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Dr. Nick Riviera

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  trials_punk182 said:
engineering : comes a certain point in engineering when youll need to go speak to clients to see what they desire, i fit loosely into the mechanical engineering trade(enough for me to state it on my car insurance) im not customer facing really, si-man fits into the engineering category, again hes not customer facing at all i dont think, but neither of our jobs allow flesh tunnels, mine doesnt even allow piercings. a local abbertoir(sp? - place that turns animals into burgers) also has a similar rule on facial piercings. a lot of places do, out of the interest of hygiene/health and safety/possible clients walking round checking out the facilities and workman ship.

At BMW were not even allowed to wear jeans to work. It has to be black trousers, shirt and tie or the polo shirts they give us. Any tattoos have to be covered if we are outside the building even if were walking between jobs. I have serious doubts that flesh tunnels would be allowed their as even in a hands on and dirty job as this, image is still everything.

Edited by fugigas
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  Revell-Bikes said:
its stupid. you cant bag a decent job, ruins the "clean" look! not unless y'all arent aiming high....

Dude get your priorities right. There are far too many big car, modest house, wife, two kids and a dog people on this forum. It does my nut.

There's more to life than an office job, seriously; there really is! I feel sorry for people who are going to waste their life loosely conforming (because there is nothing wrong with a little conformity) to standard ideologies and beliefs so they can get themselves a nice house and contribute enough to their pension, which by the way will probably have been poorly invested by the shareholders of your pension scheme so you'll end up with jack shit ;), so that one day you can enjoy your retirment.

haha, f**k retirement man, the amount of old dudes and dudettes I know that work in areas that interest them to give them something to do and to meet people.. its unbelievable.

I'm gonna enjoy my youth while i can then if need be work my way into the grave when i'm an old geezer.

I bet i'm not the only one with these views.. at least i sincerely hope im not. :)

P.S. I typed that far too fast for it to be perfect.. but im too lazy to spell check so my apologies for any poor spelling/grammar/punctuation sleeping:

Edited by nichols_sam
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  Revell-Bikes said:
well said from some people, thats what im trying to send the message across about pierces and high-end jobs, feels like you have limited choices if you have pierces.......

but surely its up 2 the individual, an this thread is about piercings not whether you like them or not. so if u have an opinion (same for si-man) voice it somewhere else

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