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How Long Do Black Eyes Last For?


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Wear an eye patch, say you're a pirate and it's your new religion, go on explaining how if she says you're talking a load of shit, telll her you'll get your pirate followers on her and she wont like it.


ORRR wear some cool shades because it's really hot in the UK at the moment and say it effects your hayfever.

If all else fails BITCH SLAP THAT MOFO!

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Wear an eye patch, say you're a pirate and it's your new religion, go on explaining how if she says you're talking a load of shit, telll her you'll get your pirate followers on her and she wont like it.


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beat your parents up, give them two black eyes and then call them hypocrits if they ask about yours.

LMAO nice one.

Say you were looking at some fit birds ( as you've been to uni you've got interested in bird watching) and when you were looking at some through your binos' and someone fell backwards and smacked them into your eyes.


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Get a spoon and put it in a freezer(or anywhere that is cold), take it out, then with the back of the spoon rub it on the bruising.

It hurts a bit, but it works really well, as i found out when i needed to get rid of a bruise on my neck before my parents saw it :rolleyes:

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