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Trials Course...


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After a short but sweet conversation with my step dad hes agreed to build me a trials course in out garden :D

So being the noob that i am im asking you lot to help me with ideas as i have no clue what things i could put in it. I am a complete noob at trials and from my bmx days i can bunnyhop, small sidehops and am working on balancing on my rear wheel at the moment so any obsticles that improve those would be very helpful.

I would be looking for the course to be aprox 1 and a half metres long and 1 metre in width. Any sketches will be great :P

I also have acces to wood, wire mesh, 2x4 and 2 full railway sleepers all to play with :D

Any more questions/suggestions feel free to add me eddy-jones@hotmail.co.uk

Cheers B)

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set up a few piles of crates with the slipers scaterd close to them get hold of a couple of tractor tyres they are fun and sometimes hard to get off off put if you pedal kick on to them you bounce loeads if you get well used ones.

just go with the flow dont set up one course dont nail anything together because you can change it all around when you learn more skills.

not much help but it will hopfully get you thinking.


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1.5m x 1m really isnt much space, you will find that very constricting very soon, unless thats the area of the layout and you have mroe room for falling off, rolling in/out.

Get hold of pallets and whack stuff together. watch some vids, look at pics. dont make things too permanent as has been said, you may want to chop and change a bit.

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1.5m x 1m really isnt much space, you will find that very constricting very soon, unless thats the area of the layout and you have mroe room for falling off, rolling in/out.

hes right, it isnt much space at all. i have a trial course in my back garden. and its easily 14metres square.

would be better if you had more space! anyway moving on..

1. lots of pallets

2. train sleepers

3. a industrial cotton wheel.

4. put them in a funny order and ride across them

5. wolah, done!

will it all fit in the small space :unsure: anyways... hope this helps...


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Yeeah ive got loads more room (Garden itself is aprox 15m long and 5 wide) but im compensating for running in/out and falling off lol.

Good point about not making it too permanent though never thought of that (Y)

Ive read the other thread about where to get pallats from so no need to ask that, will probably start destruction tomorow and will post up pics of the build/demolish :D

Any riders in middlesbrough (Acklam? )

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