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Whats Wrong With Firefox


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Whenever i click a youtube link i just get a page full of random text characters... like the html of the page .. well not even that id say half bollocks half html. Also youtube videos embeded in pages dont show up. Any ideas? oh yea also .gif files dont animate they just stick on the first image making it static. Im using 2.0

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Happening to me too! Tis a right pain.. can't even copy and paste the bloody things! :angry:(N)

As for the gifs.... I could not get the ones on Trashzen to work, had to allow this/that and the other in `Zone Alarm` untill they played. Have a look at your virus/spyware software, and look for privacy settings?

Hope this helped..... hope someone figures that dam `youtube` links problem!

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everyone says firefox is good. ITS f**kING BOLLOX. my mate told me to get it and i said ok. it worked amazing for few month. Now all it does is give me pop ups gives me virases and slows my computer down. Hate it.

Firefox wont be the source of that more than likely the sites your going on, try running some anti-virus and spyware protection :)

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Early adopters allways pick up the bugs.

I stuck with 1.5 and everything has been sweet, I don't see the advantages of 2.0 yet as most useful extensions such as Flash Block havn't been released yet. :closedeyes:

However, Firefox was NOT the reason you got viruses and stuff, that's all the dodgy porn you've been looking at. If you really don't like FireFox, at least try Opera, IE really should be banned. :(

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Mines still f**ked even after changing the settings :( thanks anyway.. also another problem i have found in firefox 2.0.. i find a page i like i go to bookmarks i then go to bookmark this page then box popus up saying the title of page etc i click ok and nothing happens it just stays there i can click ok forever and it still stays there and doesnt add the page :(

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