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Zona Zip Geo?

Fixed Pants™

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Hey, might be wanting a new frame for christmas, and the Zona Zip seems appealing to me, and at £160 i can't really go wrong.

Well my question is, does anyone know the geo of them/ specs, because SuperCycles are gay and don't put ANY info about the frame on their site... I currently ride a Da Bomb School thingy... and i don't have a clue as to what the geo is for that either.

All help appreciated.

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As previously said, you'd need a new backwheel.

Also some 4bolt Magura mounts.

My Zip's wheelbase measures at around 1040mm I think? - Echo Easy forks.

I know Mark (Onzaboymark) can tell you the actual geo of it, but I haven't got a clue. :sleeping:

What I can tell you, is that it's a long frame, for a mod anyway, but has short chainstays. - Making it easier on the backwheel, and 'flickier' so it's easier to put it where you want it.

The head-angle is quite slack, 73" maybe? - I dunno.

Mine feels nice on moves going to front. Just started to learn them a while back, and it feels so comfortable on the front, and backwheel.

Supercycles are useless for actual information on their products. Took a while to deliver mine too...

For £199 (I think) on eBay, you can get the Zip frame, with Chris King headset. - Worth doing. ;)

Oh, and don't let the 'Onza/Zona' label put you off. 'tis a bloody strong frame.

The majority of people will be like "ahh it's an Onza, it's shit" - Wrong.

The only one (I know) that has snapped, was one of the first prototype frames. And i'm sure since then they changed the tubing.

I've got a tiny dent in my downtube, but I did wack it on a wall!

So yeah, if you feel that you want a longer mod, got for the Zona. :)(Y)

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Yeah buddy the zona is a very strong frame, mines still going very very strong.

Also the standard wheelbase and this is frame alone is "1045" same as the zoo python, When tarty had them forsale on there website it said that on there.

I would go for the one on ebay with the free chris king headset, Well worth it.

So yes i give high reccommendations for this frame.


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Thanks for the help guys, an aquaintence i speak to on MSN (euro braker) on here told me about the having to replace the rear wheel, which might be a problem, but the 4 bolt mounts aren't a problem, as they're only cheap and i have some already. I think the Zip is out of the question now as i only have enough for the frame without all of the other stuff i need to buy.

Looking at the Monty 221 Pr, or the Echo Lite as they both look smart and are nice and cheap. Does anyone know any major problems with these either of these frames?

Or i could just stick with my current frame until it goes tits up. I've still got a while 'til christmas so i'm not really worrying about it.

Thanks for the help (Y)

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You will have to change your rear hub nomater what frame you choose because you have a 14mm bolt through axle and almost all mods are 10mm, although you can get an onza t-pro rear hub for 15 pounds from tarty which if you ask me is a bargin, or for 30 pounds you could get a t-master rear hub with sealed barings which will last alot longer and also be much stronger. Get a zona mate they are so niice to ride i would recomend one to anybody (Y)

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Well, it's up to the mother really, she's the person i'm getting the money off. MIGHT get the Zip, it's gonna cost like 20 quid for my LBS to re lace my rim onto the new hub, as i'm not too keen on doing it myself. It's just going to mount up if i do get a Zip which the mother wont be too happy about really.

Off to bed now, laters.

OBM you legend.

Did you go to the London ride on sunday? Don't think i saw you there, but then again i don't have a clue as to what you look like ( i was the newb on the bright orange Da Bomb)

:$ Just relised you took all the photos... What were you riding/ wearing/ look like?

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Hey dude,

I saw you right at the start. Saw the bike in the distance, through some buildings and a few cars :P, then saw "FAT PANTS somethingsomethingsomething" on the tube and realised it was you. I was wearing dark blue jeans and a dark blue T-shirt with like a white-ish square thing on the front, riding a brakeless BMX, so I stood out pretty good. Only rode with you at like one spot, I think, 'cos at first I was riding Southbank with Jonny, or shooting pics of people riding on that big stone thing while you guys were riding the slanted walls. I went over there later, but then when you all went off to the second spot by those red brick walls I had to go and meet Fatmike who'd pissed off to Buckingham Palace. Then you and some friends split off down to the flatbanks by the river, but I went on up to St.Pauls I think. So yeah, our path's didn't really cross!

Ask your bikeshop why it's gonna cost that much. It should be max £10 for spokes and max £10 for build, so it might be OK I guess... I've done a wheelbuilding guide in the FAQ you could use, it's mad easy to do :) Just give it a try! If you f**k it up, just take the wheel in and ask for it to be trued, which will only be £3-5 instead of the full £10 ;)

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Ermm, think i saw you, pretty vague though. It says: Fat Pants then WHO IN THE WHAT NOW?! if you weren't interested (had to quickly sketch on Fat Pants so people could tell who i was, apart from my bike being the only bright orange bike i know of)

As for the LBS It's a bit of a rip off in there to be honest, i'm getting a new BB from there and they're fitting it for me and it's costing 37 quid which is quite a lot more than if i got it done anywhere else.

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Well, i've bought the BB tool which is all i need as far as i know, but the left cup was munched into it, 'cos when he took it out you could see the thread was rather squished/f**ked which is why i couldn't do it myself, and the BB tool kept comming out. He said 20 quid for the BB and 17 for the fitting so it's not the best, Bromley Bikes would of done it for £15 labour and i dunno how much the BB would of set me back.

Should have it by tomorrow hopefully.

The £80 T-Pro on ebay is looking tempting aswell.

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Grr, this Da Bomb malarky is gay, stupid thing!

Right, the might be plan is:

Echo 19" rear

Onza T-Pro rear hub

Spokies (are these compatible?)

Nice and cheap internal headset

Thats all i need?

£65 for all of that + £80 for the frame = £145 = me sorted!?

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