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Is A Onza T Pro A Good Beginer Bike


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The t-pro is a very good bike for beginner's...How ever,When you start to see the light of every-bike's downside you'll need to replace some part's on it.Such as:

Pad's(Straight away).





All this stuff can be found on www.tartybikes.co.uk (Y)

Those are all the stuff you will need to replace first. :)

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:) iv go a onza t pro with all standard parts do you think it is an ok for a beginers bike

what will break and what will need replacing when i get better at riding...

hi buddy my first bike was a onza t-pro they are amazing, you wont really need to replace much to be honest they are a good solid bike when you start to get better maybe bar, stem and cranks but thats about it really dude i would say go for it i loved it cheers buddy!tyler

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it is thought as being one of the best value for money bikes if not the best, and are one of the best bikes you can learn on and are good frames to ride even if your not a beginner as ben slinger has one. i learnt on one and had no complaints. just dont let your freewheel come loose make sure the lock ring is always tight and you should be fine.

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it is thought as being one of the best value for money bikes if not the best, and are one of the best bikes you can learn on and are good frames to ride even if your not a beginner as ben slinger has one. i learnt on one and had no complaints. just dont let your freewheel come loose make sure the lock ring is always tight and you should be fine.

Thanks guy's looks like its going to be a good bike for me...

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