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Street Trials - Anti Social Behaviour?

Phil H

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Ive had warnings from the police when i was on a dirt jumper doing trials but never when I'm on a proper trials bike , they just say get some lights and why don't you go off road and tell me i going to get fined if i get court again.

so to me what that means is don't get court ! as soon as you see the police just ride off , that's all they want is for you to leave, then you can go back another day .

As for civilians they are split i half some really like it and watch whilst you give them a demo and others give you dirty looks and ask you questions like "Do you want the bill for that "

Edited by Alain
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Ive had warnings from the police when i was on a dirt jumper doing trials but never when I'm on a proper trials bike , they just say get some lights and why don't you go off road and tell me i going to get fined if i get court again.

so to me what that means is don't get court ! as soon as you see the police just ride off , that's all they want is for you to leave, then you can go back another day .

As for civilians they are split i half some really like it and watch whilst you give them a demo and others give you dirty looks and ask you questions like "Do you want the bill for that "

IM saurprised that they could actually realise you were on a actual trials bike. Or was it pure chance that day they spoke to you?

How much are they claiming they would fine you?

And yeh I agree I would just peg it.


P.S caught*

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personally i always think 'antisocial' is a stupid way to describe behaviour like bmx, trials and other things like chavs hanging round because what we are actually doing is socializing with each other, so how can this be anti social? Even chavs are socializing, so isnt it just completely wrong to describe it as anti social? :S

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Was at the skatepark in my village earlier, and some guy brought his two kids down on their bikes.

They were riding about, whilst I was setting my brake up, then started to ride about.

The kids were like "Woah..wow dad..look at that!" B)

Then he started asking me questions about what the sport was called... "it's obviously not a Bmx..what is it?"


Looked like he was trying to get his kids into biking too! Which is good to see, as one looked about 5, the other mayeb 7? I dunno...

My mum doesn't care what I do, as long as i'm not getting wasted or destroying the place. She never actually understood what it is I do on my bike, until we went to Wales a few months back. :rolleyes:

My Dad has watched me ride a few times, and is just like "Just be careful on that thing!" Haha.. :P

Where I live, there's this 'old peoples estate' and around their carpark is a few walls, various sizes. Me and my mate will ride there for a while, well away from the cars and that.

They either come tell us to 'Go and play somewhere else!' or be really impressed and ask to do it again. ^_^

Old people are weird... :P

If people do ask me/us to move on, we'll just say sorry, pack up our stuff, and go somewhere else. That way they might see that we're not trying to cause trouble, and might not mind us riding there next time...

So I wouldn't say it's anti-social, as you meet people on rides etc. And if they do get the police or whatever, if you're polite, they'll see that you're not trying to cause trouble, and be nicer.

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Just to clear this up guys anti social means different things in different contexts.

In this context it means:

'opposed or detrimental to social order or the principles on which society is constituted.'

'a pattern of behavior in which social norms and the rights of others are persistently violated.'

Not that I think Trials riding is in any way shape or form!


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don't think that its anti-social, were not trying to destroy things on purpose or anything..

never had any real problems with it too, just some old woman whining that i took some wooden poles out of the ground, but they were already there when i came there..she didnt believe me and said she would call the police :P

so she stood in front of her window and acted as if she was calling the police, bit weird that her mouth didnt even move during the whole ''conversation'' with the police :P

fortunatly there are some old people who appreciate it aswell, this old man walked up to me and said that i should continue and i wasnt bothering anyone with it at all (Y)

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yeah, some people are good with this and some aren't. One of the cops near me is cool with the riding and even helps out with some stuff :D he'll only do something if somebody makes a complaint, but even then he just says "take 5" or " ride around that corner, count to fifty, and then ride back" hes awesome! :P

somebody i knew got taken down the station once for "criminal damage" and when they told him to leave his bike outside he refused and wheeled it around the station. i think it went into the cells with it im not sure.

oldies are cool with it where im from and always say " you be careful " or have a good lagh because you have no seat. its good that they're getting a kick out of something :) they like watching too

its split down the middle but i think that all people seeing us do what we do best think its pretty amazing, even if they hide it behind a wall of complaints.


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I would say street was social, from the remarks I have heard when riding, most people like to see someone ride.

Its the ones who take offence to it that are being anti social.

I have had my name taken by a policeman once, but he was kinda ok about it, he just said if he didnt do anything and people saw him walk by, they might not think he was doing his job.

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Had to many run-ins with the law to mention haha.

The time me and patt donavon were in a quarry, and the police came out and were saying stuff about us on private property...took our names...and when i told him my name..he like -

"Maher, how do you spell that, because theres a lad wanted in grantham by the name of maher for car theft" HAHAHHA - He radio'd in and everything to make sure i wasnt him :lol:

and the time when i had an argument with an old women...she stormed off and was like " thats it, im calling the cops " - 10 minutes later, 2 squad cars turn up :lol: Policeman was like " we have had a report that theres some bikers damagaing the church gardens, was it you"..." Not me dude, ive only just got here ", What a lamo hahaha. He blatenly new i was lying...but what could he do?? he didnt have any proof or nout?

Then theres the time leon neill got arrested in basildon HAHHAHAHAHAH.(well about 3 years ago)

Theres this indooor bus station, and a shed load of rails...everyone was indoors getting food, and leon is backwheeling all these rails.

He comes over and sits with us, then these 2 undercover coppers come over, wipped there badges out, and handcuffed him up, and took him down the station.

He was in the cell's for about 6 and had his prints taken and everything :lol: . I think that was for " anti social behaviour. :rolleyes:

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One thing i hate being asked, is "aren't you to old to be doing that?!" Thats what really annoy's me. As if because Im older im now not allowed to do the sport I love, and some how the rules are different for a younglin!

Bah silly people and silly cops. Altho there are a few good cops round Ivybridge. they were well impressed, and i had a complaint about me being anti social(even though there was about 15 people watching me). I was riding on private property at the time, and they said "unless the get a complaint from the owners, carry on, he is being a dick anyway", talking about the guy complaining. But they did remind me to be safe, and make sure im not being a dick towards other people.

Love it.

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I was asked to leave Temple Quay near Bristol Station over the weekend. I know a few of you ride there - has any one else had this? Its was a security guard who was quite polite and said I couldnt ride there because it was private property so I left quietly and respectfully.

I cant see how it is anti social either. Generally we have a good name for ourselves and arent out to cause damage or drop into crowded areas. I think theres an element of 'fun police' with most complaints - people either exercising authority for the sake of it or who are messed up enough in their own lives to go out of their way to stop other people having fun.

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Had to many run-ins with the law to mention haha.

The time me and patt donavon were in a quarry, and the police came out and were saying stuff about us on private property...took our names...and when i told him my name..he like -

"Maher, how do you spell that, because theres a lad wanted in grantham by the name of maher for car theft" HAHAHHA - He radio'd in and everything to make sure i wasnt him :lol:

and the time when i had an argument with an old women...she stormed off and was like " thats it, im calling the cops " - 10 minutes later, 2 squad cars turn up :lol: Policeman was like " we have had a report that theres some bikers damagaing the church gardens, was it you"..." Not me dude, ive only just got here ", What a lamo hahaha. He blatenly new i was lying...but what could he do?? he didnt have any proof or nout?

Then theres the time leon neill got arrested in basildon HAHHAHAHAHAH.(well about 3 years ago)

Theres this indooor bus station, and a shed load of rails...everyone was indoors getting food, and leon is backwheeling all these rails.

He comes over and sits with us, then these 2 undercover coppers come over, wipped there badges out, and handcuffed him up, and took him down the station.

He was in the cell's for about 6 and had his prints taken and everything :lol: . I think that was for " anti social behaviour. :rolleyes:

Haha mate that is mental! Best one is when you conned the police into saying it wasn't you. Where abouts did all this happen?


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I was asked to leave Temple Quay near Bristol Station over the weekend. I know a few of you ride there - has any one else had this? Its was a security guard who was quite polite and said I couldnt ride there because it was private property so I left quietly and respectfully.

Yeh always get booted off round there. some are nicer than other though. half the time we don't even chat to them - as soon as we see one coming over we leave.

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I have had my name taken by a policeman once, but he was kinda ok about it, he just said if he didnt do anything and people saw him walk by, they might not think he was doing his job.

I think that kind of thing happens quite a bit, like if you're riding in town a security guard comes out of whatever building and says

'I'M SORRY YOU CAN'T RIDE HERE just come back after 5.30 alright?'

It just helps generally if you dont start riding right in busy places in the day time or whatever, half the time security/the police won't even mind you riding but they have to say something because it's their job. Do it a bit more subtly and do yourself and them a favour.

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Yeah, we always get a security guard moing us on from the library car park because its council land, but he just says to go and ride the supermarket carpark beside it, atleast untill his shifts over.

Also riding in a car park a security guy from the shop came oer going 'I've got some bad news for you guys' and we all though he was gunna moe us on, but it turned out he was just telling us they were putting up some railings to stop people coming through fast on bike, we were just like 'How high are these railings gunna be?' haha.

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Never have too many problems, most security in Leeds is ok and only kick us off because its their job. Also just for the general public 80% of people don’t give a shit, 10% thinks is cool and 10% have a problem.

The street wardens used to be a major problem, right little hitlers with no power. All they could do was ask us to stay while they called the police.

Tim has been punched twice in Morley, first just by a random drunk and the other time by this 40ish year old bloke. His elderly parents had a big go at us, we weren’t even riding at the time, just sitting in a public park. They called kenny a pervert too… that’s probably true, but they was no trouble until they showed up, so who is doing the anit-social behaviour there?

I will always remember we were riding some garden/park bit in bangor and this woman had a massive go at us (I think there had been some kids causing trouble and they had bikes, so obviously it was us ) but she said something like ‘how dare you damage this, it built as a place to commenorate something’ she obvisously hadn’t read the sign saying something like ‘this was built to celebrate 20 years of barcleys bank in bangor.’ You’d have thought she would living right by it…haha

Just be polite and don’t ride anywhere to crowded…

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Interesting topic.

I don't get much trouble in Leicester, but then I'm careful where I ride & try not to get in anyone's way.

It's near impossible not to occaisonaly chip a wall if you get something wrong but then I pay a hell of a lot of council tax, income tax, stealth tax etc. that should more than cover any damage I do.

I find people complain then walk off before I can justify what I'm doing, I'd love to point out some of the harmful things that they do (eg. driving cars, wearing clothes made in a sweatshop etc) and that relitively(sp) chiping a wall isn't all that bad.

Still I wish people would check that their hands are clean before they point their fingers (Y)

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about wo weeks ago me and ash were riding the museum in hanley and a blue police riot van comes past so we stop riding whilst they drive past, obviously trying to look innocent. The van drives on and we think nothing of it so we keep on riding thinking sweet they are too busy with other stuff to bother with us lot lol.

So we ride for a little longer, and we are just about to leave when all of a sudden around the corner comes the same riot van and this time it stops so i think here we go bloody pigs. However to my surprise the door of the riot van opens witha bunch of coppers jumping out not telling us off but actually shouting;" That was awesome mate do that again," lol straight away i said that i thought that they were here to tell me and the littlen to stop ridin but instead one of the coppers told me that we were on private property so they couldn't actually do anything about us unless a complaint had been made by the actual place where we were riding. So he said that in future i could ask an officer on what grounds they were telling us to stop and if they didn't have valid reasons that i could carry on lmao :P

Edited by danny B
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Never have too many problems, most security in Leeds is ok and only kick us off because its their job. Also just for the general public 80% of people don’t give a shit, 10% thinks is cool and 10% have a problem.

The street wardens used to be a major problem, right little hitlers with no power. All they could do was ask us to stay while they called the police.

Tim has been punched twice in Morley, first just by a random drunk and the other time by this 40ish year old bloke. His elderly parents had a big go at us, we weren’t even riding at the time, just sitting in a public park. They called kenny a pervert too… that’s probably true, but they was no trouble until they showed up, so who is doing the anit-social behaviour there?

I will always remember we were riding some garden/park bit in bangor and this woman had a massive go at us (I think there had been some kids causing trouble and they had bikes, so obviously it was us ) but she said something like ‘how dare you damage this, it built as a place to commenorate something’ she obvisously hadn’t read the sign saying something like ‘this was built to celebrate 20 years of barcleys bank in bangor.’ You’d have thought she would living right by it…haha

Just be polite and don’t ride anywhere to crowded

I think that is the bottom line guys. Followed by always being able to rag it off if you think your going to get bnadly blamed for something. (guilty or innocent)


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