 mile radius, its bad that had little stock on a release of an incredibly popular game, and a ridiculously low price.

And what kind of stock is 13 anyway?, you don't get sent an odd number of products, usually a nice even number, so I bet the staff snaffled a lot of them.

So I went to a 24 hour Tesco's, no queues, tons of stock, but £39.97.

I guess once the offers are off they'll all be at that price anyway.

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