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Street Trials - Anti Social Behaviour?

Phil H

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Everyone gets the odd person asking them to get off something whilst street riding. But have any of you guys ever been seriously done by the law for riding places?

The only reason I ask this is because im abit worried as I know if I ever got done for criminal damage from riding something I wasn't supposed too my dad would actually destroy my bike. :(

I showed my mum a sick riding video (Neil Tuncliffe) and she thought it was really 'antisocial' :ermm:



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Depends on your style, if you tend to ride UCI type stuff and try not to use your bash plate then I don't see the problem, those who use their bash and stuff have to expect people to be pissed the odd time.

I'd imagine BMX's do much more damage.

Can't believe you mum thought riding was 'anti social' it amazes me how narrow minded some people are, Neil has probobly met more people through riding than through anything else, perhaps not best friends and all, but even just people stopping in the street talking and such....

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Depends on your style, if you tend to ride UCI type stuff and try not to use your bash plate then I don't see the problem, those who use their bash and stuff have to expect people to be pissed the odd time.

I'd imagine BMX's do much more damage.

Can't believe you mum thought riding was 'anti social' it amazes me how narrow minded some people are, Neil has probobly met more people through riding than through anything else, perhaps not best friends and all, but even just people stopping in the street talking and such....

Yeh I kinda agree but your not thinking of the right sense of the word 'antisocial' its not to do with like friends. Its to do with the community and disrubting others. Like an ASBO (anti social behaviour order) is something you can get for loads of stuff.

And unfortunately people dont know whether you are riding UCI style and they probably dont even know if your riding a bmx or a trials bike so from their view any riding would be bad.

If anytihng I have more people smile at me when im riding because they are impressed than people who grumble.


The chief cop of our police station hates us down here, even if we ride UCI he still blames all the damage on us. He said next time he catches us, even just dropping a wall or hopping on top of it on a he said he would arrest us for criminal damage (N)

That is absoultely mad. How do you tackle this? Ride more natural stuff?


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Well the police dont mind round here, in ivybridge they just ask me to move on, if its busy. But if your always friendly and polite you shouldnt have to worry about anything from them really. Its the same in plymouth, they will ask you to move on befor they get pissy with you. The only people ive ever had troubles with are people that are stuck up their own asses, and old people. There is also this one street cleaner in Plymouth who is a complete dick and he himself is anti social rather then the locals, who can sometimes gather a crowd, and are always polite... well some more then others!

It does however depend completely on the dick of a cop you get!

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Yeh I kinda agree but your not thinking of the right sense of the word 'antisocial' its not to do with like friends. Its to do with the community and disrubting others. Like an ASBO (anti social behaviour order) is something you can get for loads of stuff.

And unfortunately people dont know whether you are riding UCI style and they probably dont even know if your riding a bmx or a trials bike so from their view any riding would be bad.

If anytihng I have more people smile at me when im riding because they are impressed than people who grumble.


Same here especial when the holiday makers are around i get loads of pics and videos took and i'm not usually doing big stuff in the photos. But were going to see the council to see if they can get us an area to do it with some crates and all that crap because weve been complained about tomany times.

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Well the police dont mind round here, in ivybridge they just ask me to move on, if its busy. But if your always friendly and polite you shouldnt have to worry about anything from them really. Its the same in plymouth, they will ask you to move on befor they get pissy with you. The only people ive ever had troubles with are people that are stuck up their own asses, and old people. There is also this one street cleaner in Plymouth who is a complete dick and he himself is anti social rather then the locals, who can sometimes gather a crowd, and are always polite... well some more then others!

It does however depend completely on the dick of a cop you get!

Yeh completely. If people are polite to me I'll be polite back but when people just jump in with some crap about their taxes having to be paid towards walls like that we ride it makes me judge them as idiots straight away. We dont get troulbe from the cops here in Fleet atall because it isn't a big place but I can imagine in a massive town/city there must be loads around.

There is one old guy who tried to take my friend out just for riding on the pavement! :S

I hope I never get old and grumpy :lol:


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No, jake is kinda right about how silly narrow-minded people can be. A lot of people just think trials is where some 'kids' go out on their bikes and jump stuff and break stuff.

They think that we're little devils sometimes, and it doesn't help that some riders are genuine chumps. Mouthing it off to police men and members of that public aren't clever or big, it's just chav-like and nothing short of mongness.

I do agree that some members of the public are very narrow-minded and think negatively of others, which sucks. Just deal with them sensibly, but don't start being rude or cocky or it'll just get worse. THere are still plenty of people who are supportive of trials and enjoy watching it, like some families and couples walking through the street who clap and give some support when you're riding.

Most of you London riders'll know who's giving us a particularly bad name by smashing up walls and being rude to a lot of people. :turned:

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around my area (reading and wokingham) the police dont do anything, they sometimes stop and chat to us but never kicked off.

worst we have had is a station gaurd threatening to wrap our bikees round our heads but thats not bad at all (Y)


Yeh thats the same here - I like it like that. I'll give you a shout for a ride sometime if you would be up for it I live not far from reading.

Right guys, Im off for a ride, will continue this topic later.


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Well the police dont mind round here, in ivybridge they just ask me to move on, if its busy. But if your always friendly and polite you shouldnt have to worry about anything from them really. Its the same in plymouth, they will ask you to move on befor they get pissy with you. The only people ive ever had troubles with are people that are stuck up their own asses, and old people. There is also this one street cleaner in Plymouth who is a complete dick and he himself is anti social rather then the locals, who can sometimes gather a crowd, and are always polite... well some more then others!

It does however depend completely on the dick of a cop you get!

The rest usually don't mind they just chat to us to but the cheif one hates us he will find away to have a go at us any way he can :angry:

Edited by lawrence osborn
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Only thing we ever get is really Told to move along from places, But hever been told that i have been damanging things.

Even just in my street jumping about on the kirbs people say things like 'wow that was impressive' or as One person said for a joke ' Is the circus in town?'

However this is only around aberdeen so it's not that big a city, may be worse in places like London

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Yeh I kinda agree but your not thinking of the right sense of the word 'antisocial' its not to do with like friends. Its to do with the community and disrubting others. Like an ASBO (anti social behaviour order) is something you can get for loads of stuff.

And unfortunately people dont know whether you are riding UCI style and they probably dont even know if your riding a bmx or a trials bike so from their view any riding would be bad.

If anytihng I have more people smile at me when im riding because they are impressed than people who grumble.


That is absoultely mad. How do you tackle this? Ride more natural stuff?


In which case these people need to have a look at themselves rather than us.

I know that you mean anti social in the sense of causing 'criminal damage' but the point is that if it was ever brought to court, I'd imagine that you would not get convicted of 'criminal damage,' especially if your local council has done NOTHING to provide anywhere else for you to ride.

It seems these days that unless something is accepted by everyone, it's 'anti social'

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Most people are ok where i normally ride (lincoln) a few weeks ago some guy came over and was really interested n thought it was good (made my ride :Dlol) the community support officers are all wankers (thats everywhere though lol) and they make us move on alot and yesterday we got warned by some guy that the pigs were comming down to give us all 80quid spot fines :angry: so we had to f**k off prety fast lol. I've not had to many complaints from the public though (Y) .

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that's parents for you...they get used to it :)

if anyone ever says to me that im damaging things their council tax pays for i remind them that more of their council tax goes towards rehabilitation for druggies - so i could go do that if they'd rather?

then see their faces.

funniest one i ever had was over the summer in bristol. some suited and booted business men said to one another "psh when the summer holidays are over they'll all go back to school and do something worthwhile"

so i obviously i reminded them i was 20 years old and part way towards getting a degree.

dick heads

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One thing that really winds me up is the numpty's who say "Hope he falls and breaks his neck". Who do they think they are making a statement like that? Generally people are fairly oblivious to what I'm doing providing I keep out of their way. You'll get the odd old person tutting or shaking their head but are generally too scared to say anything! Then there's those who are genuinely interested in riding and ask sensible questions and think it's great.

As has been said, the problem is those narrow minded people who think that having fun is bad and any hobby which isn't 'normal' must be the work of the devil. Leave them to think what they want and go about their sad existence and just keep riding!!


Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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that's parents for you...they get used to it :)

if anyone ever says to me that im damaging things their council tax pays for i remind them that more of their council tax goes towards rehabilitation for druggies - so i could go do that if they'd rather?

then see their faces.

funniest one i ever had was over the summer in bristol. some suited and booted business men said to one another "psh when the summer holidays are over they'll all go back to school and do something worthwhile"

so i obviously i reminded them i was 20 years old and part way towards getting a degree.

dick heads

HAHA yeh I agree. I was going to tell the old person that when I was older my taxes would go towards keeping him alive - but I thought it unnecersarry.

Yeh some idiots out there has to be said.


One thing that really winds me up is the numpty's who say "Hope he falls and breaks his neck". Who do they think they are making a statement like that? Generally people are fairly oblivious to what I'm doing providing I keep out of their way. You'll get the odd old person tutting or shaking their head but are generally too scared to say anything! Then there's those who are genuinely interested in riding and ask sensible questions and think it's great.

As has been said, the problem is those narrow minded people who think that having fun is bad and any hobby which isn't 'normal' must be the work of the devil. Leave them to think what they want and go about their sad existence and just keep riding!!


Ha yeh. I dont know about you guys but what I get asked every ride I go on is 'where is your seat?' Yet im comforted when some people say 'look he must be a trials rider' (only a couple do) which atleast means the profile of the sport isn't too low.


P.S cheers for all your views guys

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I was riding yesterday with a mate (he's really good) he did a 6ft (ish) drop and my mum said f**kin' idiot, and then i showed her a vid of him and Nick Wood riding and said i'm not interested (she's such a moaner) but i broke a step yesterday after landing on it, it f**king hurt, but it's accidental not like i wanted my brake to slip and i fall down breaking it.

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thats like the 8th time you've posted about your broken step.

as for being anti-social when riding... us guys obviously enjoy what we do, much like other people like kicking a

ball around the street. I just think if you do really enjoy it then you shouldn't care what anyone thinks or says,

just get on and enjoy yourself. You wont be young forever and I dont want to be regretting anything when I'm

past it :-

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thats like the 8th time you've posted about your broken step.

as for being anti-social when riding... us guys obviously enjoy what we do, much like other people like kicking a

ball around the street. I just think if you do really enjoy it then you shouldn't care what anyone thinks or says,

just get on and enjoy yourself. You wont be young forever and I dont want to be regretting anything when I'm

past it :-

COULD NOT AGREE MORE. Everytime someone says something to me all I think is that im enjoying being young.


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