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Trials Italia - Volume 2


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Ciao TF

Checkout my new video at -

Okay, it's my second video & second attempt at editing - so constructive criticism is appreciated. I have intailly tried to match my riding style (or lack of it) to the music, trying to match the tyre landing etc with the beat..

In terms of the riding, my favourite bit in the video is the 270 degree spin to gap (2:22 sec into the video), I was quite gutted though, I nailed it with only 2 correction hops on the second time I did it...but forgot to put the camera on. So the version in the vid is after I had tried another 20 minutes to replicate the same thing - too many correction hops, but I think it fits well with the music...

Hope you enjoy

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nice vid mate, getting good, got a tip for you, when you go up the wall from having the wheel resting on top, try and get more sideways (kicking foot on the outsisde) it will make it easier for you and will look smoother


Cheers, I have tried it on an angle, & it is a lot easier to get ontop...but I found for it difficult gapping from the wheelswap as I always end up on an angle on top of the wall...I might try concentrating on twisting in the air - plus, I just cant get any kind of 'pedal punch' (as Ryan leech calls it) in as I jump...I just find my lead pedal bashes the wall..

I kind of jump with both brakes locked before, during & after the jump - to wheel swap correctly, do I just have brakes locked when balancing & let off just as I jump up?

I have so many bad habits...just watch the underneath view (at 0:49 sec), I have the front brake on while hoping & still use 2 fingers on the back brake - I just can't help it..

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