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toxicity and otherside got me into trials and the fact they still impress me today says an awful lot about their riding.

andrew t's koxx days videos are definatly my favorite videos maybe not iconic however andrew vincent 2 is unbelievably good

as is coust scoop ( not andy t i know)

i also loved zoo video 20 23 and 24 when they came out. imo tunni and cls's best videos

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on the subject of the trialsking - in 'otherside' when they are doing the soil kicker up the huge wall. Did they release the footage of just that at some point. I am sure I can remember watching a video with loads and loads of attempts on it.

I rememebr the one you are oin about.. thats the one where that guy pulls up and tells them to go away with his mrs in the car

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The ancient Chainspotting video, with Hans Rey and The Martyns and after that Evolve and the trialskings videos.

When i was watching those videos i was teaching myself in York with no other riders really, had never herd of Trials-Forum or knew that the trials community was this huge. I actually was oblivious to all this...... wierd to think back to that now i know what actually is going on here in the UK.

So yea if it wasnt for the trialskings i doubt i would have made the effort a few years back to actually learn trials and keep spending all my money on my bike.......so thanks Trialskings for making me stick at it and for making me very SKINT for a very long time :lol:


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- BBC trials documentary.

(feat: Matt & Ed Tongue, Martin Ashton, Martin Hawyes and Chris Akrigg).

- Revolution, Evolve, Contact - Reed Merschat.

- Tricks & Stunts and Bi-King.

- Chainspotting.

Dont suppose any one has a copy of this trials documentary??????

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I waited for soo long for that, and was soooo excited when i got it :D . (cant belive nobody mentioned it :S )

others include: Revolution(i watched this in a local bike shop in 97. They made me clean my droole of the carpet afterwards), Evolve, Contact(this was the first time i had seen MTB's in a skatepark, changed my out look forever!)

Cos trial noir was shite lol

The 1st vince video andy t relesed.

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- Revolution, Evolve, Contact - Reed Merschat.

- Tricks & Stunts and Bi-King.

- Chainspotting.

And Manifesto.

Oh yes, those names bring back memories. with those films it was also the trialskings vids that got me scoping out the scene, which gave me the 6.5 yrs trials riding experience i have.

What keeps me wanting to get out and push myself is all the videos that have appeared on the net over the last few yrs. Such as:

- Glasseye trials

- Berridge's vids

- Zoo vids

- worcestor vids

And anyother vid that has shown riders pushing their limits.

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adam wilson - box of sharp objects

yea that video got me into riding in a big way i just could'nt turn it off! anyone still got it? also rossiv8ed first video (i think) on the pitbull even though id been riding abit before it came out it really got me into that style of riding. Also any nick goddard video always inspires me.

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If anyone fancies watching the 'Mod Stock UK' videos, again, then head over to tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/Joe_Baxter

Also, i've just remembered 'Sloppy Street Eaters' from Nottingham with Tim Stedman, Danny Smith and Adam Wilson way back in 2004; that was an awesome video with some right streety moves... (Y)



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