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Deliver to Essay City, Population: Mark.

1. I have an equal contempt for the people who live off benefits, as i have said numerous times in other threads on this very forum. However this isn't about them. So why would i mention that again. Plus charity starts at home, as the well known saying goes, so surley we should concentrate on sorting out our 'doley twats' before taking on the rest of the worlds problems.

And i'm not hitler, i am hardly going to put my opinions into action ever, i'm just giving them as i've been asked. If i'm not allowed to do that then sorry. I'll just sit back and watch britain go further down the pan.

2. The national curriculum doesn't work like that and you know it. Many children from other cultures are excused certain lessons becasue it conflicts with their religions. Infact in London where you currently reside, many schools have classes of 30 students, all of which speak a different language. Do you think the national curriculum is repeated in 30 languages every lesson? At the very miniumum you should be required to speak english, to get an eglish education...

3. Yes i've read 1984 and again, i'm not trying to be hitler. You're just trying to twist my words when you know exactly what i'm getting at. The problem we are talking about is conflicting ideas, caused by people coming from other countries and disagreeing with our own 'culture'. At the very least that's damn right rude. If i go to france i expect to have to speak french, if i go to america i expect to drive on the other side of the road, if i go to live in another country, i should expect to leave my culture behind and try to fit in as best i can. Their culture doesn't 'enrich our lives' it grabs ours by the throat and sqeezes until we submit.

4. We are obviously very different people when it comes to this, so this point isn't worth arguing. I don't want to 'taste other people culture' or 'see the world from their point of view'. I'll agree my comment is very contradicting and i knew it when i wrote it, but it was referring to solving the current problems in mixed societys, not living in harmony all around the world.

5. You are probably right in many respects, but that isn't really the issue. I don't have control over the government do i, so why should i get blown up by somone who has been rubbed up the wrong way by some sesational article written in muslim monthly. If they didn't want their cultures ruined, or their dictatorships destroyed they should of done something about it, not let it happen then decided they want to kill 'us' for it.

6. I think probabaly 100% of islamic children go to church/mosque on a regular bassis yes. And if they are living in england then they fall under my blanket statement that all children shouldn't be taugh religion. Religion used to be in everything, Medicine, Law, Politics, however if you go to the doctors today with a broken leg, he doesn't drill and hole in it to let the bad spirits out does he? Thats becasue times change and things move on. Religion would die out yes, if the younger generations weren't taught it. Of course it would, if you stop teaching anything it everntually dissapears, as long as you have an alternative to replace it. I persoanlly can't see how you could agree religion is a good thing, so i'm gonna assume you are arguing this point for the sake of it.

7. That was a metaphorical comparision. I wasn't talking literally, its obviously hard to get a point across the internet, either that or you are very nieve, which i know you're not. The point i was trying to make is that the majority of muslims seperate themself from 'us' by surrounding themself with the culture they brough from their native countries. The being taught to be english thing still stands. If i was adopted my a muslim family in england, and brought up by them, in my opinion i wouldn't be engish in the sense that i am now. Basically the majority of people in england are a certain way, i can't explain this very well but i hope you'll get the jist. If somone is moving into the country they need to learn to adapt to how the majority lives, not shut themselves off, and lash out because the majority contradict their beliefs.

Your aguments going back into the middle ages are irrevilant here. I'm not arguing what essentcially 'english' is, you are taking my point to literally. Just accept that English nowadays (however it came about) is different to Islamic countries.

8. You forget i'm against all religion, so if christianity has changed tons, i don't really care. We aren't talking about a christian aren't we? I'll admit that was just a snidey little comment i thought i'd add in, and i probabaly got carried away. Bus islamic faiths are changed alomost monthly do accept new laws and idea that contradict the original teachings. In theory the entire faith is flawed, becasue it is meant to be the word of god, yet they are changing in to fit around their lifestyles in the modern day.

Anyway i didn't want to reply but i felt like you were having a personal dig and i wanted to try and put some justification to my earlier points. I don't want to argue, and i only speak my 'extreme right wing views' when i'm asked, so please don't try and make me out to be a nazi. By all means hit me back and pick apart my 'assumptions' again, but remember that they are just opinions, and it's not like i'm running for local mp or anything.

I would of put more effort in but it's taken me 20 minutes and a plate of beans to write that much and i'm going out at 5.

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For example, a lot of the problems in Iraq at the moment are caused by the Americans thinking that Iraqis would think and act like Americans would do, when they simply don't, hence them not being too happy about being "Liberated" as they continue to live in conditions worse than when Saddam Hussein was in power.

One thing I don't understand though... I can understand the Iraqi people being a bit disgruntled over the 'Coalition' invading their country and so on BUT how come all these suicide bombings we see on the news in Iraq are in fact one lot of Muslim nutters blowing up hundreds of Iraqi people from a different arm of the Muslim 'faith'? You'd think they'd be aiming their attacks at the Coalition forces rather than continuing Saddams work doing their best to exterminate a religeous group which they have some stupid grudge against. No?

On the religeon front I'm with Rich_87 here... I can see that religeon is basically an excuse for humans to be sh1t to each other but it seems to me that particularly Catholic vs. Protestant crap in the past and now Islam vs. the world today is an excellent reason to despise religeon of ALL kinds. Religeon = narrow minded retards who have been taught from a young age to be scared of free thought and making up their own opinions on the world, thrown in with a good dose of buggery in the case of chistianity and a few bombs in the case of Muslims.

Kind of off topic but another thing is the fact that Muslims don't seem to be able to help making matters worse... remember all those riots after those cartoons in Denmark? How about that stupid teacher recently who tried to teach a class of 5 year olds (in a Church of England school!) effectively wearing a balaclava!! Question... did she wear it to her interview? Oh, she didn't? Lol

Ah well, just my two p...

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Bloody hell, that was a lot to read..... and I'm dying for a pee! >_<

I hear this "who all bring something new to the table in terms of culture, ideology, theology and so on". Thing is I don't want any of it! I guess untill I/we become the majority my views won't be listend too and will be called a hater/racist or something!

Majoritys stink... untill I become it! :P

PS: With the internet being in everyones house (kinda`) I often wonder why a national survey isn't conducted and acted upon regarding this (imagration and going to war etc), and other important issues. I mean that's a good idea right?

I guess `Tony f**khead` thinks he knows better than us!

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I don't think we should allow any more immigrants in especially those from iraq, pakistan, afghanistan and other similar countries. We allow far too many people into this country and we should stop it and sort things out before we allow more, in the case of should we deport everyone who isn't english, thats a stupid idea and one that couldn't be put into practise, much in the same way we couldn't deport people based on their personality... what would you do? A 2 hour psyc-evaluation? Whats to stop people lieing, being cocks and wasting more time into an already impossibly time consuming task.

I also think we should stop people being taught muslim/christian/hindu/any other religion in schools. If someoen wants to be religious, fine, just don't force it upon people who don't want it and let them do it at home where their free of choice. Religeous "law breaking" lessons in schools shouldn't allow pupils to be excused. You want to live here, put your kids in our lessons, simple as.

And to add another viewpoint on the subject, a local news group went into one of the schools near me that has a white attendance of about 3-4% and asked what they thought of the bombings. They told the newsgroups in almost unanimous narrow mindedness that it was great and they were proud of their fellow extremists. They also told how its the parents that tell them white poeple are bad and deserved to be "sent to god for judging".

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I don't think we should allow any more immigrants in especially those from iraq, pakistan, afghanistan and other similar countries. We allow far too many people into this country and we should stop it and sort things out before we allow more, in the case of should we deport everyone who isn't english, thats a stupid idea and one that couldn't be put into practise, much in the same way we couldn't deport people based on their personality... what would you do? A 2 hour psyc-evaluation? Whats to stop people lieing, being cocks and wasting more time into an already impossibly time consuming task.

I also think we should stop people being taught muslim/christian/hindu/any other religion in schools. If someoen wants to be religious, fine, just don't force it upon people who don't want it and let them do it at home where their free of choice. Religeous "law breaking" lessons in schools shouldn't allow pupils to be excused. You want to live here, put your kids in our lessons, simple as.

And to add another viewpoint on the subject, a local news group went into one of the schools near me that has a white attendance of about 3-4% and asked what they thought of the bombings. They told the newsgroups in almost unanimous narrow mindedness that it was great and they were proud of their fellow extremists. They also told how its the parents that tell them white poeple are bad and deserved to be "sent to god for judging".

Will that not cause a LOT of hatred around your area to muslims? In most places i am sure people would go mental. Is it a dodgy area where you live? Many white people? Much racism?

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Will that not cause a LOT of hatred around your area to muslims? In most places i am sure people would go mental. Is it a dodgy area where you live? Many white people? Much racism?

Well to be fair, the amount of white people that are racist isn't a lot... or if it is they don't show it. However, the multicoloured religions in their "superior" glory, swan about the place thinking their gansters and god knows what... pity the majority are scrawny looking pakistani's that are about 5 foot tall.

I think leicester has a white to black ratio of about 3:7, something like 30-40% anyway. Us milky's are a minority :(

I don't start anything because of it though, if someones a cock their a cock... i either don't let it get to me or stick up for myself. Never have i/friends gone round looking for trouble or started anything due to racism. i guess i live in the vain hope that if they see us acting normal they might see theres no need to act like daft twats and become normal themselves.

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First things first, did anyone else who read the news report on the internet keep reading it as Borat instead of Barot.

Secondly, if someone preaches hate towards all Englishmen in England like that hook guy. Why aren't they on the next flight out of here to some arab country to have a meeting with some sas peeps in a dark alley.

Well done though to everyone that stopped him/them. They deserve a very big pat on the back.

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I don't really understand why so many people on here get so wound up about sharing this little bit of land (Britain) with some other people. It's just a little bit of ground where we happened to be lucky enough to be born on. Until you people do something worthwhile that promotes Britain as a country or makes it a better place to live, you have no right to think that you have some kind of right to look down your nose at anyone from a different piece of land.

On a completely different note - That guy got life imprisonment with a minimum of 40 years. Yet he didn't actually do anything (thankfully). That's a pretty hardcore sentence :o

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I'll do a better reply tomorrow when I don't have a few shots of whiskey in me, but for now:

Surveys done in schools of schoolchildren's opinions are fully shit, and should never, ever be used in the news or as part of an arguement for something.

The results of surveys done in schools of schoolchildren's opinions are fully shit, and should never, ever be used in the news or as part of an arguement for something.

Pretty much. They just mean less than nothing. When the War on Iraq II went down and there were protests, loads of schoolkids took part. The media in their usual out of touch way went to town on it and said "Even the schoolchildren think this war is wrong" when in actual fact, they didn't, they just wanted to not be in class. The same goes for any survey results - kids are shits for the most part, and will f**k around given half a chance. This rings true when they are asked questions about basically anything, having seen my Mum's year 3 class at work.

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I assure you mark, they mean it. The school has a reputation round here as being somewhere white people don't wanna be, even the teachers are scared to be there (white ones anyway). Someone my dad knows used to work there and she said the stuff they came out with was horrific.

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I don't really understand why so many people on here get so wound up about sharing this little bit of land (Britain) with some other people. It's just a little bit of ground where we happened to be lucky enough to be born on. Until you people do something worthwhile that promotes Britain as a country or makes it a better place to live, you have no right to think that you have some kind of right to look down your nose at anyone from a different piece of land.

On a completely different note - That guy got life imprisonment with a minimum of 40 years. Yet he didn't actually do anything (thankfully). That's a pretty hardcore sentence :o

I get wound up because theres a bunch of f**k arse people in our country trying to blow us up. Why? its like a f**king virus that is starting to spread all over, i hate the french but they have the right idea with the imigrants etc. Ship the f**kers over to other countrys like ours and keep their own relatively clean. All of the stuff that was found on the laptop dated well back before 9/11 so its not like they have suddenly got a bee in their bonnet because we decided to help anihilate a few countrys as pay back.

40 years minimum? not enough for someone trying to kill 1000's of our people. What the f**k happened to people being proud to be english. ill tell you.. a bunch of everyother country wanted a piece of british benefits (thanks to sir retard tony blair) and have come over for the easy life. What pride can people have in that? We work our arses off all day, doing shit manual or pointless jobs and then some f**ker straps himself to the bottom of a lorry coming from france, arrives and gets a brand new house.

Im not a big fan of hitler due to him being so hyperactive but the boy had the right ideas with the jews. Lets not get in to whether i like them or not but facts are the guy saw them infesting his country so what did he do? bit of gas and all was sorted. We need to have a nice big clear out in this country to get back to our roots, dominate the world again from our little island and bring back the empire. Unlike some people however when shit kicks off were willing to give them their country back, so how about all these bombing freaks of nature and general useless call centre people f**k off out of ours. Its got so bad now people are actually voting for labour.. wtf is with that.. the poor get richer and the rich get poorer? how about no thanks. The last what? over 6 years now? blair has done f**k all for this country. Infact ill change that and give him some credit, when shit hit the fan he was all for helping anihilate the f**kers in iraq etc. But people still vote for him, hes set up all the bloody hotel camps for the imigrants. Sorted out everyones benefits so some tramp can walk in to our country and get paid to be alive. Whilst everyone here who works has to pay for them, money that they have earnt through "working".. not "breathing".

There are a bunch of f**ked up countries in the east, iran etc.. and it seems they have decided to spill the f**kedupness over in to relatively normal countrys. That can f**k right off, how about anyone who doesnt have a british passport gets shot at the airport. Thats a decent start just to give us some time to sort out the buggers in here. Then 2nd plan of attack is the indian quarter in birmingham.. ever felt racism against white people? take a walk through there. Then we should start our very own british awards which i like to call the MOWO awards. That reminds me blacks are very proud of who they are, something us britains need to take account of and maybe follow their lead. But please, dont pick up a screw driver and walk around peckham looking for someone to "drill", its just not cricket. Before anyone decided to mention how bad we are.. when we kicked off in germany (football, not WW2) and decided to have a bit of a ruck with their plastic chairs, that was just the proud british bulldog unleashing some anger. We'd be f**ked if we threw a plastic chair in this country, claims direct would be right on the case because some "pakistanic" (not a word but go with it) old woman got hit by the air pressure the chair caused as it moved past her head.

Right ill leave it there as im going off topic. Sorry to stereotype different races.. its just fact that the majority are like that so f**k it... they all have it in them.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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Ever thought of a career as a (fascist) cab driver?

Maybe, but for good reasons. Think about how f**king shit britain is at everything nowadays. Are we good at anything worth while? We used to be the biggest empire in the world. A f**king EMPIRE.. were not talking about some stupid jedi knights etc running round and killing imaginary bad guys. We ruled the world for the most part and look at us now.. full of f**kin imigrants and wasters. Who do i blame? labour all the bloody way.

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So are you claiming that the influx of immigrants is the reason for the downfall of the British empire? I would have thought that the disasterous impact of two world wars may have had slightly more bareing on the shift in power and 'greatness' as you put it away from Britain.

you may as well blame the weather on them too whilst you're at it.

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So are you claiming that the influx of immigrants is the reason for the downfall of the British empire? I would have thought that the disasterous impact of two world wars may have had slightly more bareing on the shift in power and 'greatness' as you put it away from Britain.

you may as well blame the weather on them too whilst you're at it.

I agree with spacemunkee, all of the immigrants and their off spring are ruining it, their offspring (about 300+ from each family) are growing up to be little shites, thinking it's cool to rob peoples phones and stuff (hooded black youths) people wont feel so strongly about black hooded youths as i do because they don't live where theres a high concentration of them around. It's about 50% white left in my school, the rest are foreigners (that sounds racist but it's fact).

Basically they're all arseholes that need shooting.

Edited by Fat Pants
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So are you claiming that the influx of immigrants is the reason for the downfall of the British empire? I would have thought that the disasterous impact of two world wars may have had slightly more bareing on the shift in power and 'greatness' as you put it away from Britain.

you may as well blame the weather on them too whilst you're at it.

There you go.

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I think a lot of people realised that England is full of bigots such as yourself and they don't want to be associated with that?

Thats a possible theory, but highly doubted. It seems like its all the rage to be "open minded" i think thats why the metrosexual (just read it as homosexual if you want) male is becoming ever so popular. Im not being a bigot, im just being passionate. Theres a difference ..

Even my polish friend has a bit of a sense of humour. Good worker too

Bartosz says:

why do jews have big noses?

Bartosz says:

because air is free

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I think people gave up with Britain because they realised what little effect they have on this country and what people jump to conclusions with now. You're not allowed an opinion unless it agrees with the other person...otherwise your a facist or whatever else they make up.

Funny country we have though, 5th of November the country celebrates an assasination attempt/treason/terrorism and on the 7th of July we mourn it?

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