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French Women?

peter l

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hi everyone, im finishing highschool this year and am going to france to volunteer for a year. im curious however, anyone know what french women are like? promiscuous and whatnot?

keep in mind im a handsome and charming fellow, do they like canadians? etc. perhaps youll have some answers


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Go away JT :P


ok - as a broad generalisation..

Half of all french women under 35 are exactly the same as either the newsreader lady pictured above or the lady from the new Clio adverts. They are all nice girls with shiny hair.

The other half smoke 40 filterless gitanes a day and have hairy armpits but they will take it up the wrongun for a bottle of cheap red plonk (Y)

they all love canadians. who doesn't ?

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From my own experience (JT):

I dunno why but there's something about French ladies that I think is hot. Like Italians they know how to carry themselves, unlike British/American/Canadians. They know how to dress and their accent when they speak english is very cute also. Plus they seem like generally intelligent people.

I'm guessing you can speak French if you're from Canada and are going to live in ol' Normandy so that coupled with your Canadian handsomeness, you should do fine buddy.

That lady up there /\ must have a metric tonne of make-up on her, that's manky!

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Enough said.

Oh Melissa Theuriau, you can't have a conversation about french ladies without mentioning her really, possibly the most perfect woman in all the world. I've seen pics of her without make up and she is just as delicious! There are some bikini pics about too, she is heaven!


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Its obviously difficult to generalise like this but....

I take it your French Canadian? From what I have been told they find the Quebecian accent "funny". Sorry not exactly filling you with confidence there >_< But not in a bad way so dont worry about it- try and turn the novelty into your advantage. They can be quite patriotic so dont offend or insult their country in any way or make any jokes which could back fire (standard really).... compliment them and their country and they'll be loving it. I suppose its quite cliched to say that they are very cultured, but its been true with the French people that I've met. Once you get to know a lovely French lady ask her opinions on politics/ world affairs (the French take much more interest in this kind of shizzle). Dont go on about it too much though obviously. If all that fails then just slip something into her drink :P

At no point slip the words "surrender monkey" into conversation. :-

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Ever seen French girls in the French books you used to have to read in school? Stuck in the 80's (although they were probably printed in the 80's but shhh).

Anyway, if you look big shades, mickey mouse teeshirts and tight pedal pushers you'll be jizzing on the plane.

Edit: Type Melissa Theuriau in google images and you can see her with her tats out.

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They know how to dress and their accent when they speak english is very cute also.

I'd say it's not cuteness but all hell let loose. Can't understand a thing of what French women say in English, I had a tough time trying to buy tickets for the channel tunnel when driving to the UK :lol:

edit: is this "LCI" channel streamed on the net somewhere? Preferably in HD?

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im not french canadian altho ive been in french immersion most of my life so im hoping they find my somewhat juvenile french "cute or adorable" which will translate into good things im hoping, once again thanks, are the people out going there do you know?

Having heard one of your french project on your tvi.gsl or what ever it is, I don't think you'd be able to keep up with french french, if you were used to canadian french... but then again, you should be able to get the general idea of the sentences. :unsure: anyhow, I would just say that french women are hot, yes yes Québec used to be a french colony... Haha, have fun, mate !

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