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This Is Fukin Bollocks!


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1. youve only been a member 4 months

2. you made a thread called this is fukin bollocks

3. you have only made 11 posts

4. your posts arent good quality

5. you havent read the rules otherwise you would realise this wont get you validated

do you want me to continue?

Edited by MikeCottTrials
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wow so it may take a while to validated but this just proves that this system works to filter out the people who may cause stupid problems in the full members area .

i've been waiting longer than you i'm not bothered basically mate you just 'shot yourself in the foot '

Edited by python_man
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"Ages" :huh: 4 months isn't ages. Just shows how fake some NM are they'l act up to get validated, but when they dont after a lifetime of waiting (4months :- ) they just come out and we see how they really are. Personally im glad you were'nt validated 'cos this is how you really are, nice one Mods good judging (Y) anyway bye bye wont miss you ;)

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The reason you haven't been validated is because you've never actualy posted anything decent or for that matter posted that much at all.

And posting rubbish like this is another reason why you probably wont get validated now.

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Your last post was in august and then now you post with this.....

Hand bag in your face mister.... bothered....

Being a full member isn't all that. Most full members still post utter nonsense as most topics have been covered till new things arrive.

You can still read all the posts in all sections and that is all you need to do sometimes.

Look how many full members post in the NMC to make themselves seem greater!

As i've said..... it a'int all that. You can now post everywhere but the novalty runs out soon.


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basically ive been a member 4 a while now and the twats tht run this fukin site wont validate me as a full member (N) startin 2 fuk me off now too. so for f**k sake, validate me or block me!!!!

GET THIS GUY VALIDATED! He's obviously here for good and only good reasons, just look at the post quality, capital letters, full stops, great spelling and total respect for all of the forum users including Danny and tomturd (i love both of you, #1 fan woo go you two!)

How dumb.

You should of kept posting nicely as you attempted to, you could of been validated within a few weeks if you improved post length quality and punctuation/ grammar.

*tags anzo*

Edited by Fat Pants
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GET THIS GUY VALIDATED! He's obviously here for good and only good reasons, just look at the post quality, capital letters, full stops, great spelling and total respect for all of the forum users including Danny and tomturd (i love both of you, #1 fan woo go you two!)

How dumb.

second (Y)

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