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Deng Suppliers?


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Select Bikes (selectbikes.com) are the official UK importer for all stuff in the UK. They need to get in contact with Phil Williams.

There is no official importesrs for Deng stuff now, all the shops which deal in his stuff get it directly from him (as far as i am aware) So like Mark said tarty gets their stuff straight from him......

Probs a good idea to get the lbs to ring Tartybikes and see what they say (Y)


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I have a feeling that Tarty actually get Deng stuff in themselves now, instead of going through Phil, so Tarty would probably be a safer bet judging from people's experiences with Select & Tart?

Yeh, that sounds about right.

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But surely they'll have to put their prices higher than Tarty's to cover the cost and make a profit. But most trials riders know about Tarty and would surely just buy straight from there.

Just doesn't seem like a good business deal to me.

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But surely they'll have to put their prices higher than Tarty's to cover the cost and make a profit. But most trials riders know about Tarty and would surely just buy straight from there.

Just to give you an idea about the prices, ZHI ZM1's retail over here for under 150, and the guy selling them makes a decent profit. Most new Deng frames are cheaper than battered frames you can buy on this forum. Tarty isn't cheap, it's incredibly expensive, especially when it comes to all these coloured components like headsets, hubs, cnc brake mounts (ie. deng headsets are under 30 this end, brake clamps are about 13, Echo CNC/Adamant cranks are 75/95) . So to make some profit, an lbs wouldn't have to put the prices up any higher than Tartybikes, unless the taxes in the UK are very different to the ones we have here. I guess the prices at Tarty are so high because it's their only source of revenue. By selling trials components they have to earn a living and pay for running a shop. In the case of an lbs, these costs are already covered.

edit: I still think that Tarty would win with any other shops in terms of customer service. Even if a certain "pink" shop in the UK would offer prices very much lower than TB, I'd still stick to Mr. Read and Cleaver. So it's not only the price of goods, it's the service you get during and after purchase which Tartybikes are simply best at.

Edited by Inur
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The prices will be higher here, due to VAT, taxes to do with customs (Import tax?), transport costs may be different, and so on. The prices are pretty consistent throughout the UK, so it's obviously not just Tarty making the most out of a good situation for them? It's the same way that you can buy a new Echo Control for £60 or something around that area in China, but it's 4 times that amount here. Tax varies from country to country, so prices will fluctuate.

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Well, the frames are much less, what costs loads is transport. Then you get taxed for the value of the order inc. postage prices. Tax rates can't be that different in the UK, after all we're in the EU which should mean they're very similar. If they weren't, you'd just be importing gear to an EU country with the lowest tax and then sending it off to the UK.

Forgot that the prices at TB include VAT :rolleyes:

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