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Ah, well, get the Vinco, it's going to be a big change, as you want a longer bike (1cm longer is not a big enough change).

My Polish friend is called Milosz, he is the same age as me and has been over here for 4 years (i think) and goes to my school, he's pretty cool as he knows alot about the school computers (and normal ones) and can hack into them etc.

Did you say on Sunday that you were staying here for 4 months?

Edited by Fat Pants
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I am from Poland can help you with your choice. Also do you currently live in UK or Poland??

Jestem z Polski, moge pomoc Ci wybrac rame. Mieszkasz aktualnie w Polsce czy w Anglii?

Oh just recognised that you replied almost same time as I did! Anyway I got Koxx Levelboss 1100 for sale i guess it's ongest frame ever made (also got fs Echo Hifi and Echo pure)?:P

Maybe speak to me on GG my nr 849547:)


Edited by FoxRacer
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Ah, true.

This must be so confusing for Jacek as English is not his first language.

Basically, Jacek, Get the '07 Pitbulll (1100mm wheel base) as max said... he sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

sorry.I didnt realise you did not speak good english.

And yes.I know a few people who have owned vinco's and they are far too hard to backwheel things up.

One of the people i know who had one went to from doing 47" taps to 38" on his vinco.they eally are weak and over priced, and the botom bracket is far too high.

as i said.go for the zoo pitbull long , i have one and its really good (Y)

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OK. But 07 Pitbull will be expensive for me...so I want 05/06 Pitbull Long 1090

I wiil think about it...

For Polish guy:

Skoro jesteÅ› z Poznania to pewnie znasz Bugaja :)

Tak wiec zastanaiwam sie nad kupnem wyżej wymienionego modelu zoo

Jestem aktualnie w anglii i raczej sie to na razie nie zmieni. Tak wiec masz jakies propozycje??

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