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Need Your Help With Maths Coursework!


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Rite I am doing my course work now for math and we have to do a survey and compare the results. I picked to do trials for it all I need you to do is tell me what you like to ride street or natural, and if you live in the country side or in a town/city. So if you could leave a quick short post please I would be very grateful. Thanks lads.


p.s I will post the results in a week. Also could you put this where mikes guide to validation is please mods?

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luke you should be working anyway <_<

i live in a town by the sunny kentish coast and i love street

which piece of maths you doing luke i did the fencing problem, mayfield high school they are pieces of cake coarsework not hard at all (Y)

Edited by python_man
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I could do that but it would be cheating wouldn’t it. I would normally in fact I wouldn’t think twice about it. However I have to show my teacher this topic at the end of the week so he can see that they are facts and not made up. Come on please lads I don’t want a big fat F :(

you see, when I did crap like this for school, I just made the results up...and favoured it into the catagory which envolved least work. :)

Come on nick so should you. I am working in my own little way. I cant remember what its called now but I have to compare the results at the end.


P.s have you managed to do that 42inch side hop yet? Also I have run out of credit so I will ring you when I get my free calls on Friday. Send me an e-mail now!!!! :angry:

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Ask to do the Mayfield high coursework it shouldn’t be too hard to find the information the teacher can provide some information like the names and other information but you have to pick say 30 or so.

And you have to compare them. Say your 'thing' was your going to prove (or not) that blondes are smarter than brunettes so you get some information like

30 brunettes names, IQ's and test results

30 blondes names, IQ's and test results

You have to pick the same age range but your teacher should provide some sort of information even if it’s only a few names (Y):ermm:

basically you have to prove the fact or not by the information you have got thats how you do it and i got a fairly high B on my coursework (Y)

matey dont give me that i am at school and cos i worked i got my high results at the moment i am doing my A level work at the computer but i might have to go in a bit work hard mate and keep it up will check up on this later bye

P.s my sidehops have gone down the drain ive got new forks still trying to get used to them but i havent been out riding too much work now get back to work

Edited by python_man
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Ask to do the Mayfield high coursework it shouldn’t be too hard to find the information the teacher can provide some information like the names and other information but you have to pick say 30 or so.

And you have to compare them. Say your 'thing' was your going to prove (or not) that blondes are smarter than brunettes so you get some information like

30 brunettes names, IQ's and test results

30 blondes names, IQ's and test results

You have to pick the same age range but your teacher should provide some sort of information even if it’s only a few names (Y):ermm:

basically you have to prove the fact or not by the information you have got thats how you do it and i got a fairly high B on my coursework (Y)

matey dont give me that i am at school and cos i worked i got my high results at the moment i am doing my A level work at the computer but i might have to go in a bit work hard mate and keep it up will check up on this later bye

P.s my sidehops have gone down the drain ive got new forks still trying to get used to them but i havent been out riding too much work now get back to work

I have a great idea that will save me loads of time :sleeping: and take about ten minutes of yours. Why don’t you send me your old course work and I hand that in? ;)


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Rite I am doing my course work now for math and we have to do a survey and compare the results. I picked to do trials for it all I need you to do is tell me what you like to ride street or natural, and if you live in the country side or in a town/city. So if you could leave a quick short post please I would be very grateful. Thanks lads.


p.s I will post the results in a week. Also could you put this where mikes guide to validation is please mods?


street for me

and town/country side just go with whatever u want :)

gl with the coursework

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