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Good afternoon NMC,

Trials is a dangerous sport and from time to time everybody takes their knocks and bumps.

Have you become a cropper at all?

If so how did you do it and what were the results?

If pics could be supplied that would be even better.

(but keep the nude pics to yourself,thankyou very much :P )

max :)

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Pedal kicking down a few steps, brake slipped and i fell down hard, broke the step (i bet you can't do that)and was hurt, but it's all ok now.

And yes this is the 10th time i've told people about it.

if this is the 10th time you have told people this story why not post a link to it? (Y)

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I've been quite lucky actually, but one time I got scared; did a gap and for some reason God knows what, didn't put my back break on :( Cue a slip right onto my back where I subsequently smacked my head on the ground.

Thank god for helmets is all I can say.

It knocked all out of the wind out of me, I've never been winded that bad before, I thought I was going to die lol I ran into the petrol station next door panicking trying to say 'I can't breathe', the 3 people in the shop started laughing because they thought I was joking :rolleyes:

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Went out riding today. Had just started went for a kickhop up a wall. I knew I wasnt going to make it properly so I put one leg down , the other span round and decked me in the shin. I had about 4 puncture marks but I thought I'd be a lad and carry on riding even though it hurt sh*t loads. (as we all do)

So I changed into some shorts so my jeans weren't touching the cuts. I thought everything was good so I carried on riding in mild pain.

I was out riding again when I did the move where you stand up on your back wheel, put one foot on the wheel spin the cranks with your other foot then catch the pedal and land but landed it wrong with one foot down and it minced all down my shin. Actually hurt so much - such a mess at the moment!


Well that was todays fun and games when it comes to injuries.


i have a long list of injuries

knocked myself out 4 times

cut my head open three times

broke both coller bones

countless number of times cut my shines open

and a fracture to my skull

and burised my ankle real bad

hehe but itsss alll good :P

HAHA you absolute nutter! Can anyone beat that?!


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Had something with my ankle for 3 years now after breaking my bb on a ~9-10ft drop. It was explained to me what this could be (cracked talus if I remember correctly?) but I've no idea what that means and couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. It's extremely painful but only when doing certain moves like hooks. I've built up a street bike a few days ago just to find out I can't ride it because of this bloody injury :( Well, as long as I stick to trials, things should be fine.

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Fell 6 foot onto my face, fractured eye socket, several stitches, gravel rash, a nice big bruise on my face and torn ligaments.

That sounds absolutly terrible, I have a weird thing about eyes and pain sends a shiver down me.

Usual wrist pain (no breakages though just sprained)

Spraind ankle, looked like I had a tennis ball under skin.

Brused tail bone (what ever its actually called.)

Many shin beatings

Smashed my head on a roof witch left me with a week long head ache and a huge crack on my helmet. I rekon the helmet saved my life though.

My kness are f**ked, they make mechanical noises and they actually creak.

General cuts, scraps and grazes all over my body.

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i have a long list of injuries

knocked myself out 4 times

cut my head open three times

broke both coller bones

countless number of times cut my shines open

and a fracture to my skull

and burised my ankle real bad

hehe but itsss alll good :P

hey phil i aint a nutter lol

but i do have another thing to add to the list iv now cut my head open 4 times

not 3

there was blood every were worst one iv had so far :P

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I've done a few injuries in my time of trials, but anyway nobody is perfect. I fractured my wrist and carried on riding for two more days until its started to cause any bother (doctor said i was brave). Sliced my shin open to the bone and nearly passed out (drank some red bull and I was fine). I've fallen on my back leaving a really bad scar that will not go. I broke three fingers diagonally in half through my hand (extremely painful) and landed on my head but thanks to my helmet I didn't cause anymore damage. I fractured my hip and couldn't walk for ages. Now the teachers in my school keep asking what am I going to damage next.

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I have had many injuries but this is the worst. :( just learnt how to trials hop when i thought ill do a big drop down these stairs. I got up there and thought this is the biggest one i have ever been on. You know how it is when you are doing something bigger that you, you fell very content until you get halfway in the air. So i got in the air and started to panic. At this time i was so scared i forgot about the most important thing my back brake i hit the floor. my wheel moved forward as i moved back :o. I fell back and cracked my head open on the concrete stairs and i have got a really big scar on the back of my head. :(

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kneed the stem peddle hopped onto curb witout thinking and dent pull in brack went down quicker than a sack of shite! :P f**king hurt casue i landed on edge of curb and belt dug into me back and i was left paralyzed for 30 mins lol. peddle hopping up a wall and slipped straight away and landed on me frame, gooch first (N)

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