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What Do You Want For Christmas?


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god my mum and dad tight like they want me to have a hard life and fail (N).

Completely opposite mate. Parents do it so you learn to control your money and be more organised. I know rich kids with parents who are millionaires, but they still have to pay board every month. Just because they're parents don't want them to get into shit with credit cards when they're older.

The ones who dont pay anything have it good now, but later on in life when they do have to save or pay out for something they'll not know where to begin handling their money, where as it'll be second nature to you.

I have to pay £80 a month board, fuel costs, all the shit piled up on top of that, I'm on about £250 a week and manage fine. I can save, pay parents, buy a car and and everything I need, and still have enough for a top notch bike and good nights out. It's easy when you know how :)

But anyway, long story short, you'll thank them when you're older and all you're mates are on final warnings.

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Completely opposite mate. Parents do it so you learn to control your money and be more organised. I know rich kids with parents who are millionaires, but they still have to pay board every month. Just because they're parents don't want them to get into shit with credit cards when they're older.

The ones who dont pay anything have it good now, but later on in life when they do have to save or pay out for something they'll not know where to begin handling their money, where as it'll be second nature to you.

I have to pay £80 a month board, fuel costs, all the shit piled up on top of that, I'm on about £250 a week and manage fine. I can save, pay parents, buy a car and and everything I need, and still have enough for a top notch bike and good nights out. It's easy when you know how :)

But anyway, long story short, you'll thank them when you're older and all you're mates are on final warnings.

thats what they always say "you think we're being horrible now but you'll thank us later" :P

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Completely opposite mate. Parents do it so you learn to control your money and be more organised. I know rich kids with parents who are millionaires, but they still have to pay board every month. Just because they're parents don't want them to get into shit with credit cards when they're older.

The ones who dont pay anything have it good now, but later on in life when they do have to save or pay out for something they'll not know where to begin handling their money, where as it'll be second nature to you.

I have to pay £80 a month board, fuel costs, all the shit piled up on top of that, I'm on about £250 a week and manage fine. I can save, pay parents, buy a car and and everything I need, and still have enough for a top notch bike and good nights out. It's easy when you know how :)

But anyway, long story short, you'll thank them when you're older and all you're mates are on final warnings.

you know you're getting old when..... you start going on about finances and UK politics in a thread about christmas :P

A few driving lessons would be nice although not very exciting. Socks and a scarf would also come in handy

(I'm getting old too! shit, might as well ask for a packet of werthers originals whilst I'm at it)

and half of Tesco's alcohol aisle to liven the (incredibly boring) festive period up. My parents every single year....

"shall we get a board game out ?" No!!!!! just NO!!!! :angry:

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you know you're getting old when..... you start going on about finances and UK politics in a thread about christmas :P

A few driving lessons would be nice although not very exciting. Socks and a scarf would also come in handy

(I'm getting old too! shit, might as well ask for a packet of werthers originals whilst I'm at it)

and half of Tesco's alcohol aisle to liven the (incredibly boring) festive period up. My parents every single year....

"shall we get a board game out ?" No!!!!! just NO!!!! :angry:

You cant beat a good board game... <_<

Tescos booze asile sucks too, no choice there what so ever. One thing though, christmas shopping in Nottingham...always some black gospol preacher screaming down a megaphone at people for buying presents.

I think my christmas would be better if I had someone to spend it with (Awww for me, lol). I don't like being single at christmas, f**king sucks.

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And the debt...

It does suck though. If only I were about 8 years old again, I'd be changing my pants regularly just thinking about christmas now.

As you grow older it becomes 'another day'...although this year I'm making a special effort to be completely paraletic over the holidays. I bought 5 bottles of Jack Daniels this weekend from Costcos, stocking up. I can sell it on at stupid prices when the shelves are permanently empty of it this time next month.

If anything right now, I'd like my old christmas spirit back for christmas...either that or a blowjob....hand job would probably suffice. Thats a present from your granma you don't have to pretend to like.

haha thats well funny mate but a little rude hehe ;)

Edited by Craig_Walker
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Twat? i would actually kill for some new front teeth! i had mine knocked out playing hockey a few years back

i share you're pain mate. lost a front tooth on the top playing shinty, then the month after id had a crown put in my little sister threw a litre bottle of coke at me and knocked out two of the front teeth at the bottom (N) and there still not fixed. so i want to change all previous requests and get some front teeth please :)

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