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Vista Rc1 - Lmao

Wright Pads

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Okay you've all used XP or got it and hated it! Don't blame you. So you know about Vista then! Well Bill and his brigade fubarder up and it's delyed for the EU for a while it seams! How ever RC1 is out in the US and oddly China! Anyway you all use P2P, pear 2 pear network file shear! MSN is the most commen, limewire etc!

Anyway i was messing about and noticed how comen Vista RC1 is showing up on there. Though so it, DL it, burn to DVD as an ISO and try it on my spear laptop! It worked but soon as it got online the recent bit of NDA i've been involved with stoped it dead!

So i'm just giving a heads up if you DL Vista RC1 off any P2P and allow the internet to run you'll lose everything!

Even if you plug the HD to a caddy interface to pull your data the service sercruty update thats out for RC1 locks down and does some other stuff!

It's not a case of disaberling updates, Vista is always scowering the net for things! BT have disaproved of it due to some account still have bandwidth limits!

Do i enjoy my job...yeah and no!

I know this is random topic and not trials related but it's a heads up to say if you are using non genuing software get a proper copy asap as they are locking all of it and Vista shows the harshest lock down to date!


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Vista Home Basic £154.99

Vista Home Prem £184.99

Vista Business £250

Vista Ultimate £325

...theres going to be a lot of fakes knocking about now. Hardly any will work, and if you downloaded them from a P2P I'm not suprised at all!

XP isnt all that bad Pete, I won't be updating to Vista for a long time yet, and I don't think many other people will be either...

Oh, and being a tester and admitting you've just downloaded pirate software? Use a braincell mate.

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First of all...... BOLLOCKS!

I think you will find rc1 has been and gone many moons ago! It was released as a Public beta ages ago. So long ago, i now have a full retail version of vista sat infront of me working perfectly fine on my other hard drive.

Where did BT dissaprove of it? Cause vista uses about the same amount of bandwidth as XP with WGA. It doesnt "scower" the net randomly at all.

Ohh and MSN is not a peer 2 peer network at all. Ill think you find the that News Groups and Torrents are where vista has appeared from.

And your data loss is probably your incompetance with computers, ive not had a single problem with vista running on my machine... Ohh and if you were stupid enough to run beta software on an active partition, then i point and laugh! Was just dumb!

Neway I cant be arsed to go throuugh the ins and outs of how much shit your talking, seeing as i deal with dumb people all day!

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